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308 lines (284 loc) · 14.1 KB

C++ Standard for Aztec Circuits

Sticking to the Standard

Read the standards and stick to them! There is some automation to help with this, but the automation is far from comprehensive.

Here are the types of automation that should help stick to the standard:

  1. The VSCode workspace file circuits.code-workspace is configured to automatically format your code nicely when you save a C++ file.
    • It uses cpp/.clang-format for this
  2. These workspace settings are also configured to warn you (with yellow squiggles) when something does not follow some of the rules.
    • It uses cpp/.clangd for this
  3. A tidy check is run in CI
    • Job fails if your code would be changed by ./scripts/ fix
  4. To perform some auto-tidying of your code, run ./scripts/ fix from cpp/
    • Commit your code first since tidying will occasionally mess up your code!
    • This will run clang-tidy on all C++ source files
      • It uses cpp/.clang-tidy * and formats tidied code with cpp/.clang-format
    • Manually review any fixes to your code!
      • If you disagree with an auto-fix or if it is buggy, use // NOLINT... (more here)
      • If you believe we should reject an entire class of tidy fixes, consider explicitly omitting from our checks or errors in ./clang-tidy
        • Discuss with others first
    • Note: tidying takes a while!
    • You may need to run this multiple times!
      • An error (with an auto-fix) in one round may prevent certain subsequent fixes
      • A fix in the one round may introduce more potential for fixes

The Standard

  1. general
    • when something is not covered below, fall back to Google's style guide
    • all TODOs should mention a username, email or bug number
      // TODO(dbanks12)
      // TODO(
      // TODO(bug 12345)
    • if your editor warns you about a line of code fix it!
      • consider doing so even if you didn't write that code
  2. spacing
    • 4 spaces except for access-specifiers (public/protected/private) which can use 2
    • namespaces are not indented
    • for continued indentation, just be sane
    • remove trailing spaces at end of line (use a plugin)
    • include a newline at the end of a file
      namespace my_namespace {
      class MyClass {
          // ... public stuff
          // ... protected stuff
          // ... private stuff
          void my_private_function0(int arg0,
                                    int arg1)
              // ...
          void my_private_function1(
              int arg0,
              int arg1)
              // ...
      } // namespace my_namespace
  3. braces
    • functions use curly brace alone on newline
    • namespaces, classes, structs, enums, ifs, and loops use curely brace on same line
    • examples
      void my_function()
          // ...
      for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
          // ...
      if (something_is_true) {
          // ...
      struct MyStruct {
          // ...
  4. naming
    • snake_case for files, namespaces and local variables/members
    • CamelCase for classes, structs, enums, types
      • exceptions types can be made for types if trying to mimic a std type's name like uint or field_ct
    • ALL_CAPS for constexprs, global constants, and macros
    • do use
      • Clear names
      • Descriptive names
    • don't use
      • abbreviations
      • words with letters removed
      • acronyms
      • single letter names
        • Unless writing maths, in which case use your best judgement and follow the naming of a linked paper
  5. auto
    • include *, &, and/or const even when using auto
    • use when type is evident
    • use when type should be deduced automatically based on expr
    • use in loops to iterate over members of a container
    • don't use if it makes type unclear
    • don't use you need to enforce a type
    • examples
      auto my_var = my_function_with_unclear_return_type(); // BAD
      auto my_var = get_new_of_type_a(); // GOOD
  6. const and constexpr
    • use const whenever possible to express immutability
    • use constexpr whenever a const can be computed at compile-time
    • place const/constexpr BEFORE the core type as is done in bberg stdlib
    • examples
      const int my_const = 0;
      constexpr int MY_CONST = 0;
  7. namespace and using
    • never do using namespace my_namespace; which causes namespace pollution and reduces readability
    • avoid doing typedef my::OldType NewType and instead do using NewType = my::OldType
    • namespaces should exactly match directory structure. If you create a nested namespace, create a nested directory for it
    • example for directory aztec3/circuits/abis/private_kernel:
      namespace aztec3::circuits::abis::private_kernel {
          // ...
      } // namespace aztec3::circuits::abis::private_kernel
    • useinit.hpp only for core/critical renames like NT/CT and for toggling core types like CircuitBuilder
    • use unnamed/anonymous namespaces to import and shorten external names into just this one file
      • all of a file's external imports belong in a single anonymous namespace namespace { ...\n } // namespace at the very top of the file directly after #includes
      • use using Rename = old::namespace::prefix::Name; to import and shorten names from external namespaces
      • avoid using renames to obscure template params (using A = A<NT>;)
      • never use renames to remove the std:: prefix
      • never use renames to remove a NT:: or CT:: prefix
    • test.cpp tests must always explicitly import every single name they intend to use
      • they might want to test over multiple namespaces, native and circuit types, and builder types
    • avoid calling barretenberg's functions directly and instead go through interface files like circuit_types and native_types
    • using statements should be sorted case according to the LexicographicNumeric rules
    • if your IDE is telling you that an include or name is unused in a file, remove it!
  8. includes
    • start every header with #pragma once
    • index.hpp should include common headers that will be referenced by most cpp/hpp files in the current directory
    • init.hpp should inject ONLY critical renames (like NT/CT) and type toggles (like CircuitBuilder)
      • example using NT = aztec3::utils::types::NativeTypes;
    • avoid including headers via relative paths (../../other_dir) unless they are a subdir (subdir/header.hpp)
      • use full path like aztec3/circuits/hash.hpp
    • ordering of includes
      • this source file's header
      • essentials (if present)
        • "index.hpp"
        • "init.hpp"
      • headers nearby
        • headers from this directory (no /)
        • headers from this project using relative path ("private/private_kernel_inputs.hpp")
        • Note: headers in this group are sorted in the above order (no / first, relative paths second)
      • headers from this project using full path (starts with aztec3: "aztec3/constants.hpp")
      • barretenberg headers
      • <gtest> or other third party headers specified in .clang-format
      • C++ standard library headers
    • use quotes internal headers
    • use angle braces for std library and external library headers
      • this includes barretenberg
    • each group of includes should be sorted case sensitive alphabetically
    • each group of includes should be newline-separated
    • example:
      #include "this_file.hpp"
      #include "index.hpp"
      #include "init.hpp"
      #include "my_file_a_in_this_dir.hpp"
      #include "my_file_b_in_this_dir.hpp"
      #include "other_dir/file_a_nearby.hpp"
      #include "other_dir/file_b_nearby.hpp"
      #include "aztec3/file_a_in_project.hpp"
      #include "aztec3/file_b_in_project.hpp"
      #include <barretenberg/file_a.hpp>
      #include <barretenberg/file_b.hpp>
      #include <gtest>
      #include <vector>
      #include <iostream>
  9. access specifiers
    • order them public, protected, private
  10. struct and array initialization
    • use MyStruct my_inst{};
      • will call default constructor if exists and otherwise will value-initialize members to zero (or will call their default constructors if they exist)
    • explicitly initialize struct members with default values: NT::fr my_fr = 0;
    • initialize arrays using std::array<T, 8> my_arr{};
      • this value-initializes all entries to 0 if T has no default constructor, otherwise calls default constructor for each
    • For arrays of fields fr, it is particularly important to use the direct initialization form with empty initializer list std::array<fr, VK_TREE_HEIGHT> vk_path{}; because the default constructor of fr is NOT initializing the array field values to 0. For large arrays and performance considerations, it may be useful to not initialize the field array elements using std::array<fr, VK_TREE_HEIGHT> vk_path();
  11. references
    • use them whenever possible for function arguments since pass by reference is cheaper
    • make arg references "const" if they should not be modified inside a function
  12. avoid C-style coding
    • avoid malloc/free
    • use std::array/vector instead of int[]
    • use references instead of pointers when possible
    • if pointers are necessary, use smart pointers (std::unique_ptr/shared_ptr) instead of raw pointers
    • avoid C-style casts (use static_cast or reinterpret_cast)
    • use doxygen docstrings (will include format example)
       * @brief Brief description
       * @details more details
       * @tparam mytemplateparam description
       * @param myfunctionarg description
       * @return describe return value
       * @see otherRelevantFunction()
       * @see [mylink](url)
    • every file should have a meaningful comment
    • every class/struct/function/test should have a meaningful comment
      • class/struct comment might == file comment
    • comment function preconditions ("arg x must be < 100")
  14. side-effects
    • avoid functions with side effects when it is easy enough to just have pure functions
    • if a function modifies its arguments, it should be made very clear that this is happening
      • same with class methods that modify members
    • function arguments should be const when they will not be modified
  15. global state
    • no
  16. docs
    • every subdir should have a readme
  17. functions
    • use [[nodiscard]] if it makes no sense to call this function and discard return value
      [[nodiscard] int my_function()
          // ...
          return some_int;
      // later can't do
      // can only do
      int capture_ret = my_function();
    • if there is a name clash, prefix parameter with underscore like _myparam
      void my_function(int _my_var)
          my_var = _my_var;
  18. macros
    • avoid macros as much as possible with exceptions for
      • testing
      • debug utilities
      • agreed upon macro infrastructure (like cbinds)
  19. misc
    • use uintN_t instead of a primitive type (e.g. size_t) when a specific type width must be guaranteed
    • avoid signed types (int, long, char etc) unless signedness is required
      • signed types are susceptible to undefined behavior on overflow/underflow
    • initialize pointers to nullptr
    • constructors with single arguments should be marked explicit to prevent unwanted conversions
    • if a constructor is meant to do nothing, do A() = default; instead of A(){} (explanation here)
      • definitely don't do A(){}; (with semicolon) which can't even be auto-fixed by clang-tidy
    • explicitly use override when overriding a parent class' member (explanation here)
    • avoid multiple declarations on the same line
      • do:
        int a = 0;
        int b = 0;
      • dont:
        int a, b = 0, 0;
    • use std::vector::emplace_back instead of push_back
    • no magic numbers even if there is a comment explaining them


  1. Mike's Draft C++ Standard
  2. Barretenberg's .clangd
  3. Barretenberg's .clang-format
  4. LLVM's Clang Format Style Options
  5. Google's Style Guide