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Simularium repositories

This repository is part of the Simularium project (, which includes repositories:

  • simulariumIO - Python package that converts simulation outputs to the format consumed by the Simularium viewer website
  • octopus - Python backend application that interfaces with biological simulation engines and serves simulation data to the front end website
  • simularium-viewer - NPM package to view Simularium trajectories in 3D
  • simularium-website - Front end website for the Simularium project, includes the Simularium viewer

Node.js CI

Simularium Website

Links to staging and production releases

simularium-website is containts the code for the front end Simularium website, which allows users to visualize and analyze biological simulation results. Future functionality will include creating, modifying, and sharing simulations.


Submit a GitHub issue with any bug reports or feature requests, or talk to us on the Allen Cell Discussion Form - Simularium.


To run this application in development:

  1. npm i to install dependencies
  2. npm start

This will start webpack-dev-server, running by default on the port specified in webpack/constants.js. To view, visit http://localhost:{PORT}. Webpack-dev-server will watch all relevant project files, and reload the browser automatically when those files change.

See for more information related to development.