This repository provides the necessary Docker Compose file, Dockerfiles and/or images to start a complete Doichain Node environment including:
- Doichain Core Node
- P2Pool (P2P Merge Mining Pool to merge mine Bitcoin and Doichain)
- Bitcoin Core Node (pruned) dependency to merge mine Doichain via P2Pool
- Doichain dApp (for Email Marketing)
- MongoDB (dependency for Doichain dApp)
- (planned) ElectrumX Server
- (planned) Mail Server (dependency for Doichain dApp)
- Docker: version 16 or higher
- Docker-Compose: verison ~1.27 or higher
- Clone this repo.
- Run
cp .env.mining.example .env
and edit .env in order to tell P2pool where to mine coins. - P2POOL_DOICHAIN_DEFAULT_ADDR and - P2POOL_BITCOIN_DEFAULT_ADDR - Run
docker-compose -f docker-compose-mining.yml up -d
in order to start a Doichain mining environment - Run
docker-compose down
in order to stop the Doichain Node environment
When starting docker-compose -f docker-compose-mining.yml up -d
the bitcoin service downloads a pruned Bitcoin blockchain. This takes a while. It will be extracted into the Bitcoin Docker container. The p2pool service is then showing errors in the logs, it can't connect to bitcoin rpc! (see: docker compose exec p2pool tail -f /home/p2pool/nohup.out
- You can connect to the bitcoin container with
docker compose exec bitcoin bash
andcd .bitcoin
and check if the blockchain was downloaded completely and all blocks synchronized. - If the blockchain was downloaded it will sync the missing blocks. You can watch the process via
docker compose exec bitcoin tail -f /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/debug.log
- As soon as p2pool, bitcoind and doichaind service is running, p2pool mining pool can be access via the ip of the node and port 9332!
- Bitcoind rpc running on standard port 8332 (Bitcoin p2p on default 8333)
- Doichain rpc running on standard port 8338 (Docihain p2p on default 8339)
Usage for Email Double Opt-In request server (you want a Double Opt-In) for your customers or email partners
- Clone this repo or download this file.
- Run
cp .env.mining.example .env
and edit .env accordingly
- Clone this repo
- Run
cp .env
and edit .env accordingly- SERVER_NAME=public server name and domain (e.g.
- RPC_USER=admin
- RPC_PASSWORD=password (please change)
- DAPP_SMTP_HOST=your smtp server (e.g. google mail)
- DAPP_SMTP_USER=your smtp user (e.g. google username)
- DAPP_SMTP_PASS=your smtp password
- DAPP_SMTP_PORT=your smtp port (e.g. 25,587)
- DAPP_SMTP_DEFAULT_FROM=the email address which is going to be used when sending Double Opt-In confirmation email to your email ussers
- Run
docker-compose -f docker-compose-email-doi-mainnet.yml up -d
in order to start the Doichain mainnet environment or - Run
docker-compose -f docker-compose-email-doi-testnet.yml up -d
in order to start the Doichain testnet environment - Run
docker-compose down -f docker-compose-email-doi-mainnet.yml
ordocker-compose down -f docker-compose-email-doi-testnet.yml
in order to stop the Doichain Node environment - Run
in order to replace the generated self signed ssl cert wih a certificate signed by letsencrypt. - Consult Doichain dApp RPC-API on how to:
- authenticate
- request a doi
- add another user / project
- add / update a user / project with special template, sender name, subject requirements
- show running containers:
docker-compose ps
- show all logs of running containers
docker-compose logs
- connect to a container
docker-compose exec <containerId> bash
(or command)
- Connect to Doichain Container via ```docker-compose exec doichain bash````
- Inside of the container you can use the doichain-cli commands such as:
- doichain-cli help
- doichain-cli getblockchaininfo
- doichain-cli getpeerinfo
- doichain-cli createwallet
- doichain-cli getbalance
- doichain-cli getnewaddress
- doichain-cli getbalance
- doichain-cli listtransactions
- doichain-cli gettransaction
- doichain-cli getrawtransaction
- doichain-cli getrawmempool
- When starting Bitcoind first time, it downloads a pruned Bitcoin blockchain and starts syncing the last couple of blocks - please be patients and have a look on the following logs.
- Check p2pool log
docker compose exec p2pool tail -f /home/p2pool/nohup.out
- is p2pool connected to bitcoin? Or still showing "Bitcoin Core is in initial sync and waiting for blocks..."
- Check bitcoind log
docker compose exec bitcoin tail -f /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/debug.log
- Connect to Doichain-dApp Container via
docker-compose exec dapp bash
- Connect to Doichain-dApp via browser http://localhost:3000