This is a fork of t3dotgg/unduck. Check out Theo's hosted version at for the original experience.
Add this URL as a custom search engine to your browser to use DuckDuckGo's bangs, but faster:
DuckDuckGo does their redirects server side. Their DNS is...not always great. Result is that it often takes ages.
I solved this by doing all of the work client side. Once you've went to once, the JS is all cached and will never need to be downloaded again. Your device does the redirects, not me or any other server.
This is primarily my personal fork to experiment with PWAs but I do have a few ideas that I would love to add to this.
- Bangs
- Dark Mode
- Settings (for things like disabling search history and changing default bang)
- Search counter
- OpenSearch support
- Search History (clearable, all local, and disabled by default ofc)
- Fancy sounds (disabled if you have
set; sounds only account for198.5 KB
of the717.4 KB
total size) - Cute little text animations
- Auto updating bangs file! (I'm using a GitHub Action to update the bangs file every 24 hours)
- Hashmapped bangs for faster searching
- local font file to avoid google fonts
- redirects to the base page of a bang if there is no query (e.g.
will take you to and!yt
will take you to - Suffix bangs (e.g.
ghr! taciturnaxolotl/unduckified
will take you to this github repo) - Quick settings (e.g.
will take you to the settings page) - Custom local bangs! (thanks to for the suggestion)
- Weekly bang checks to ensure that all bangs still work and excludes those that don't
I would love to add:
Search suggestions(as far as I can tell this essentially impossible to do natively with either firefox or chrome; please correct me if I'm wrong though. In this case I would very much love to be wrong)
and then some more really ambitious stuff like:
- Optimistic UI chat wrapper (basically but entirely on your own machine and completely free and unlimited and oss)
- Meta search engine as the default bang (so you can search Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. all at once) this one is inspired by mat-1/metasearch2 but without the middleman server.
Umm yeah, I know I might not get to all of that and yes this is essentially me finally discovering PWAs and wanting to smash everything into one lol.
The total size of the app is 717.4 KB
(one time download)
graph TD
subgraph Resources by Size
A[index-B8HLUc3J.js<br/>contains all the ddg bangs<br/>482.5 KB]
B[Font File<br/>25.1 KB]
subgraph Audio Files
C[Audio Files<br/>198.5 KB Total]
subgraph Small Assets
D[SVGs & CSS<br/>~11 KB]
title Network Waterfall Chart
dateFormat HH:mm:ss.SSS
axisFormat %L
section Initial HTML
GET / (2.8 KB) :done, h1, 10:07:29.038, 208ms
section JavaScript
beacon.min.js :done, b1, 10:07:29.279, 0ms
index-B8HLUc3J.js (482.5 KB) :done, j1, 10:07:29.286, 32ms
registerSW.js (2.2 KB) :done, j2, 10:07:29.287, 60ms
beacon.min.js (2nd) :done, b2, 10:07:29.383, 0ms
section Styles
Main CSS (3.8 KB) :done, c2, 10:07:29.287, 60ms
Font File (25.1 KB) :done, f1, 10:07:29.379, 46ms
section Assets
gear.svg (2.5 KB) :done, s1, 10:07:29.494, 58ms
clipboard.svg (2.4 KB) :done, s2, 10:07:29.495, 63ms
search.svg (2.4 KB) :done, s3, 10:07:29.589, 32ms
section Audio
heavier-tick-sprite.mp3 (22.4 KB) :done, a1, 10:07:29.495, 33ms
toggle-off.mp3 (34.3 KB) :done, a2, 10:07:29.495, 32ms
toggle-on.mp3 (34.3 KB) :done, a3, 10:07:29.496, 46ms
click.mp3 (34.3 KB) :done, a4, 10:07:29.497, 35ms
double.mp3 (34.3 KB) :done, a5, 10:07:29.498, 44ms
foot-switch.mp3 (34.3 KB):done, a6, 10:07:29.498, 38ms
© 2025-present Kieran Klukas forked from t3dotgg/unduck