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280 lines (157 loc) · 9.3 KB

File metadata and controls

280 lines (157 loc) · 9.3 KB showcase

Showcasing real-world usage of ECMAScript 2015 features in today's libraries/frameworks/projects/etc

These projects make use of ES2015 features. Dig into their source, learn, and try out ES2015 yourself!

There's already a lot of tooling that lets you develop with ES2015 today.

All code in AngularJS 2 is already being written in ES2015 (actually TypeScript, but it's a superset of ES2015).

We'll make modules a first-class citizen, and soon every developer who starts using Ember will also be using ES2015 modules.

Enables support for typos in JavaScript property names. Powered by ES2015 proxies + Levenshtein string distance.

Negative array index support array[-1] using ES2015 Proxy

Natural sweetening for JavaScript objects using ES2015 Proxy

Backbone TodoMVC rewritten using ES2015

Adds an Ember tab to chrome dev tools that allows you to inspect Ember objects in your application.

A HAL client for JavaScript

A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code

A lightweight JavaScript library that builds on route-recognizer to provide an API for handling routes

A small, lightweight library for normalizing JSON properties and values

A variant of Handlebars that emits DOM and allows you to write helpers that manipulate live DOM nodes

Static scope analysis and transpilation of ES2015 block scoped const and let variables to ES3 vars

The templating engine for Angular 2.0.

Dependency Injection Framework for the future generations...

Data Persistence

Super-fast change detection

Expression parser

Flexible logging and profiling library for JavaScript

This project makes available an ES2015 Deferred implementation, using ES2015 Promises

browserify transform that converts all const assignments to var assignments.

  • Features: const immutability support only, no block scope
  • Transpiler: varify

Small library for using workers in the browser.

Small & fast DOM and event library for modern browsers.

Expressive middleware for node.js using generators to make web applications and APIs more enjoyable to write.

Generator based flow-control goodness using thunks or promises, letting you write non-blocking code in a nice-ish way.

Higher order flow control functions for creating generators.

Beautiful concurrency for JavaScript.

Wrapper for Chance.js that let's you get random properties without any explicit method calls, i.e.: (c) { return; });.



Reading material



To the extent possible under law, Sindre Sorhus has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. This work is published from: Norway.