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tom’s daily digest


  1. Promisees Promise visualization playground for the adventurous a really sweet promise visualization
  2. re: What's the best, if any, way to detect "conflicts" w/ CSS vars names between components?; answered by Monica Dinosaurescu of polymer via me
  3. An iOS developer on React Native; via Rafał Bromirski
  4. 3030 game chrome bug turned into a "fun" game; via Addy Osmani
  5. so it turns out, you can npm install linux now (on OSX, but still)
  6. How To Protect SSH With Two-Factor Authentication not that I would recommend that, but an interesting idea; via Randall Koutnik
  7. What forces layout / reflow a quite extensive list by Paul Irish
  8. The HTTP/2 implementation (RFC 7240, 7241) in nginx; via Ilya Grigorik
  9. Accessibility Developer Tools for chrome - a must-have, IMO
  10. Listen to your engineers.; via Stefan Judis
  11. SpeckJS Comment Driven Development; via Łukasz Kliś
  12. Moebio Framework Moebio Framework is a JavaScript toolkit for performing data analysis and creating visualizations. we'll see about that :)...; via Radimir Bitsov
  13. HTTP 203 goes podcast!; via Jake Archibald


  1. The toxic side of free. Or: how I lost the love for my side project (part 2) by Remy Sharp
  2. Polymer Summit 2015 videos had a pleasure to attend it - worth watching ;)
  3. "Native apps can’t out-web the web, and web apps should embrace that."; via Reginald Braithwaite
  4. dom-class A lightweight, cross browser, simplification of WebComponents. by Andrea Giammarchi interesting concept
  5. I'm a c++ programmer. Please sell me on javascript.; via Axel Rauschmayer
  6. Demystifying GraphQL by Gerald Monaco
  7. React Native for Android: How we built the first cross-platform React Native app React is at it again, eh?
  8. Slider Design: Rules of Thumb; via Stephanie Walter
  9. A proof that React is NOT the new jQuery ;)
  10. Modernizr 3: A new release and website
  11. Tonic the * repl for node
  12. proposal to add document.ready promise


  1. Less CSS mess; via Harry Roberts
  2. Never see localhost SSL warnings again; via Mike MacCana


Seems like I am slowly leaning towards "tom's weekly" - hard to find spare time to read ATM ;-)

  1. 5 Questions Every Unit Test Must Answer by Eric Elliot
  2. Getting Started With Falcor; via Jesus Rodriguez
  3. IT "translator"
  4. History API: Scroll Restoration by Paul Lewis
  5. Accessibility - beyond the screen reader; via Heydon Pickering
  6. Flash-Free Clipboard for the Web; via Alex Rauschmayer
  7. SocketCluster An open source framework to build your own scalable realtime apps and microservices.; via Randall Koutnik
  8. 2014 The Year in Interactive Storytelling, Graphics and Multimedia by The New York Times; via Stefan Judis
  9. Standards for Web apps on mobile – August 2015; via Stefan Judis
  10. Automating resource selection with Client Hints interesting...; via Stefan Judis
  11. HTTP/2 - 115 days with the RFC
  12. Are JavaScript Comments Useless?; via Axel Rauschmayer
  13. github: Protected branches and required status checks


It's been a while, eh? brace yourself - today's list will be the longest, thus far. Sorry for the missing sources - got lost, since I had the list below bookmarked...

  1. CSS modules tempted to use this soonish
  2. Things you can do with native DOM from the maybe I don't have to use jQuery for this one task collection
  3. Falcor A JavaScript library for efficient data fetching I've been waiting for this one, to be honest
  4. Proper testing of Angular JS applications with ES6 modules not ideal for every situation, but worth reading
  5. Lessons Learned From Reading Postmortems
  6. The worst mistake of computer science
  7. backdooring your javascript using minifier bugs
  8. querySelectorAll from an element probably doesn't do what you think it does
  9. Introducing vtop — A Terminal Activity Monitor in Node.js; via Rafał Bromirski
  10. Cameron’s World
  11. How to write a great error message; via Stefan Judis
  12. Why you probably want to disable jQuery.parseHTML even though you don't call it AKA jQuery and XSS; via Web Platform Daily
  13. The JavaScript Misdirection Contest; via Axel Rauschmayer
  14. Mo’ Tools, Mo’ Problems A Guide to Picking the Perfect Design Tool
  15. “DRY” is about a code smell, not a principle unto itself. The principle is that of Single Responsibility. true dat
  16. SexyCyborg goes Pentesting
  17. 💩 Ads add 17 seconds (+340%) to this website’s load time; via 10 Ad Blocking Extensions Tested for Best Performance
  18. Stop Using React for EVERYTHING!; via Christian Heilmann
  19. Death to Bullshit; via Brad Frost
  20. How to view-source of a Chrome extension by Paul Irish
  21. What’s your legacy? by Marcy Sutton
  22. A tmux Primer; via Randall Koutnik
  23. first implementation of requestIdleCallback is in Chrome Canary
  24. Selecting an entire sentence within a paragraph via double click with -ms-user-select: element in Edge
  25. 7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI (Part 1) A non-artsy primer in digital aesthetics; via Greg McVerry
  26. “TDD creates consumption awareness: when you create a unit test, you are creating the first consumer of the code under development.”
  27. infinite unwinder; via Hakim El Hattab


  1. Getting the “abc” right by Andrea Giammarchi
  2. Performance update #2: Electric Boogaloo insight @ improvements by Vox media; via Scott Jehl


  1. is now compiled with babeljs
  2. Ember.js 2.0 released
  3. Things You Should Never Do, Part I The bigger the rewrite, the bigger the waste of time; via Randall Koutnik
  4. Push Notifications on the Web - Google Chrome useful, as I've been playing around with those recently; via Ilya Grigorik
  5. GitHub Desktop is now available
  6. The Language of Modular Design - at least 3 sources for this one - good read
  7. Building a desktop application with Electron A detailed guide on building your very own sound machine using JavaScript, Node.js and Electron; via Axel Rauschmayer
  8. Browser Trends August 2015: Chrome Exceeds 50% 🎉 IE9/10 below 2% each 🎉; via Lea Verou
  9. Understanding Critical CSS
  10. Blurring Is the Auto-Tune of UI Design … …and Other Things We Thought About While Designing Wildcard 2.0; via Chris Coyier


  1. tower of babel; via Rafał Bromirski
  2. The Hamburger Menu Doesn't Work; via Radimir Bitsov
  3. how DNS works; via Raquel Vélez
  4. Comparing Performance of Blaze, React, Angular-Meteor and Angular 2 with Meteor
  5. I Want These * Bugs Off My * Internet As presented at Defcon 23 in 2015, I'm talking about how hackers can make the web better, faster, and way more secure. No more Clickjacking!; via Jan Lehnardt


  1. Well, actually; Not all semicolons… Kyle Simpson on clear vs clever; via Roman Blöth
  2. Updated Let's Encrypt Launch Schedule
  3. The technology behind preview photos; via Open Web Platform Daily
  4. What the Flux?! Let’s Redux.; via JavaScript Weekly
  5. Bringing SSL To Your Private Network by Andrea Giammarchi
  6. Here is a regex to match a regex
  7. Scratch JS Write and execute ES6 within DevTools! - a chrome extension
  8. Introducing Backdrop Filters; via Sara Soueidan
  9. PostCSS – Sass Killer or Preprocessing Pretender?; via Front-end Five


  1. Why I am switching to promises; and yet, some people are still stuck @ callback-hell
  2. Promise nuggets
  3. Getting started with ECMAScript 6
  4. A tiny static files serving handler for node


  1. Working out what DNS to prefetch; via Christian Haeringer
  2.; via Rafał Bromirski
  3. BLCK4777 by p01
  4. The PourOver Book; via somekittens; PourOver is a library for simple, fast filtering and sorting of large collections – think 100,000s of items – in the browser. It allows you to build data-exploration apps and archives that run at 60fps, that don’t have to to wait for a database call to render query results. - interesting


  1. cat vs ball of wool lovely!
  2. Opera 31 released
  3. Asynchronous JSON methods for ECMAScript proposal; via Sindre Sorhus
  4. Non-blocking Asynchronous JSON.parse Using The Fetch API
  5. ESLint v1.0.0 released
  6. Fix scrolling performance with CSS will-change property
  7. Redesigning Chrome Android. Part 2 of 2 Layout, UI and motion design
  8. AngularJS 2.0: what we can look forward to, diary.js looks interesting
  9. Update on standardizing shadow DOM and custom elements
  10. Effective JavaScript Codemods Tool assisted code modifications can help evolve complex systems incrementally and aid in maintaining the health of large codebases.
  11. A Designer's Guide to Wearables those animations! via Sara Soueidan


  1. Too Many Tools and Frameworks
  2. Pageload Perf Audits with DevTools Filmstrip in Chrome by Paul Irish
  3. Stephen Hay | The Back(side) of the Class | CSS Day


  1. A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning; via Rafał Bromirski
  2. Web Design: The First 100 Years
  3. The Verge's web sucks; via Christian Heilmann
  4. Lightbeam for Firefox Shine a Light on Who’s Watching You


  1. Javascript, locking and sound, brought to you by the letters W, T and F
  2. Stretchy: Form element autosizing, the way it should be by Lea Verou
  3. Routing your build to container-based infrastructure in TravisCI
  4. The Refactoring Tales by Jack Franklin
  5. Speeding up Javascript Test Time 1000x
  6. lucifer Hot, hot test reloading from Javascript
  7. Stop classifying JavaScript; still, I like the es6 class
  8. DNA + OAuth2
  9. Polymer Summit Monday, September 14th & Tuesday, September 15th, 2015; via Oliver Schmidt
  10. The size of web fonts (per page) quadrupled over the last 2 years by Šime Vidas
  11. ttl podcast with Ilya Grigorik, Google about http/2
  12. px2svg Converts raster images to SVG, using color-run optimization.; via Smashing Magazine
  13. Screenings Watch. Learn. Design.
  14. 26 digital typography rules for beginners
  15. RxMarbles Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables


  1. What do ES6 modules export? by Axel Rauschmayer; via Open Web Platform Daily
  2. Proposal for Encoding Source-Level Environment Information Within Source Maps; via Open Web Platform Daily
  3. Big list of http static server one-liners


  1. PostCSS: The Future is Here
  2. Stop Gratuitous UI Animation
  3. bocker Docker implemented in 100 lines of bash.
  4. vorlon.js An open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript.
  5. Mozarella Firefox - supposedly "old"
  6. Google+: A case study on App Download Interstitials; tl;dr don't force your users to install something they didn't apply for


  1. The 5 ES7 Decorators I want to use, now.; via JavaScript Live
  2. RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags ;)


  1. Minimalist examples of ES6 functionalities; via Rafał Bromirski
  2. CSS snapping is pretty cool! petty cool idea; via Rafał Bromirski


  1. Aborting a fetch interesting discussion
  2. Styleguide A tool to make creating and maintaining styleguides easy.; via Jonathan Snook
  3. Smartphone Test Farm; via Christian Heilmann
  4. ES6 In Depth: Proxies


  1. coverr beautiful, free videos for your homepage
  2. Double Doyle mesmerising
  3. ESLint 1.0.0-rc-1 released
  4. SMIL deprecation in Chromium same goes for Blink; via Sara Soueidan
  5. dimple An object-oriented API for business analytics powered by d3.
  6. Two.js is a two-dimensional drawing api geared towards modern web browsers. It is renderer agnostic enabling the same api to draw in multiple contexts: svg, canvas, and webgl.


  1. The DOM is getting better Many of this newer DOM functionality is very close to jQuery methods, and were probably based upon jQuery’s ease of use.; via Axel Rauschmayer
  2. Styling SVG <use> Content with CSS by Sara Soueidan


  1. What is npm’s prepublish, and why is it so confusing?
  2. An important tweet from the European Blind Union I am guilty of that, lesson learned
  3. jQuery 3.0 and jQuery Compat 3.0 Alpha Versions Released; via Stefan Judis
  4. Spot the unsubscribe! When email marketing met Where’s Waldo?; by Lea Verou
  5. Echochamber.js Commenting without the comments genius and some pages could REALLY use some of this


  1. The boring front-end developer; via Christian Heilmann
  2. Performant CSS Animations: Netflix Case Study; via Radimir Bitsov; I whipped up a quick demo
  3. A Formal Commitment to New Language Features from jshint team
  4. Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons
  5. Optimising a canvas animation by Remy Sharp


  1. Your First GraphQL Server
  2. Grommet ux framework based on reactjs
  3. Why typeof is no longer “safe”


  1. Introducing Incremental DOM
  2. skeleton A dead simple, responsive boilerplate. (am I late to the party?)
  3. materialup; via Stefan Judis


  1. dailyJS is no more I've decided to stop writing DailyJS. It's part of my weekday ritual, and so it's a difficult decision to make, but it's time to move on to other things.
  2. Blowing up LocalStorage (or what happens when you exceed quota); via Eric Elliot
  3. CSS via npm
  4. Stealing Lastpass Passwords With Clickjacking
  5. Revving up JavaScript performance with TurboFan
  6. genfun Prototype-friendly multiple dispatch for JavaScript.
  7. 10 Reasons To Use HTTPS; via Remy Sharp


  1. Introducing Material Design Lite by Addy Osmani


  1. How fast are web workers?


  1. Perf audit: Loading performance of reddit mobile by the one and only Paul Irish; via Stefan Judis a MUST-READ
  2. Making performant React applications


  1. Death to Icon Fonts; via Stefan Judis
  2. The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing; via Christian Haeringer
  3. React v0.14 Beta 1
  4. fly New Generation Build System ; via Christian Haeringer; this comment is worth reading


  1. A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript; via Christian Heilmann


  1. Tail call optimization in ECMAScript 6
  2. Mathematical Web Typography
  3. Rethink Digital Newspapper - NYT design concept; via Kornel
  4. a cheat-sheet for mathematical notation in code form
  5. Introducing moron.js – a new ORM for Node.js


  1. Understanding HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) and preloading it into the browser; via Stefan Judis
  2. Go Offline -- Polycasts #19 Take your Polymer app offline, without writing a single line of JavaScript! Behold the power of Service Worker!
  3. ES6 Katas Just learn a bit of ES6 daily, take one kata a day and fix it away.; via Christian Heilmann


  1. Accessible Footnotes with CSS
  2. My name is only real enough to work at Facebook, not to use on the site - interesting read @ facebook’s „real name policy”
  3. Web performance: Cache efficiency exercise
  4. Viewport sized typography with minimum and maximum sizes; via Christian Heilmann


  1. Angular UI-Router v1.0 preview
  2. AngularU videos; via Radimir Bitsov
  3. Chill the lion SO AWESOME!


  1. ES6 performance across implementations; via kangax
  2. Colin Megill - Inline Styles are About to Kill CSS; via Jonathan Snook
  3. WPD 500 🎇 congrats Open Web Platform Daily 🎇
  4. Introducing Famous Mixed Mode damn, that's crazy (inception!); via John-David Dalton
  5. Directory upload proposal; via Mathias Bynens
  6. CSS modules - mixed feelings... also, there's this article
  7. Designing For (and With) Color Blindness
  8. A General Theory of Reactivity by Kris Kowal
  9. JS Open Day presentation about ES6 hype by Andrea Giammarchi


  1. Apple will change to <link rel="mask-icon" href="whatever.svg" color="#aabbcc">
  2. creative form input field design examples; via Lea Verou
  3. Rendering Improvements for Atom
  4. Top 2 "favorite Flux implementations"
  5. Presentation: Mobile is eating the world
  6. Rethinking the $() by Andrea Giammarchi
  7. Atom 1.0 nice!


  1. Dealing With Compiled Files in Git
  2. cuid Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance.
  3. CSS Nesting Module Level 3 looks promising
  4. Universal JavaScript - tl;dr: stop using the term isomorphic javascript
  5. Two React Tips
  6. moon - the way "comming soon" pages should be done
  7. Creating Non-Rectangular Layouts With CSS Shapes
  8. SSL now available to all - tl;dr: jsbin supports https for all
  9. Be mobile friendly with the new W3C Mobile Checker


  1. Conical gradients, today! by Lea Verou
  2. Git Fake Submodules; via Eric Elliot


  1. Optimizing An Important Atom Primitive
  2. From ASM.JS to WebAssembly by Brendan Eich
  3. Adieu Adieu replaces annoying banner ads with images you want to see.; I like the idea, I dislike the pricing... $5 for 500 ads? today it will probably last for less than a day :(
  4. WebAssembly (...) WebAssembly, that defines a portable, size- and load-time-efficient format and execution model specifically designed to serve as a compilation target for the Web.
  5. How to fix the class keyword (Brendan Eich)
  6. Example of real world usage of function bind syntax - interesting
  7. The state of Web Components
  8. Progressive Apps: Escaping Tabs Without Losing Our Soul by Alex Russel
  9. Medium's Progressive App install experience in the wild.
  10. Guitar Tuner by Paul Lewis


  1. Milestone ECMAScript 6 on track for June release; via Axel Rauschmayer
  2. so there's an API to read vehicle data - color me surprised
  3. Snoop Dogg for CEO of Twitter :)
  4. Things I've Learned About Building & Coding HTML Email Templates - this one got lost in the open tabs...
  5. Why am I so afraid of mingling? by Pamela Fox


  1. favicon-bug huge favicon can (and currently will) make your browser/system crash; via Stefan Judis
  2. Data use and privacy in Web services - an interesting read @ Tim Cook’s fundamentally incorrect speach about tech giants selling yor data; via Jake Archibald
  3. Pac-Man in < 512 Bytes of HTML and JavaScript - those things never seize to amaze me
  4. Node.js Foundation Advances Community Collaboration, Announces New Members and Ratified Technical Governance


  1. AngularJS related advices by Dean Sofer; make sure to check out the whole repo too
  2. JavaScript Code Smells; via Radimir Bitsov
  3. Firefox is about to add SVG site icons (favicons, shortcut icons) support and seems to be the first one to do so
  4. Apple's new not-quite-favicon syntax causing problems in other browsers; needs standardization? i don't even... ugh
  5. Writing a Non-blocking JavaScript Quicksort
  6. react-stampit A specialized stampit factory for React.
  7. thread about method compilation techniques in jsblocks
  8. Polymer for the Performance-obsessed by Paul Lewis
  9. What I’ve Learned Working on a Large Open-Source Framework by Marcy Sutton, developer and accessibility specialist @ Angular Material


  1. Announcing “Exploring ES6” by Axel Rauschmayer


  1. position: fixed + overflow: hidden + (plus some relative positioning and z-index stuff)
  2. Securing access to Wikimedia sites with HTTPS by default sweet!


  1. Collateral damage - on Safari’s built-in ad-blocking
  2. Material design icons SVG defs sprite generator - by yours truly, because I needed it (feedback welcome!)
  3. Don’t use pie charts.
  4. "Whose state is it, anyway?" — Further thoughts about React
  5. JavaScript for Virtual Reality by Liv Erickson at JSConf Budapest 2015
  6. Is HTML ‘complete’? by Bruce Lawson
  7. New preview of ES6 fat arrow functions in Chrome by Addy Osmani; via Rafał Bromirski


  1. Style Guide Best Practices slides by Brad Frost
  2. Silon - Implementing logic gates and adders in pure CSS
  3. Against CSS in JS
  4. 25 Coders Worth Following on Twitter in 2015
  5. tota11y - an accessibility visualization toolkit
  6. It’s The Future - fun read :)


  1. demo of D3 4.0’s forthcoming adoption of ES6 modules - This minified and gzipped build of D3 is only 3,610 bytes, a savings of 93% over the default build! :O
  2. How to undo (almost) anything with Git


  1. Paris Metro lines on a Git graph
  2. Cerebral developer preview - a different take on application state handling
  3. baobab - JavaScript persistent and optionally immutable data tree with cursors.
  4. why it’s better to avoid using SVG fonts anymore
  5. rjx observables vs promises
  6. Block shock - Internet users are increasingly blocking ads, including on their mobiles


  1. 9 Square Pens - lovely!
  2. Measure your site performance when optimized by the Google optimized pages transcoder; via Stefan Judis; fun fact: this page got worse by +1.221s (27.1%)
  3. Why will Angular 2 rock
  4. True Hash Maps in JavaScript


  1. FoxYeah - not really sure how do I feel about it
  2. GitUp - git GUI for osX
  3. underdash lodash & underscore are having a baby
  4. Makefile intro by Isaac Z. Schlueter


  1. gulp v3.9.0 is out


  1. Auditing GitHub users’ SSH key quality
  2. sweet dream webGL


  1. Fetch API POST request body not visible in dev tools
  2. Tiny two way data binding by Remy Sharp


  1. scroll-jacking is interface-jacking
  2. how to create abstract base class in javascript that can't be instantiated
  3. Mitt Romney webfont problem why loading fonts matter
  4. as a new developer good read about how hard it is to get into developing today
  5. facebook addiing option to send encrypted emails
  6. Building SVG Icons with React
  7. Supercharging page load (100 Days of Google Dev) by Jake Archibald
  8. how Sprout Social converted from Less to Sass note to self: @at-root
  9. Is ReactJS really fast?
  10. Tools To Notify You When Dependencies Update

by tomasz stryjewski