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Releases: swisscom/backman

1.28.0 - Add direct S3 option for elasticdump

23 Apr 09:35
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Adds optional configuration flag direct_s3 for Elasticsearch services, enables elasticdump to directly stream backup from/to S3.

Note: do not combine this with S3 encryption or else backman will not be able to download backup files anymore!

1.27.2 - Extend API responses, update Swagger doc

16 Apr 10:35
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Extends API responses with additional information, filename on on querying current state.
Updates generated Swagger doc.

1.27.1 - Update Golang and dependencies

16 Apr 09:36
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Merged #47
Updates Golang and dependencies to latest versions.

Thanks @padyx 👍️

1.27.0 - Add custom options for MySQL backups

13 Apr 13:40
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Merged #46
Adds custom backup and restore options passed to mysqldump.
The user may specify two arrays of strings in the configuration - backup_options and restore_options

Thanks @janekolszak 👍️

1.26.0 - Add S3 client option to disable SSL verification

01 Apr 09:41
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Adds an S3 client option to disable the SSL verification

1.25.1 - Small bugfix in service detection

01 Apr 08:37
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Small bugfix in overall service detection if S3 storage is a "user-provided" service.

1.25.0 - Improve detection of service type

31 Mar 14:30
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Improves the automatic detection of service types for backup/restore.

1.24.1 - Backwards compatible encryption

17 Mar 10:41
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Introduces backwards compatible encryption method. All previous, current and future versions of encrypted backups are now be readable by backman.

Many thanks to @izolight

1.24.0 - Use derived key for backup encryption (breaking change!)

15 Mar 15:53
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Switches backman to using a derived encryption key based on the given key and unique backup filename.
Fixes #41.

Breaking change ‼️

This is not backwards compatible with previous releases of backman. If you have been using the s3 backup encryption feature before v1.24.0 then the new backman versions will no longer be able to decrypt your old backups anymore. Download important backups before upgrading to the latest version. (Or downgrade backman to v1.23.1 if you need to use one of your older backups)

1.23.1 - Fix golang binary build

10 Mar 14:28
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Fixes golang binary build process, using a multistage docker image build.