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594 lines (341 loc) · 22.6 KB

File metadata and controls

594 lines (341 loc) · 22.6 KB

0.19.0 2021-04-22

This release marks a huge step forward for dry-system, bringing support for Zeitwerk and other autoloaders, plus clearer configuration and improved consistency around component resolution for both finalized and lazy loading containers. Read the announcement post for a high-level tour of the new features.


  • New component_dirs setting on Dry::System::Container, which must be used for specifying the directories which dry-system will search for component source files.

    Each added component dir is relative to the container's root, and can have its own set of settings configured:

    class MyApp::Container < Dry::System::Container
      configure do |config|
        config.root = __dir__
        # Defaults for all component dirs can be configured separately
        config.component_dirs.auto_register = true # default is already true
        # Component dirs can be added and configured independently
        config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
          dir.add_to_load_path = true # defaults to true
          dir.default_namespace = "my_app"
        # All component dir settings are optional. Component dirs relying on default
        # settings can be added like so:
        config.component_dirs.add "custom_components"

    The following settings are available for configuring added component_dirs:

    • auto_register, a boolean, or a proc accepting a Dry::System::Component instance and returning a truthy or falsey value. Providing a proc allows an auto-registration policy to apply on a per-component basis
    • add_to_load_path, a boolean
    • default_namespace, a string representing the leading namespace segments to be stripped from the component's identifier (given the identifier is derived from the component's fully qualified class name)
    • loader, a custom replacement for the default Dry::System::Loader to be used for the component dir
    • memoize, a boolean, to enable/disable memoizing all components in the directory, or a proc accepting a Dry::System::Component instance and returning a truthy or falsey value. Providing a proc allows a memoization policy to apply on a per-component basis

    All component dir settings are optional.

    (@timriley in #155, #157, and #162)

  • A new autoloading-friendly Dry::System::Loader::Autoloading is available, which is tested to work with Zeitwerk 🎉

    Configure this on the container (via a component dir loader setting), and the loader will no longer require any components, instead allowing missing constant resolution to trigger the loading of the required file.

    This loader presumes an autoloading system like Zeitwerk has already been enabled and appropriately configured.

    A recommended setup is as follows:

    require "dry/system/container"
    require "dry/system/loader/autoloading"
    require "zeitwerk"
    class MyApp::Container < Dry::System::Container
      configure do |config|
        config.root = __dir__
        config.component_dirs.loader = Dry::System::Loader::Autoloading
        config.component_dirs.add_to_load_path = false
        config.component_dirs.add "lib" do |dir|
          # ...
    loader =
    loader.push_dir MyApp::Container.config.root.join("lib").realpath

    (@timriley in #153)

  • [BREAKING] Dry::System::Component instances (which users of dry-system will interact with via custom loaders, as well as via the auto_register and memoize component dir settings described above) now return a Dry::System::Identifier from their #identifier method. The raw identifier string may be accessed via the identifier's own #key or #to_s methods. Identifier also provides a helpful namespace-aware #start_with? method for returning whether the identifier begins with the provided namespace(s) (@timriley in #158)


  • Components with # auto_register: false magic comments in their source files are now properly ignored when lazy loading (@timriley in #155)
  • # memoize: true and # memoize: false magic comments at top of component files are now respected (@timriley in #155)
  • [BREAKING] Dry::System::Container.load_paths! has been renamed to .add_to_load_path!. This method now exists as a mere convenience only. Calling this method is no longer required for any configured component_dirs; these are now added to the load path automatically (@timriley in #153 and #155)
  • [BREAKING] auto_register container setting has been removed. Configured directories to be auto-registered by adding component_dirs instead (@timriley in #155)
  • [BREAKING] default_namespace container setting has been removed. Set it when adding component_dirs instead (@timriley in #155)
  • [BREAKING] loader container setting has been nested under component_dirs, now available as component_dirs.loader to configure a default loader for all component dirs, as well as on individual component dirs when being added (@timriley in #162)
  • [BREAKING] Dry::System::ComponentLoadError is no longer raised when a component could not be lazy loaded; this was only raised in a single specific failure condition. Instead, a Dry::Container::Error is raised in all cases of components failing to load (@timriley in #155)
  • [BREAKING] Dry::System::Container.auto_register! has been removed. Configure component_dirs instead. (@timriley in #157)
  • [BREAKING] The Dry::System::Loader interface has changed. It is now a static interface, no longer initialized with a component. The component is instead passed to each method as an argument: .require!(component), .call(component, *args), .constant(component) (@timriley in #157)
  • [BREAKING] Dry::System::Container.require_path has been removed. Provide custom require behavior by configuring your own loader (@timriley in #153)

Compare v0.18.1...v0.19.0

0.18.1 2020-08-26


  • Made Booter#boot_files a public method again, since it was required by dry-rails (@timriley)

Compare v0.18.0...v0.18.1

0.18.0 2020-08-24


  • New bootable_dirs setting on Dry::System::Container, which accepts paths to multiple directories for looking up bootable component files. (@timriley in PR #151)

    For each entry in the bootable_dirs array, relative directories will be appended to the container's root, and absolute directories will be left unchanged.

    When searching for bootable files, the first match will win, and any subsequent same-named files will not be loaded. In this way, the bootable_dirs act similarly to the $PATH in a shell environment.

Compare v0.17.0...v0.18.0

0.17.0 2020-02-19


  • Works with the latest dry-configurable version (issue #141) (@solnic)


  • Depends on dry-configurable => 0.11.1 now (@solnic)

Compare v0.16.0...v0.17.0

0.16.0 2020-02-15


  • Plugins can now define their own settings which are available in the before(:configure) hook (@solnic)
  • Dependency on dry-configurable was bumped to ~> 0.11 (@solnic)

Compare v0.15.0...v0.16.0

0.15.0 2020-01-30


  • New hook - before(:configure) which a plugin should use if it needs to declare new settings (@solnic)
# in your plugin code
before(:configure) { setting :my_new_setting }

after(:configure) { config.my_new_setting = "awesome" }


  • Centralize error definitions in lib/dry/system/errors.rb (@cgeorgii)
  • All built-in plugins use before(:configure) now to declare their settings (@solnic)

Compare v0.14.1...v0.15.0

0.14.1 2020-01-22


  • Use Kernel.require explicitly to avoid issues with monkey-patched require from ActiveSupport (@solnic)

Compare v0.14.0...v0.14.1

0.14.0 2020-01-21


  • Misspelled plugin name raises meaningful error (issue #132) (@cgeorgii)
  • Fail fast if auto_registrar config contains incorrect path (@cutalion)

Compare v0.13.2...v0.14.0

0.13.2 2019-12-28


  • More keyword warnings (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.13.1...v0.13.2

0.13.1 2019-11-07


  • Fixed keyword warnings reported by Ruby 2.7 (flash-gordon)
  • Duplicates in Dry::System::Plugins.loaded_dependencies (AMHOL)

Compare v0.13.0...v0.13.1

0.13.0 2019-10-13


  • Container.resolve accepts and optional block parameter which will be called if component cannot be found. This makes dry-system consistent with dry-container 0.7.2 (flash-gordon)
    App.resolve('missing.dep') { :fallback } # => :fallback


  • [BREAKING] Container.key? triggers lazy-loading for not finalized containers. If component wasn't found it returns false without raising an error. This is a breaking change, if you seek the previous behavior, use Container.registered? (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.12.0...v0.13.0

0.12.0 2019-04-24


  • Compatibility with dry-struct 1.0 and dry-types 1.0 (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.11.0...v0.12.0

0.11.0 2019-03-22


  • [BREAKING] :decorate plugin was moved from dry-system to dry-container (available in 0.7.0+). To upgrade remove use :decorate and change decorate calls from decorate(key, decorator: something) to decorate(key, with: something) (flash-gordon)
  • [internal] Compatibility with dry-struct 0.7.0 and dry-types 0.15.0

Compare v0.10.1...v0.11.0

0.10.1 2018-07-05


  • Support for stopping bootable components with Container.stop(component_name) (GustavoCaso)


  • When using a non-finalized container, you can now resolve multiple different container objects registered using the same root key as a bootable component (timriley)

Compare v0.10.0...v0.10.1

0.10.0 2018-06-07


  • You can now set a custom inflector on the container level. As a result, the Loader's constructor accepts two arguments: path and inflector, update your custom loaders accordingly (flash-gordon)

    class MyContainer < Dry::System::Container
      configure do |config|
        config.inflector = do |inflections|


  • A helpful error will be raised if an invalid setting value is provided (GustavoCaso)
  • When using setting plugin, will use default values from types (GustavoCaso)
  • Minimal supported ruby version was bumped to 2.3 (flash-gordon)
  • dry-struct was updated to ~> 0.5 (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.9.2...v0.10.0

0.9.2 2018-02-08


  • Default namespace no longer breaks resolving dependencies with identifier that includes part of the namespace (ie mail.mailer) (GustavoCaso)

Compare v0.9.1...v0.9.2

0.9.1 2018-01-03


  • Plugin dependencies are now auto-required and a meaningful error is raised when a dep failed to load (solnic)

Compare v0.9.0...v0.9.1

0.9.0 2018-01-02


  • Plugin API (solnic)
  • :env plugin which adds support for setting env config value (solnic)
  • :logging plugin which adds a default logger (solnic)
  • :decorate plugin for decorating registered objects (solnic)
  • :notifications plugin adding pub/sub bus to containers (solnic)
  • :monitoring plugin which adds monitor method for monitoring object method calls (solnic)
  • :bootsnap plugin which adds support for bootsnap (solnic)


  • [BREAKING] renamed Container.{require=>require_from_root} (GustavoCaso)

Compare v0.8.1...v0.9.0

0.8.1 2017-10-17


  • Aliasing an external component works correctly (solnic)
  • Manually calling :init will also finalize a component (solnic)

Compare v0.8.0...v0.8.1

0.8.0 2017-10-16


  • Support for external bootable components (solnic)
  • Built-in :system components including :settings component (solnic)


  • Lazy-loading components work when a container has default_namespace configured (GustavoCaso)


  • [BREAKING] Improved boot DSL with support for namespacing and lifecycle before/after callbacks (solnic)

Compare v0.7.3...v0.8.0

0.7.3 2017-08-02


  • Container.enable_stubs! calls super too, which actually adds stub API (solnic)
  • Issues with lazy-loading and import in stub mode are gone (solnic)

Compare v0.7.2...v0.7.3

0.7.2 2017-08-02


  • Container.enable_stubs! for test environments which enables stubbing components (GustavoCaso)


  • Component identifiers can now include same name more than once ie (GustavoCaso)
  • Container#boot! was renamed to Container#start (davydovanton)
  • Container#boot was renamed to Container#init (davydovanton)

Compare v0.7.1...v0.7.2

0.7.1 2017-06-16


  • Accept string values for Container's root config (timriley)

Compare v0.7.0...v0.7.1

0.7.0 2017-06-15


  • Added manual_registrar container setting (along with default ManualRegistrar implementation), and registrations_dir setting. These provide support for a well-established place for keeping files with manual container registrations (timriley)

  • AutoRegistrar parses initial lines of Ruby source files for "magic comments" when auto-registering components. An # auto_register: false magic comment will prevent a Ruby file from being auto-registered (timriley)

  • Container.auto_register!, when called with a block, yields a configuration object to control the auto-registration behavior for that path, with support for configuring 2 different aspects of auto-registration behavior (both optional):

    class MyContainer < Dry::System::Container
      auto_register!('lib') do |config|
        config.instance do |component|
          # custom logic for initializing a component
        config.exclude do |component|
          # return true to skip auto-registration of the component, e.g.
          # component.path =~ /entities/
  • A helpful error will be raised if a bootable component's finalize block name doesn't match its boot file name (GustavoCaso)


  • The default_namespace container setting now supports multi-level namespaces (GustavoCaso)
  • Container.auto_register! yields a configuration block instead of a block for returning a custom instance (see above) (GustavoCaso)
  • Container.import now requires an explicit local name for the imported container (e.g. import(local_name: AnotherContainer)) (timriley)

Compare v0.6.0...v0.7.0

0.6.0 2016-02-02


  • Lazy load components as they are resolved, rather than on injection (timriley)
  • Perform registration even though component already required (blelump)

Compare v0.5.1...v0.6.0

0.5.1 2016-08-23


  • Undefined locals or method calls will raise proper exceptions in Lifecycle DSL (aradunovic)

Compare v0.5.0...v0.5.1

0.5.0 2016-08-15

for multi-container setups. As part of this release dry-system has been renamed to dry-system.


  • Boot DSL with:
    • Lifecycle triggers: init, start and stop (solnic)
    • use method which auto-boots a dependency and makes it available in the booting context (solnic)
  • When a component relies on a bootable component, and is being loaded in isolation, the component will be booted automatically (solnic)


  • [BREAKING] Dry::Component::Container is now Dry::System::Container (solnic)
  • [BREAKING] Configurable loader is now a class that accepts container's config and responds to #constant and #instance (solnic)
  • [BREAKING] core_dir renameda to system_dir and defaults to system (solnic)
  • [BREAKING] auto_register! yields Component objects (solnic)

Compare v0.4.3...v0.5.0

0.4.3 2016-08-01


  • Return immediately from Container.load_component if the requested component key already exists in the container. This fixes a crash when requesting to load a manually registered component with a name that doesn't map to a filename (timriley in #24)

Compare v0.4.2...v0.4.3

0.4.2 2016-07-26


  • Ensure file components can be loaded when they're requested for the first time using their shorthand container identifier (i.e. with the container's default namespace removed) (timriley)

Compare v0.4.1...v0.4.2

0.4.1 2016-07-26


  • Require the 0.4.0 release of dry-auto_inject for the features below (in 0.4.0) to work properly (timriley)

Compare v0.4.0...v0.4.1

0.4.0 2016-07-26


  • Support for supplying a default namespace to a container, which is passed to the container's injector to allow for convenient shorthand access to registered objects in the same namespace (timriley in #20)

    # Set up container with default namespace
    module Admin
      class Container < Dry::Component::Container
        configure do |config|
          config.root ="../..")
          config.default_namespace = "admin"
      Import = Container.injector
    module Admin
      class CreateUser
        # "users.repository" will resolve an Admin::Users::Repository instance,
        # where previously you had to identify it as "admin.users.repository"
        include Admin::Import["users.repository"]
  • Support for supplying to options directly to dry-auto_inject's Builder via Dry::Component::Container#injector(options). This allows you to provide dry-auto_inject customizations like your own container of injection strategies (timriley in #20)

  • Support for accessing all available injector strategies, not just the defaults (e.g. MyContainer.injector.some_custom_strategy) (timriley in #19)


  • Subclasses of Dry::Component::Container no longer have an Injector constant automatically defined within them. The recommended approach is to save your own injector object to a constant, which allows you to pass options to it at the same time, e.g. MyApp::Import = MyApp::Container.injector(my_options) (timriley in #19)

Compare v0.3.0...v0.4.0

0.3.0 2016-06-18

Removed two pieces that are moving to dry-web:


  • Removed two pieces that are moving to dry-web:
  • Removed env setting from Container (timriley)
  • Removed Dry::Component::Config and options setting from Container (timriley)
  • Changed Component#configure behavior so it can be run multiple times for configuration to be applied in multiple passes (timriley)

Compare v0.2.0...v0.3.0

0.2.0 2016-06-13


  • Fixed bug where specified auto-inject strategies were not respected (timriley)


  • Component core directory is now component/ by default (timriley)
  • Injector default stragegy is now whatever dry-auto_inject's default is (rather than hard-coding a particular default strategy for dry-system) (timriley)

Compare v0.1.0...v0.2.0

0.1.0 2016-06-07


  • Provide a dependency injector as an Inject constant inside any subclass of Dry::Component::Container. This injector supports all of dry-auto_inject's default injection strategies, and will lazily load any dependencies as they are injected. It also supports arbitrarily switching strategies, so they can be used in different classes as required (e.g. include MyComponent::Inject.args["dep"]) (timriley)

  • Support aliased dependency names when calling the injector object (e.g. MyComponent::Inject[foo: "", bar: "another.thing"]) (timriley)

  • Allow a custom dependency loader to be set on a container via its config (AMHOL)

    class MyContainer < Dry::Component::Container
      configure do |config|
        # other config
        config.loader = MyLoader


  • Container.boot now only makes a simple require for the boot file (solnic)
  • Container object is passed to Container.finalize blocks (solnic)
  • Allow Pathname objects passed to Container.require (solnic)
  • Support lazily loading missing dependencies from imported containers (solnic)
  • Container.import_module renamed to .injector (timriley)
  • Default injection strategy is now kwargs, courtesy of the new dry-auto_inject default (timriley)

Compare v0.0.2...v0.1.0

0.0.2 2015-12-24


  • Containers have a name setting (solnic)
  • Containers can be imported into one another (solnic)


  • Container name is used to determine the name of its config file (solnic)

Compare v0.0.1...v0.0.2

0.0.1 2015-12-24

First public release, extracted from rodakase project