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33 lines (28 loc) · 1.95 KB

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33 lines (28 loc) · 1.95 KB

Bro Mode for Emacs


Taken from Matthias Vallentin’s pygments lexer for Bro.


add,alarm,break,case,const,continue,delete,do,else,enum,event,export,for,function,if,global,local,module,next,of,print,redef,return,schedule,type,when,while “\<\(a\(?:dd\|larm\)\|break\|c\(?:ase\|on\(?:st\|tinue\)\)\|d\(?:elete\|o\)\|e\(?:lse\|num\|\(?:ven\|xpor\)t\)\|f\(?:or\|unction\)\|global\|if\|local\|module\|next\|of\|print\|re\(?:def\|turn\)\|schedule\|type\|wh\(?:en\|ile\)\)\>”

Keyword Types

addr,any,bool,count,counter,double,file,int,interval,net,pattern,port,record,set,string,subnet,table,time,timer,vector “\<\(a\(?:ddr\|ny\)\|bool\|count\(?:er\)?\|double\|file\|int\(?:erval\)?\|net\|p\(?:attern\|ort\)\|record\|s\(?:et\|tring\|ubnet\)\|t\(?:able\|imer?\)\|vector\)\>”


Indentation and Formatting Requirements

  1. If we are at the beginning of the file, indent to column 0
  2. If we are currently at closing brace (}), then de-indent to the previous line
  3. If previous line was an “if” statement, then increase indentation relative to the previous line.
  4. If previous line does not end in a semi colon (:) but instead with a comma (,), increase indentation.

Breaking Lines repeats the previous indentation.

If we match only on whether or not the end of the line is “.*,$” it will constantly indent when a split statement spans multiple lines. Solved this by removing the following from bro-indent-line
;;(setq not-indented nil))

to let bro-indent-line propagate up.


  1. ModeTutorial on Emacs Wiki