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This is official reporitory for the Amandroid.
This reporitory only contains android related data structures and resolvers. For the core data structures and static analysis algorithms, you can check out our Jawa reporitory.
+--sireum-amandroid Android resource parsers, information collector, decompiler, environment method builder.
+--sireum-amandroid-alir Component based analysis, Android specific reaching facts analysis, api models, etc.
+--sireum-amandroid-cli Amandroid command line tool modes.
+--sireum-amandroid-concurrent Amandroid actor system.
+--sireum-amandroid-dedex Dex file decompiler, register type resolver.
+--sireum-amandroid-run Flexiable test ground, you can write anything here to test your code.
+--sireum-amandroid-security Security related checking tasks, source and sink managers.
+--sireum-amandroid-serialization Serialize amandroid data structures into json format.
+--sireum-amandroid-test Test suite.
To contribute to the Amandroid Core, Amandroid Alir, Amandroid Dedex, Amandroid Serialization, Amandroid Concurrent, please send us a pull request from your fork of this repository!
For more information on building and developing Amandroid, please also check out our guidelines for contributing. People who provided excellent ideas or more than 200 LOC of codes are listed in contributor.
If you don't know what to contribute, please check out our challenges need to resolve.
Please checkout our amandroid-build reporitory.