A stack-based esoteric programming language inspired by Whitespace. The only tokens used are Chinese characters "草
", "泥
", "马
" and "河蟹
See the original web site for full documentation of the base language.
You need GHC 7.10.1 or above to compile and install the GrassMudHorse interpreter.
$ git clone git://github.com/soimort/GrassMudHorse.git
$ cd GrassMudHorse/
$ cabal install
On the GrassMudHorse programming language, read the tutorial from here.
The GrassMudHorse interpreter: (gmh
$ gmh [file.gmh]
Whitespace to GrassMudHorse transcompiler: (ws2gmh
$ ws2gmh <[file.ws] >[file.gmh]
GrassMudHorse to Whitespace transcompiler: (gmh2ws
$ gmh2ws <[file.gmh] >[file.ws]
There are some examples (ported from equivalent Whitespace programs) in examples/
Hello world in GrassMudHorse:
$ gmh examples/hworld.gmh
Hello, world of Grass-Mud-Horse!
Print a notorious poetry of 99 Grass-Mud-Horses, adapted from 99 Bottles of Beer:
$ gmh examples/99-grass-mud-horses.gmh
99 Grass-Mud-Horses on Male-Gebi,
99 Grass-Mud-Horses,
River Crab came and ate one Grass-Mud-Horse,
98 Grass-Mud-Horses on Male-Gebi.
- Java: http://code.google.com/p/grass-mud-horse/
- JavaScript: https://github.com/dexteryy/GrassMudMonkey
- Erlang: http://code.google.com/p/grass-mud-horse/wiki/erlang_port
The Whitespace programming language and its original Haskell implementation were authored by Edwin Brady; Cabal support added by haroldl (haroldl/whitespace-nd).
The great idea of GrassMudHorse programming language was proposed by bearice.