The properties specific to the "rollbackDiscount" effect. This gets triggered whenever previously closed session is now cancelled or partially returned and a setDiscount effect was cancelled on our internal discount limit counters.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | string | The name of the "setDiscount" effect that was rolled back. | |
Value | decimal | The value of the discount that was rolled back. | |
CartItemPosition | decimal | The index of the item in the cart items for which the discount was rolled back. | [optional] |
CartItemSubPosition | decimal | For cart items with `quantity` > 1, the subposition returns the index of the item unit in its line item. | [optional] |
AdditionalCostId | int | The ID of the additional cost that was rolled back. | [optional] |
AdditionalCost | string | The name of the additional cost that was rolled back. | [optional] |
Scope | string | The scope of the rolled back discount - For a discount per session, it can be one of `cartItems`, `additionalCosts` or `sessionTotal` - For a discount per item, it can be one of `price`, `additionalCosts` or `itemTotal` | [optional] |