selenium-server-standalone, ChromeDriver, geckodriver and IEDriverServer downloader.
- Can download selenium related assets interactively or with option(not interactive).
- Selectable from Mac, Windows, Linux.
- PHP 5.5+ or newer
Via Composer
$ composer require shimabox/selenium-downloader
Please refer to the link below.
$ git clone
$ cd selenium-downloader
$ composer install
If you need to change the default settings, copy the .env.default
file, create an .env
file, and modify the .env
The default setting looks at .env.default
$ cp .env.dafault .env
$ vim .env
// The default of output directory path(Output to "selenium-downloader/xxx" if not set).
// The default version of selenium-server-standalone.
// Why 3.8.1? Because there are cases where it will not work unless pass-through mode can be set to false(-enablePassThrough false).
// The default version of ChromeDriver.
// The default version of geckodriver.
// The default version of IEDriverServer.
is not set, the downloaded asset is output to selenium-downloader/xxx
# Run without option.
$ php selenium_downloader.php
# "m" or "w" or "l" is mandatory.
Please select platform. [m]ac, [w]indows, [l]inux: w
# Specify the directory path to output.
# If not specified, it is output to the path specified by .env.dafault|.env(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR).
# If there is still no value, it is output to "selenium-downloader/xxx".
Please enter the output directory
# Default "No".
Do you need Selenium? [N]o, [y]es: y
# Default "3.8.1".
# Why 3.8.1? Because there are cases where it will not work unless pass-through mode can be set to false(-enablePassThrough false).
Please enter selenium-server-standalone version Default [3.8.1]: 3.8.1
# Default "No".
Do you need ChromeDriver? [N]o, [y]es: y
# Default "81.0.4044.69".
Please enter ChromeDriver version Default [81.0.4044.69]:
# Default "No".
Do you need GeckoDriver? [N]o, [y]es: y
# Default "0.26.0".
Please enter GeckoDriver version Default [0.26.0]:
# Default "No".
Do you need IEDriver? [N]o, [y]es: y
# Default "3.141.59".
Please enter IEDriver version Default [3.141.59]:
# Default "32" (Because key input is earlier than 64bit version).
Please enter OS bit version [32]bit, [64]bit, Default[32]:
Supports the following options.
Format | Description |
-h,--help | Display help message and exit. |
-p | Select platform [m]ac or [w]indows or [l]inux. Required except that "-h, --help" is specified. |
-d | Specify the directory path to output. If not specified, it is output to the path specified by .env.dafault|.env(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR). If there is still no value, it is output to "selenium-downloader/xxx". |
-s | The version of selenium-standalone-server. (e.g 3.8.1, 3.7(3.7.0) (Recommend version 3.8.1) |
-c | The version of ChromeDriver. (e.g 81.0.4044.69, 2.43 |
-g | The version of GeckoDriver. (e.g 0.26(0.26.0), 0.20.1 |
-i | The version of IEDriverServer. (e.g 3.141.59, 3.14(3.14.0) |
-b | The number of OS bits (32 or 64). Default is "32" (Because key input is earlier than 64bit version) Valid only when IEDriverServer is specified. |
Help message.
$ php selenium_downloader.php -h
Display help message and exit.
-p platform (required)
Select platform [m]ac or [w]indows or [l]inux.
Required except that "--help, -h" is specified.
-d output_dir_path
Enter the output directory path.
If not specified, it is output to the path specified by .env.dafault|.env(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR).
If there is still no value, it is output to "selenium-downloader/xxx".
-s selenium-standalone-server_ver
Enter the version of selenium-standalone-server. (e.g 3.8.1, 3.7(3.7.0)
(Recommend version 3.8.1)
-c ChromeDriver_ver
Enter the version of ChromeDriver. (e.g 81.0.4044.69, 2.43
-g geckodriver_ver
Enter the version of GeckoDriver. (e.g 0.26(0.26.0), 0.20.1
-i IEDriverServer_ver
Enter the version of IEDriverServer. (e.g 3.141.59, 3.14(3.14.0)
-b bit_of_os
Enter the number of OS bits (32 or 64).
Default is "32" (Because key input is earlier than 64bit version).
Valid only when IEDriverServer is specified.
e.g) 1 Basic.
$ php selenium_downloader.php -p m -s 3.8.1 -c 81.0.4044.69 -g 0.26
e.g) 2 When specifying the output directory.
$ php selenium_downloader.php -p m -d /your/path/to -s 3.8.1
e.g) 3 When downloading the 64 bit version of the IEDriverServer.
$ php selenium_downloader.php -p w -i 3.141.59 -b 64
e.g) 4 When downloading only geckodriver.
$ php selenium_downloader.php -p m -g 0.26
$ php selenium_downloader.php -p m -s "" -c "" -g 0.26
For example, create instant_selenium.php
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use SMB\SeleniumDownloader\Downloader;
// Interface
use SMB\SeleniumDownloader\Argument\Optionable;
// Prepare a class that implements the optionable interface.
class InstantSelenium implements Optionable
* Returns true if option is specified.
* @return boolean
public function isSpecified()
return true;
* If true it will output a help message.
* @return boolean
public function isSpecifiedHelp()
return false;
* Create help message.
* @return string
public function createHelpMessage()
return '';
* Get optional arguments.
* e.g)
* <code>
* return [
* 'p' => 'w', // Select platform [m]ac or [w]indows or [l]inux.
* 'd' => '.', // Enter the output directory path.
* 's' => '3.8.1', // Enter the version of selenium-standalone-server. (e.g 3.8.1, 3.7(3.7.0)
* 'c' => '81.0.4044.69', // Enter the version of ChromeDriver. (e.g 81.0.4044.69, 2.43
* 'g' => '0.26.0', // Enter the version of GeckoDriver. (e.g 0.26(0.26.0), 0.20.1
* 'i' => '3.141.59', // Enter the version of IEDriverServer. (e.g 3.141.59, 3.14(3.14.0)
* 'b' => '32', // Enter the number of OS bits (32 or 64).
* ];
* </code>
* @return array
public function get()
return [
'p' => 'm', // Select mac.
's' => '3.8.1',
'c' => '81.0.4044.69',
'g' => '0.26.0',
$downloader = new Downloader(new InstantSelenium());
$ php instant_selenium.php
If there is one with the same name, it will be overwritten.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.