title | sidebar_label |
Config Options for ada |
ada |
Option | Description | Values | Default |
allowUnicodeIdentifiers | boolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is false | false | |
ensureUniqueParams | Whether to ensure parameter names are unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not). | true | |
legacyDiscriminatorBehavior | This flag is used by OpenAPITools codegen to influence the processing of the discriminator attribute in OpenAPI documents. This flag has no impact if the OAS document does not use the discriminator attribute. The default value of this flag is set in each language-specific code generator (e.g. Python, Java, go...)using the method toModelName. Note to developers supporting a language generator in OpenAPITools; to fully support the discriminator attribute as defined in the OAS specification 3.x, language generators should set this flag to true by default; however this requires updating the mustache templates to generate a language-specific discriminator lookup function that iterates over {{#mappedModels}} and does not iterate over {{children}}, {{#anyOf}}, or {{#oneOf}}. |
true |
prependFormOrBodyParameters | Add form or body parameters to the beginning of the parameter list. | false | |
projectName | GNAT project name | defaultProject | |
sortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag | Sort model properties to place required parameters before optional parameters. | true | |
sortParamsByRequiredFlag | Sort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters. | true |
Type/Alias | Imports |
Type/Alias | Instantiated By |
- Boolean
- Character
- Integer
- boolean
- double
- float
- integer
- long
- abort
- abs
- abstract
- accept
- access
- aliased
- all
- and
- array
- at
- begin
- body
- case
- constant
- declare
- delay
- digits
- do
- else
- elsif
- end
- entry
- exception
- exit
- for
- function
- generic
- goto
- if
- in
- interface
- is
- limited
- loop
- mod
- new
- not
- null
- of
- or
- others
- out
- overriding
- package
- pragma
- private
- procedure
- protected
- raise
- range
- record
- rem
- renames
- requeue
- return
- reverse
- select
- separate
- some
- subtype
- synchronized
- tagged
- task
- terminate
- then
- type
- until
- use
- when
- while
- with
- xor
Name | Supported | Defined By |
BasePath | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
Authorizations | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
UserAgent | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
Custom | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Int32 | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Int64 | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Float | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Double | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Decimal | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
String | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Byte | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Binary | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Boolean | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Date | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
DateTime | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Password | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
File | ✓ | OAS2 |
Array | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Maps | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
CollectionFormat | ✓ | OAS2 |
CollectionFormatMulti | ✓ | OAS2 |
Enum | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
ArrayOfEnum | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
ArrayOfModel | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
ArrayOfCollectionOfPrimitives | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
ArrayOfCollectionOfModel | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
ArrayOfCollectionOfEnum | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
MapOfEnum | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
MapOfModel | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
MapOfCollectionOfPrimitives | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
MapOfCollectionOfModel | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
MapOfCollectionOfEnum | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
Readme | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
Model | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
Api | ✓ | ToolingExtension |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
Host | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
BasePath | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Info | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Schemes | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
PartialSchemes | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Consumes | ✓ | OAS2 |
Produces | ✓ | OAS2 |
ExternalDocumentation | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Examples | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
XMLStructureDefinitions | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |
MultiServer | ✗ | OAS3 |
ParameterizedServer | ✗ | OAS3 |
ParameterStyling | ✗ | OAS3 |
Callbacks | ✓ | OAS3 |
LinkObjects | ✗ | OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
Path | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Query | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Header | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Body | ✓ | OAS2 |
FormUnencoded | ✓ | OAS2 |
FormMultipart | ✓ | OAS2 |
Cookie | ✓ | OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
Simple | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Composite | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Polymorphism | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Union | ✗ | OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
BasicAuth | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
ApiKey | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
OpenIDConnect | ✗ | OAS3 |
BearerToken | ✓ | OAS3 |
OAuth2_Implicit | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
OAuth2_Password | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
OAuth2_ClientCredentials | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
OAuth2_AuthorizationCode | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
Name | Supported | Defined By |
JSON | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
XML | ✓ | OAS2,OAS3 |
PROTOBUF | ✗ | ToolingExtension |
Custom | ✗ | OAS2,OAS3 |