Kubediff is a tool for Kubernetes to show you the differences between your running configuration and your version controlled configuration.
Kubediff can be run from the command line:
$ ./kubediff
Usage: kubediff [options] <dir/file>...
Compare yaml files in <dir> to running state in kubernetes and print the
differences. This is useful to ensure you have applied all your changes to the
appropriate environment. This tools runs kubectl, so unless your
~/.kube/config is configured for the correct environment, you will need to
supply the kubeconfig for the appropriate environment.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
path to kubeconfig
-j, --json output in json format
For example:
$ ./kubediff k8s
Checking ReplicationController 'kubediff'
*** .spec.template.spec.containers[0].args[0]: '-repo=https://github.com/weaveworks/kubediff' != '-repo=https://github.com/<your github repo>'
Checking Secret 'kubediff-secret'
Checking Service 'kubediff'
Make sure the dependencies are installed first:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Kubediff can also be run as a service on Kubernetes, periodically downloading the latest configuration from Github, comparing it to the running configuration. In this mode Kubediff will also offers a very simple UI showing the output and export the result to Prometheus, all courtesy to prom-run.
To deploy to Kubernetes, you much first make a copy of the YAML files in k8s
and update the following fields:
the first argument to git-sync must be the location of the config repo, and the last argument to kubediff must the the location in this repo of your config.kubediff-secret.yaml
the username and password must be set to valid github OAuth token.
Once you have updated the config, the following commands should bring up the service:
$ kubectl create -f k8s
replicationcontroller "kubediff" created
secret "kubediff-secret" created
service "kubediff" created
And to view the UI, run the follow command and go to http://localhost:4040
$ kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pod --selector=name=kubediff -o jsonpath={.items..metadata.name}) 4040:80
This service exports the exit code of the kubediff as a Prometheus metric; a suitable alert can be setup for persistent differences:
ALERT Kubediff
IF max(command_exit_code{job="kubediff"}) != 0
FOR 2h
LABELS { severity="warning" }
summary = "Kubediff has detected a difference in running config.",
description = "Kubediff has detected a difference in running config.",
These alerts can be sent to Slack, for example:
To quickly see how two sets of configurations differ, purely in terms of images:
$ ./compare-images ../service-conf/k8s/dev/ ../service-conf/k8s/prod/
Image dev prod
----------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
quay.io/weaveworks/grafana master-0fc7cc2 master-08fd09d
quay.io/weaveworks/prometheus master-0fc7cc2 master-4fb2aed
quay.io/weaveworks/ui-server master-2899c36 master-45d67b3
tomwilkie/prometheus frankenstein-8a5ec1b frankenstein-ebe5808
weaveworks/scope master-1a1021c master-14d0e4e