Name | Type | Description | Notes |
baseCurrencyCode | string | Base currency code. | [optional] |
baseDiscountAmount | float | Base discount amount. | [optional] |
baseGrandTotal | float | Base grand total. | [optional] |
baseDiscountTaxCompensationAmount | float | Base discount tax compensation amount. | [optional] |
baseShippingAmount | float | Base shipping amount. | [optional] |
baseShippingDiscountTaxCompensationAmnt | float | Base shipping discount tax compensation amount. | [optional] |
baseShippingInclTax | float | Base shipping including tax. | [optional] |
baseShippingTaxAmount | float | Base shipping tax amount. | [optional] |
baseSubtotal | float | Base subtotal. | [optional] |
baseSubtotalInclTax | float | Base subtotal including tax. | [optional] |
baseTaxAmount | float | Base tax amount. | [optional] |
baseTotalRefunded | float | Base total refunded. | [optional] |
baseToGlobalRate | float | Base-to-global rate. | [optional] |
baseToOrderRate | float | Base-to-order rate. | [optional] |
billingAddressId | int | Billing address ID. | [optional] |
canVoidFlag | int | Can void flag value. | [optional] |
createdAt | string | Created-at timestamp. | [optional] |
discountAmount | float | Discount amount. | [optional] |
discountDescription | string | Discount description. | [optional] |
emailSent | int | Email-sent flag value. | [optional] |
entityId | int | Invoice ID. | [optional] |
globalCurrencyCode | string | Global currency code. | [optional] |
grandTotal | float | Grand total. | [optional] |
discountTaxCompensationAmount | float | Discount tax compensation amount. | [optional] |
incrementId | string | Increment ID. | [optional] |
isUsedForRefund | int | Is-used-for-refund flag value. | [optional] |
orderCurrencyCode | string | Order currency code. | [optional] |
orderId | int | Order ID. | |
shippingAddressId | int | Shipping address ID. | [optional] |
shippingAmount | float | Shipping amount. | [optional] |
shippingDiscountTaxCompensationAmount | float | Shipping discount tax compensation amount. | [optional] |
shippingInclTax | float | Shipping including tax. | [optional] |
shippingTaxAmount | float | Shipping tax amount. | [optional] |
state | int | State. | [optional] |
storeCurrencyCode | string | Store currency code. | [optional] |
storeId | int | Store ID. | [optional] |
storeToBaseRate | float | Store-to-base rate. | [optional] |
storeToOrderRate | float | Store-to-order rate. | [optional] |
subtotal | float | Subtotal. | [optional] |
subtotalInclTax | float | Subtotal including tax. | [optional] |
taxAmount | float | Tax amount. | [optional] |
totalQty | float | Total quantity. | |
transactionId | string | Transaction ID. | [optional] |
updatedAt | string | Updated-at timestamp. | [optional] |
items | \SpringImport\Swagger\Magento2\Client\Model\SalesDataInvoiceItemInterface[] | Array of invoice items. | |
comments | \SpringImport\Swagger\Magento2\Client\Model\SalesDataInvoiceCommentInterface[] | Array of any invoice comments. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
extensionAttributes | \SpringImport\Swagger\Magento2\Client\Model\SalesDataInvoiceExtensionInterface | [optional] |