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Releases: spring-attic/spring-native
Releases · spring-attic/spring-native
⭐ Compatibility
- Missing
#642 - Add Lombok sample and Apache logging hints #636 Proxy class defined by interfaces
when adding a JpaRepository #630- Jolokia actuator endpoint cannot be processed #628
- Add missing hints for Spring Cloud Function + Kotlin #615
- Could not find class [org.springframework.http.HttpStatus] #612
- PojoComponentTuplizer error with Spring Data JPA #603
- Add Reactive Websocket support #598
- More hints for
with a class that has@ConfigurationProperties
should be added to reflect-config.json #577 - Add spring-cloud-starter-sleuth support #135
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Gradle plugin fails in Gradle 7+ #633
- Ensure that stale AOT generated-sources are deleted #623
- Incorrect handling of
annotation's value attribute #542
📔 Documentation
- Refine the reference documentation #646
- Document logging support #641
- Mention error 145 in the troubleshooting section #626
- Add a Maven and Gradle multiple module samples #611
- TraceClassInitialization in documentation seems to be wrong #608
- Mention support in the reference documentation #601
- Improve builder documentation #597
- Mention error 137 in the troubleshooting section #594
- Document how to run Spring AOT generation when using mvn spring-boot:run #593
- Polish sample documentation #590
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
❤️ Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
⭐ New Features
- Reduce duplication of resources with basic regex cache #546
- Add the org.springframework.experimental:spring-native dependency automatically when the org.springframework.experimental.aot plugin is applied #545
- Support AOT options in Gradle plugin #536
- Remove duplicated entries in StaticSpringFactories #533
- Add a Spring Boot failure analyzer #515
- Allow to use directly
(and others) without@NativeHint
#512 - Log at info level that the application is running with code generated by Spring AOT #509
- Rename TypeInfo/TypeInfos to TypeHint/TypeHints (same for others) #506
- Introduce a Spring Native parent pom #490
- Guard against application build misconfigurations #483
- Add generated sources to IDE automatically #474
- Adapt ActuatorMetricsEliminator and BackgroundPreInitializerDeactivator to build-time transformations #472
- Configure build time transformation infra for test sources #455
- Introduce new variant of TypeSystem #454
- Add Gradle plugin for build time infrastructure #453
- Support and document user provided hints #412
- Remove functional mode, spring-fu/spring-init references #347
- Refine
build-time processing #340 - spring.autoconfigure.exclude results into runtime errors. #282
- Move remaining static JSON configuration files to hints #216
⭐ Compatibility
- Remove manual config in Cloud config server sample #567
- Adds support for more database dialects. #540
- Add support for Spring Security 5 thymeleaf extras #516
- Remove the need for and byte-buddy/javassist exclusion with JPA #510
- Spring Data JPA custom return type error #460
- Docker native image fails at runtime with missing ProxyCachingConfiguration class #451
- Support for spring-boot-starter-mail #447
not working #441- Apache LogFactory initialize at build-time issue #434
- Fix IllegalStateException with logback #429
- Missing Hints for Hibernate Constraint Validators #424
- Add Kotlin reflection support #419
- Add support for Kotlin Coroutines #409
- Fix GeoJsonConfiguration.class error with MongoDB + web support #372
- Spring Cloud Function not working with Tomcat #368
- Add Spring Cloud Discovery support #355
- Add Spring Cloud Config support #354
- Support
features being added via library #353 - Add Spring Security support #247
- Automatically set mandatory flags #225
- Refine and optimize JPA/Hibernate support #144
⭐ Optimizations
- Avoid implementation-specific caching configurations by default #481
- More actuator optimizations #259
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Fix Spring AOT Gradle support with Kotlin samples #558
- Support for multi module projects #551
- Make Spring AOT Gradle plugin Java 8 compliant #539
- Maven AOT plugin fails with runtime dependencies #538
- Duplicate entries in spring-aot generated resource-config.json #524
- Image build fails on Windows seemingly because of backslashes in spring-aot\resource-config.json #514
- sporadic error about boot version for cloud config server #508
- spring-aot-maven-plugin fails on Windows #507
- Fix com.mysql.cj.LocalizedErrorMessages errors on Petclinic samples #505
- Error during a fresh import in Eclipse #500
- Fix MissingTypeException in petclinic-jdbc tests #496
- Review Maven plugin logging #491
- Protect against class loading failures for Spring Factories #482
- Initialization hints are not taken in account when a trigger is specified #478
- Bring back Logback XML substitution #448
- Runtime error when upgrading to Spring Boot 2.4.2 #446
- Fail to launch cloud-function-aws sample behind Amazon API Gateway #440
- Add application.yaml support #431
- Fix
on non nested class #382 - Measure and potentially fix build time regression #380
📔 Documentation
- Clarify Spring Native AOT Gradle Plugin repository documentation #582
- Add anchor for doc sections #575
- Add Gradle Kotlin DSL variant to Spring AOT documentation #549
- Clarify documentation about default options #522
- Publish Javadoc and refdoc to #511
- Update documentation for 0.9.0 #493
- Introduce native applications guidelines for Spring contributors #256
- Document Windows 10 support #233
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to GraalVM 21.0.0 #433
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.4.3 [#432](
Bug fixes
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.4.1
- Initial Spring Security support
- WebSocket support
- RSocket support
- Scheduling support
- Hsqldb support
- Spring Boot 2.4.0 baseline
- GraalVM 20.3.0 support
- No more need for
proxyBeanMethods = false
- Spring Boot 2.4.0-RC1 baseline
- Gradle documentation
- Improved compatibility
- Footprint optimizations
- Spring Boot 2.4.0-M3 baseline
- Spring Data Elasticsearch/Neo4j/JDBC initial support
- Maven test driven configuration generation.
- Reduced memory footprint.
- Improved Kotlin support.
- Spring Data MongoDB support.
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.3.0 and GraalVM 20.1.0.
- Better logging support.
- Container support.
- Regular Petclinic JPA, R2DBC, Spring Security and Batch samples.