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This document provides detail how people can contribute to your open source project.
First off, thank you for considering contributing to VADER. It's people like you that make VADER such a great tool.
Please take a moment to review this document in order to make the contribution process easy and effective for everyone involved.
Improving documentation, bug triaging, or writing tutorials are all examples of helpful contributions that mean less work for you.
- Bug Reports - A bug is demonstrable problem that is caused by the code in this repository. Before reporting a bug, please user GitHub issue search to check if the issue has already been reported. If the issue has been reported, check if the issue has been fixed. If the issue has not been fixed, try to isolate the problem, create a reduced test case, and submit that against the existing Bug Report. If the issue has not been reported, submit the reduced test case as a new GitHub Issue.
- Feature Requests - Feature requests for VADER are being managed via independent code repositories, one for each analytic. Please follow the link below to contribute new features to specific VADER analytic:
Analytic | Repository URL |
ML-based Power Flow - Forward | n/a |
ML-based Power Flow - Inverse | n/a |
Solar Disaggregation | |
- Visit and send us a note via our website contact form