Points to add.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Points | decimal | Amount of loyalty points. | |
Name | string | Name / reason for the point addition. | [optional] |
ValidityDuration | string | The time format is either: - `immediate` or, - an integer followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `immediate`, `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can round certain units up or down: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. If passed, `validUntil` should be omitted. | [optional] |
ValidUntil | DateTime | Date and time when points should expire. The value should be provided in RFC 3339 format. If passed, `validityDuration` should be omitted. | [optional] |
PendingDuration | string | The amount of time before the points are considered valid. The time format is either: - `immediate` or, - an integer followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `immediate`, `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can round certain units up or down: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. | [optional] |
PendingUntil | DateTime | Date and time after the points are considered valid. The value should be provided in RFC 3339 format. If passed, `pendingDuration` should be omitted. | [optional] |
SubledgerId | string | ID of the subledger the points are added to. If there is no existing subledger with this ID, the subledger is created automatically. | [optional] |
ApplicationId | int | ID of the Application that is connected to the loyalty program. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. | [optional] |