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A powerful loader for your dotenv files, powered by dotenvx.


  • Multi-environment support - Load different .env files for different environments
  • Encrypted envs - Securely store encrypted environment variables in your codebase
  • Variable expansion - Reference and expand variables already on your machine
  • Command substitution - Add the output of a command to your variables
  • Configurable - Customize the plugin with various options
  • Supports a wide variety of .env file types
    • .env, .env.local, .env.staging, .env.production, .env.development,, .env.beta etc.


bun install -d bun-plugin-dotenvx

Next, ensure you are preloading the plugin in your bunfig.toml:

preload = [
  # ...

Basic Usage

You may now use the decrypted .env values in your project:

import env from './.env'

// Accessing environment variables
const apiKey = env.API_KEY
const databaseUrl = env.DATABASE_URL

console.log(`API Key: ${apiKey}`)
console.log(`Database URL: ${databaseUrl}`)

Advanced Usage

Custom Configuration

You can customize the plugin by creating your own instance with specific options:

import { plugin } from 'bun'
// plugin.ts
import { createDotenvxPlugin } from 'bun-plugin-dotenvx'

// Create a custom plugin instance
const dotenvxPlugin = createDotenvxPlugin({
  path: ['.env.local', '.env'],
  overload: true,
  strict: true,
  verbose: true,

// Register the plugin
await plugin(dotenvxPlugin)

Then in your bunfig.toml:

preload = [
  # ...

Multi-Environment Support

Load different .env files for different environments:

import { plugin } from 'bun'
// development.ts
import { createDotenvxPlugin } from 'bun-plugin-dotenvx'

// production.ts
// import { createDotenvxPlugin } from 'bun-plugin-dotenvx'

await plugin(createDotenvxPlugin({
  path: ['.env.development.local', '.env.development', '.env.local', '.env'],

await plugin(createDotenvxPlugin({
  path: ['.env.production.local', '.env.production', '.env'],

Encrypted Envs

To use encrypted environment variables:

  1. First, encrypt your .env file using dotenvx:
npx @dotenvx/dotenvx encrypt
  1. Then, use the plugin as normal, but make sure to set the DOTENV_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable:
DOTENV_PRIVATE_KEY="your-private-key" bun run your-script.ts

Configuration Options

The plugin supports the following options:

Option Type Default Description
path string | string[] ['.env'] Path(s) to your env file(s)
overload boolean false Override existing env variables
strict boolean false Exit with code 1 if any errors are encountered
ignore string[] undefined Ignore specific errors
envKeysFile string '.env.keys' Path to your .env.keys file
convention 'nextjs' undefined Load a .env convention
logLevel string 'info' Set log level
quiet boolean false Suppress all output (except errors)
verbose boolean false Set log level to verbose
debug boolean false Set log level to debug


bun test


Please see our releases page for more information on what has changed recently.


Please review the Contributing Guide for details.


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β€œSoftware that is free, but hopes for a postcard.” We love receiving postcards from around the world showing where bun-plugin-dotenvx is being used! We showcase them on our website too.

Our address: Stacks.js, 12665 Village Ln #2306, Playa Vista, CA 90094 🌎


We would like to extend our thanks to the following sponsors for funding Stacks development. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please reach out to us.


Many thanks to the following core technologies & people who have contributed to this package:


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.

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