Route mapper eager load all aurelia route hierarchy. This needs to be combined with Aurelia router.
// Enabling specific route name
route: "components",
title: "Components",
name: "components",
moduleId: `app/components/component-layout`,
nav: true,
settings: { useSpecificName: true }
// Associating childRoutes to a parent route.
route: "components",
title: "Components",
name: "components",
moduleId: `app/components/component-layout`,
nav: true,
settings: { childRoutes: componentRoutes }
Parameters need to be set within route settings
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
useSpecificName | boolean |
false | no | true : exact route name need to be used as route for route recognition else it need all parent keys attached as route name. |
childRoutes | RouteConfig[] |
- | no* | child routes for the current route. |
no*: *required when the route
has childRoutes
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
route | RouteConfig |
- | yes | current route. |
specific | Partial<RouteConfig> |
{ settings: { useSpecificName: true } } |
no | specific configuration which will overrides current configuration. |
import { setRouteDefaults } from "@ssv/au-core";
// By default it will go through all routes and set `useSpecificName` value to `true`.
export const shellRoutes: RouteConfig[] = [
route: ["", "home"],
title: "Home",
name: "home",
moduleId: `app/home/home`,
nav: false,
settings: { }
}, {
route: "components",
title: "Components",
name: routes.componentsRoot,
moduleId: `app/components/component-layout`,
nav: true,
settings: { childRoutes: componentRoutes }
].map(x => setRouteDefaults(x));
// This will go through all routes and overrides specific configuration
export const shellRoutes: RouteConfig[] = [
route: ["", "home"],
title: "Home",
name: "home",
moduleId: `app/home/home`,
nav: false,
settings: { }
}, {
route: "components",
title: "Components",
name: routes.componentsRoot,
moduleId: `app/components/component-layout`,
nav: true,
settings: { childRoutes: componentRoutes }
].map(x => setRouteDefaults(x, { nav: false, caseSensitive: false}));