This document describes the gradle plugin for OpenAPI Generator.
Tasks are listed under the "OpenAPI Tools" tasks heading.
task name | description |
openApiGenerate |
Generate code via Open API Tools Generator for Open API 2.0 or 3.x specification documents. |
openApiGenerators |
Lists generators available via Open API Generators. |
openApiMeta |
Generates a new generator to be consumed via Open API Generator. |
openApiValidate |
Validates an Open API 2.0 or 3.x specification document. |
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.openapitools:openapi-generator-gradle-plugin:3.1.1"
apply plugin: 'org.openapi.generator'
The gradle plugin is not currently published to |
Key | Data Type | Default | Description |
verbose |
Boolean |
false |
The verbosity of generation |
generatorName |
String |
None |
The name of the generator which will handle codegen. |
outputDir |
String |
None |
The output target directory into which code will be generated. |
inputSpec |
String |
None |
The Open API 2.0/3.x specification location. |
templateDir |
String |
None |
The template directory holding a custom template. |
auth |
String |
None |
Adds authorization headers when fetching the OpenAPI definitions remotely. Pass in a URL-encoded string of name:header with a comma separating multiple values. |
systemProperties |
Map(String,String) |
None |
Sets specified system properties. |
configFile |
String |
None |
Path to json configuration file. See OpenAPI Generator readme for structure details. |
skipOverwrite |
Boolean |
false |
Specifies if the existing files should be overwritten during the generation. |
apiPackage |
String |
(generator specific) |
Package for generated api classes. |
modelPackage |
String |
(generator specific) |
Package for generated model classes. |
modelNamePrefix |
String |
None |
Prefix that will be prepended to all model names. |
modelNameSuffix |
String |
None |
Suffix that will be appended to all model names. |
instantiationTypes |
Map(String,String) |
None |
Sets instantiation type mappings. |
typeMappings |
Map(String,String) |
None |
Sets mappings between OpenAPI spec types and generated code types. |
additionalProperties |
Map(String,String) |
None |
Sets additional properties that can be referenced by the mustache templates. |
languageSpecificPrimitives |
List(String) |
None |
Specifies additional language specific primitive types in the format of type1,type2,type3,type3. For example: String,boolean,Boolean,Double. |
importMappings |
Map(String,String) |
None |
Specifies mappings between a given class and the import that should be used for that class. |
invokerPackage |
String |
None |
Root package for generated code. |
groupId |
String |
None |
GroupId in generated pom.xml/build.gradle or other build script. Language-specific conversions occur in non-jvm generators. |
id |
String |
None |
ArtifactId in generated pom.xml/build.gradle or other build script. Language-specific conversions occur in non-jvm generators. |
version |
String |
None |
Artifact version in generated pom.xml/build.gradle or other build script. Language-specific conversions occur in non-jvm generators. |
library |
String |
None |
Reference the library template (sub-template) of a generator. |
gitUserId |
String |
None |
Git user ID, e.g. openapitools. |
gitRepoId |
String |
None |
Git repo ID, e.g. openapi-generator. |
releaseNote |
String |
'Minor update' |
Release note. |
httpUserAgent |
String |
None |
HTTP user agent, e.g. codegen_csharp_api_client. Generator default is 'OpenAPI-Generator/{packageVersion}}/{language}', but may be generator-specific. |
reservedWordsMappings |
Map(String,String) |
None |
Specifies how a reserved name should be escaped to. Otherwise, the default _<name> is used. |
ignoreFileOverride |
String |
None |
Specifies an override location for the .openapi-generator-ignore file. Most useful on initial generation. |
removeOperationIdPrefix |
Boolean |
false |
Remove prefix of operationId, e.g. config_getId ⇒ getId. |
apiFilesConstrainedTo |
List(String) |
None |
Defines which API-related files should be generated. This allows you to create a subset of generated files (or none at all). See Note Below. |
modelFilesConstrainedTo |
List(String) |
None |
Defines which model-related files should be generated. This allows you to create a subset of generated files (or none at all). See Note Below. |
supportingFilesConstrainedTo |
List(String) |
None |
Defines which supporting files should be generated. This allows you to create a subset of generated files (or none at all). See Note Below. |
generateModelTests |
Boolean |
true |
Defines whether or not model-related test files should be generated. |
generateModelDocumentation |
Boolean |
true |
Defines whether or not model-related documentation files should be generated. |
generateApiTests |
Boolean |
true |
Defines whether or not api-related test files should be generated. |
generateApiDocumentation |
Boolean |
true |
Defines whether or not api-related documentation files should be generated. |
withXml |
Boolean |
false |
A special-case setting which configures some generators with XML support. In some cases, this forces json OR xml, so the default here is false. |
configOptions |
Map(String,String) |
None |
A map of options specific to a generator. |
Configuring any one of For more control over generation of individual files, configure an ignore file and refer to it via |
Key | Data Type | Default | Description |
inputSpec |
String |
None |
The input specification to validate. Supports all formats supported by the Parser. |
Key | Data Type | Default | Description |
generatorName |
String |
None |
The human-readable generator name of the newly created template generator. |
packageName |
String |
org.openapitools.codegen |
The packageName generatorName to put the main class into. |
outputFolder |
String |
Current Directory |
Where to write the generated files |
This task exposes all options available via OpenAPI Generator CLI and the OpenAPI Generator Maven Plugin.
openApiGenerate {
generatorName = "kotlin"
inputSpec = "$rootDir/specs/petstore-v3.0.yaml".toString()
outputDir = "$buildDir/generated".toString()
apiPackage = "org.openapi.example.api"
invokerPackage = "org.openapi.example.invoker"
modelPackage = "org.openapi.example.model"
modelFilesConstrainedTo = [
configOptions = [
dateLibrary: "java8"
The above code demonstrates configuration of global options as well as generator-specific config options.
This is an output-only listing task. There’s no need to add configuration to build.gradle.
$ ./gradlew openApiGenerators
> Task :openApiGenerators
The following generators are available:
CLIENT generators:
- ada
SERVER generators:
- ada-server
- cwiki
CONFIG generators:
- apache2
OTHER generators:
1 actionable task: 1 executed
Generator type listings in the above example have been truncated to avoid potential confusion with changing generator support. Please run the above task to list all available generators. |
openApiMeta {
generatorName = "Jim"
packageName = "us.jimschubert.example"
$ ./gradlew openApiMeta
> Task :openApiMeta
Wrote file to /Users/jim/my_project/pom.xml
Wrote file to /Users/jim/my_project/src/main/java/us/jimschubert/example/
Wrote file to /Users/jim/my_project/
Wrote file to /Users/jim/my_project/src/main/resources/jim/api.mustache
Wrote file to /Users/jim/my_project/src/main/resources/jim/model.mustache
Wrote file to /Users/jim/my_project/src/main/resources/jim/myFile.mustache
Wrote file to /Users/jim/my_project/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.openapitools.codegen.CodegenConfig
Created generator JimGenerator
1 actionable task: 1 executed
openApiValidate {
inputSpec = "/src/openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/petstore.yaml"
$ ./gradlew openApiValidate --input=/Users/jim/projects/openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/ping.yaml
> Task :openApiValidate
Validating spec /Users/jim/projects/openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/ping.yaml
Spec is valid.
1 actionable task: 1 executed
$ ./gradlew openApiValidate
> Task :openApiValidate FAILED
Validating spec /Users/jim/projects/openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/petstore.yaml
Spec is invalid.
attribute info is missing
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':openApiValidate'.
> Validation failed.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
$ ./gradlew openApiValidate --input=/Users/jim/projects/openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/petstore.yaml