- Once you have ssh into the server, do below (this is private!):
$ /well/rittscher/users/$yourName
(now from your local computer do below)
$ scp -r fullPathofYourLocalDirectoryThatYouWant2Copy username@rescomp1.well.ox.ac.uk:/well/rittscher/users/yourAccountName
$ rsync -aP fullPathofYourLocalDirectoryThatYouWant2Copy username@rescomp1.well.ox.ac.uk:/well/rittscher/users/yourAccountName
Extra software builds can be done inside project (this can be accessed by everyone else)
You will find softwares that are built locally or using an environment
make sure you are in the proper environment to be able to use it
never build something which is already available on the server
To check available softwares:
$ module avail