This test suit is testing the application ngcp-aui
- Create config files
- Update config files
- start Cypress interface with the below command:
$ yarn run start:aui
- Create config files
- Update config files
- To execute tests in headless mode use commands:
$ yarn run tdd:aui
$ yarn run tdd:aui --spec "cypress/e2e/ngcp-aui/" // to run only one specific test
To run tests in already prepared docker image you just need to execute next command:
$ yarn run docker:run <tests parameters>
Where tests parameter are 4 in the following order:
- application to test: aui
- app URL --> e.g.
- api URL (making sure you add :1443 to the URL) -> https://{ip}:1443`
- group (optional, if no group is specified all test will be executed) --> This refers to the sub-folder and will be used for the
flag. Available options are: group1 and group2
For example our parameters might be:
- "aui https://{ip}:1443 https://{ip}:1443 group2" -> execute tests in ngcp-aui/group2
- "aui https://{ip}:1443 https://{ip}:1443" -> execute all tests in ngcp-aui
$ yarn run docker:run aui group2
# or
$ yarn run docker:run aui
Note "/v2" is added to direct to the NEW amin panel UI rather than the OLD UI. depending on your config.yml settings, you might not need to add it.
In case you would like have you own local Docker image to apply custom version of Cypress you need to build a local Docker image. For that please follow next steps:
- Prepare desired version of "package.json"
- Build your local Docker image with
yarn run docker:rebuild:local
- Run tests in Docker container with
yarn run docker:run:local <tests parameters>
For example AUI:
$ yarn run docker:rebuild:local
$ yarn run docker:run:local aui https://host.docker.internal:8080/v2 group2
Note: if you would like to test AUI applications started locally you should pass https://host.docker.internal:8080
instead of https://localhost:8080
to the tests running script!
Important: if you test locally started application (AUI UI URL: https://host.docker.internal:8080
or https://localhost:8080
) you should change AUI user logins in your test's config template
to be with domain name, like so: username@domain
. Otherwise, some tests might fail.
ngcpConfig: {
apiHost: 'https://{ip}:1443', --> make sure you add :1443 at the end of your URL
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents (on, config) {...},
baseUrl: 'https://{ip}:1443', --> make sure you add :1443 at the end of your URL
- the
should contain full URL to the application root like:https://localhost:8080/v2
- in case the
is pointing tolocalhost
config parameter should be with domain name, like so:username@domain
. Otherwise, some tests might fail.