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Name of your Project

This document will be part of your agreement and therefore needs to contain all the required information about the project. Don't remove any of the mandatory parts presented in bold letters or as headlines (except for the title)! Lines starting with a > (such as this one) should be removed. Please use markdown instead of HTML (e.g. ![](image.png) instead of <img>).

See the Grant Program Process on how to submit a proposal.

  • Team Name: Legal name of your team (e.g. Duo)
  • Payment Address: Polkadot payment address.

The combination of your GitHub account submitting the application and the payment address above will be your unique identifier during the program. Please keep them safe.

Project Overview 📄


Please provide the following:

  • If the name of your project is not descriptive, a tag line (one sentence summary).
  • A brief description of your project.
  • An indication of how your project relates to ink! ecosystem.
  • Choosen project idea category or your alternative category with explanation of its importance
  • An indication of why your team is interested in creating this project.

Ink! Ecosystem Impact

Please clearly describe how exactly your project will benefit the ecosystem. If it's infrastructure - how it's going to be applied and by who. If it's canary dapp we would you to clearly demonstrate how this code will be used by other people. If it's technical showcase we would like you to demonstrate how ink! will be promoted using your results.

If it's a business case we would like to see business model and future production plans.

Project Details

We expect the teams to already have a solid idea about the project expected final state. Therefore, we ask the teams to submit (where relevant):

  • Data models / API specifications of the core functionality
  • An overview of the technology stack to be used
  • Documentation of core components, protocols, architecture, etc. to be deployed
  • PoC/MVP or other relevant prior work or research on the topic
  • What your project is not or will not provide or implement
    • This is a place for you to manage expectations and to clarify any limitations that might not be obvious
  • Do you need an audit for the contacts? YES/NO (don’t add it as part of Milestones! The auditor will be chosen among Auditor track participants)
  • CATEGORY: Infrastructure OR Canary Dapp OR Technical Showcase
  • An overview of the business model, including revenue streams, target market, and scalability, if applicable.
  • Future production plans and growth strategy, highlighting how the project intends to achieve sustainability and long-term success, if applicable.

Things that shouldn’t be part of the application:

  • The (future) tokenomics of your project
  • For non-infrastructure projects—deployment and hosting costs, maintenance or audits
  • Business-oriented activities (marketing, business planning), events or outreach

Team 👥

Team members

  • Name of team leader
  • Names of team members


  • Contact Name: Full name of the contact person in your team
  • Contact Email: Contact email (e.g.
  • Website: Your website

Legal Structure

  • Registered Address: Address of your registered legal entity, if available. Please keep it in a single line. (e.g. High Street 1, London LK1 234, UK)
  • Registered Legal Entity: Name of your registered legal entity, if available. (e.g. Duo Ltd.)

Team's experience

Please describe the team's relevant experience. If your project involves development work, we would appreciate it if you singled out a few interesting projects or contributions made by team members in the past.

Team Code Repos

Please also provide the GitHub accounts of all team members. If they contain no activity, references to projects hosted elsewhere or live are also fine.

Team LinkedIn Profiles (if available)

Development Status 📖

  • links to your research diary, blog posts, articles, forum discussions or open GitHub issues,
  • references to conversations you might have had related to building this template,

Development Roadmap 🔩

This section should break the development roadmap down into milestones and deliverables. Since these will be part of the agreement, it helps to describe the functionality we should expect in as much detail as possible, plus how we can verify and test that functionality. Whenever milestones are delivered, we refer to this document to ensure that everything has been delivered as expected.

Below we provide an example roadmap.

❗ If any of your deliverables is based on somebody else's work, make sure you work and publish under the terms of the license of the respective project and that you highlight this fact in your milestone documentation and in the source code if applicable! Teams that submit others' work without attributing it will be immediately terminated.


  • Total Estimated Duration: Duration of the whole project (e.g. 2 months)
  • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): Average number of full-time employees working on the project throughout its duration (see Wikipedia, e.g. 2 FTE)
  • Total Costs: Requested amount in USD for the whole project (e.g. 12,000 USD). Note that the acceptance criteria and additional benefits vary depending on the level of funding requested. This and the costs for each milestone need to be provided in USD.

Milestone 1 Example — Basic functionality

  • Estimated duration: 1 month
  • FTE: 1,5
  • Costs: 8,000 USD

The default deliverables 0a-0d below are mandatory for all milestones, and deliverable 0e at least for the last one.

Number Deliverable Specification
0a. License Apache 2.0 / GPLv3 / MIT / Unlicense
0b. Documentation We will provide both inline documentation of the code and a basic tutorial that explains how a user can (for example) spin up one of our Substrate nodes and send test transactions, which will show how the new functionality works.
0c. Testing and Testing Guide Core functions will be fully covered by comprehensive unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests.
0d. Docker We will provide a Dockerfile(s) that can be used to test all the functionality delivered with this milestone.
0e. Article We will publish an article/workshop that explains [...] (what was done/achieved as part of the grant). (Content, language and medium should reflect your target audience described above.)
1. Substrate module: X We will create a Substrate module that will... (Please list the functionality that will be implemented for the first milestone. You can refer to details provided in previous sections.)
2. Substrate module: Y The Y Substrate module will...
3. Substrate module: Z The Z Substrate module will...
4. Substrate chain Modules X, Y & Z of our custom chain will interact in such a way... (Please describe the deliverable here as detailed as possible)
5. Library: ABC We will deliver a JS library that will implement the functionality described under "ABC Library"
6. Smart contracts: ... We will deliver a set of ink! smart contracts that will...

Milestone 2 Example — Additional features

  • Estimated Duration: 1 month
  • FTE: 1,5
  • Costs: 8,000 USD


Future Plans

Please include here if you have a future plan after building this template in making it in to production.

Additional Information ➕

How did you hear about the Bounty Program? Medium / Twitter / Element / Announcement by another team / personal recommendation / etc.

Here you can also add any additional information that you think is relevant to this application but isn't part of it already, such as:

  • Work you have already done.
  • If there are any other teams who have already contributed (financially) to the project.