This is for anyone interested in contributing to DockUp project.
The safest bet is to use rvm with an rvm installed ruby (not system ruby) and a clean gemset dedicated to dockup:
rvm 2.5.1@dockup --create # or whatever version of Ruby you prefer
rbenv is also supported.
Windows users can use uru.
If you use a different Ruby version manager (or none at all), the important thing is that you have a sandboxed gem environment that does not require you to use sudo to install gems, and has no dockup libraries installed.
Bundler is required for dependency management. Install it first:
gem install bundler
Once all of the pre-reqs above are taken care of, run these steps to get bootstrapped:
git clone
cd DockUp
bundle install
bundle exec rspec
If all goes well, you'll end up seeing a lot of passing rspec code examples.
You need to set following env variables (using S3 for ex.) to be able to run the app (rake tasks):
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=some_secret_id
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=some_secret_key
export AWS_REGION=some_s3_region
export AWS_BUCKET=some_s3_bucket
Run rake -T
to see the available tasks.
Once you've set up the environment. From there you can run the specs, and make patches.
Please submit a pull request or a github issue to one of the issue trackers listed below. If you submit an issue, please include a link to either of:
- a gist (or equivalent) of the patch
- a branch or commit in your github fork of the repo