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CSVERIFY PowerShell Module


The CSVERIFY module is designed to assist in ensuring the integrity of a codebase by generating and verifying a VERIFICATION.txt file.

Verification File

New-VerificationFile generates the verification file. recersivlly compiles a list of all files present. For each file, it computes the SHA256 hash and records the file, path, size and its hash in the verification file(VERIFICATION.txt).

#Default output .\tools\VERIFICATION.txt
cd /path/to/folder

VERIFICATION.txt output example

Verification is intended to assist the moderators and community
in verifying that this package's contents are trustworthy.

To Verify the files in this package, please download/Install module csverify from or from the powershell gallery.
Get-CheckSum -Path $Path
-[checksum hash]-
1.23KB | 37511B972FBE38C353B680D55EC5CFE51C04C79CA3304922301C5AB44BAC94F9 | .\
1.05KB | D3FF5A1DB41D78399BD676A16C9321F127BB52B7E7EBF56B14EC5ABC21971213 | .\LICENSE
0.34KB | 813818335A37527755ABDCF200322962E340E2278BBF3E515B21D4D232D9A92A | .\csverify.psm1
4.44KB | 394B7998E79D6DDE3B6FF1318550ED21BC9671F2C8F1AA2354861A120738B422 | .\csverify.psd1
1.14KB | 7E246407DE6B586B7BB2C46E82E089B72064AB6941F7EE83EDFBF9E0BD7D4CD3 | .\.gitlab-ci.yml


Test-Verification is used to verify the integrity of the codebase base it compares the SHA256 values from VERIFICATION.txt file and Returns file report

Verification output

Running Verification: Hashed Checksums
  └─ Verified o--(5 / 5 Files » Found 1 that could not be verified)
Status   hash                                                             Path                                Size
------   ----                                                             ----                                ----
Verified 0DC558C6B5C5B34D9B77D177AEE6130AEAF75C10A0948C635AEC98F5C445790E .\                         0.95KB
Verified D3FF5A1DB41D78399BD676A16C9321F127BB52B7E7EBF56B14EC5ABC21971213 .\LICENSE                           1.05KB
Verified F5CEFD9EE2498D5A6BB80F3F26A6B07FD405F3AB3AB63917426CB31EBF5719B9 .\csverify.psm1                     0.35KB
Verified EB749553314E1280C22EB6CD2E7CF3687EBF0A8D6C259A59C33AA4DFB215D85D .\csverify.psd1                     4.44KB
Verified 7E246407DE6B586B7BB2C46E82E089B72064AB6941F7EE83EDFBF9E0BD7D4CD3 .\.gitlab-ci.yml                    1.14KB

Installation Methods

💾 Source

🎫 Clone the repository from GitHub git clone
🎫 Open a PowerShell session and navigate to the cloned repository directory.
🎫 Run the Module Import via the command below:

# Import the module
git clone
cd csverify
Import-Module -Name csverify
Get-Module -Name csverify

# Check imported Module Functions
Get-Module -Name csverify | Select-Object -expand ExportedFunctions
Get-Module -Name csverify | select-object version

💼 Releases

Download the latest release from the Releases page.

📦 Package Repositories

# Install The Module from the PsGal
Install-Module -Name csverify -force

# Import Module into you powershell session
Import-Module -Name csverify

You may need to Set-ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned or Unrestricted to install from the PSGallary.

# Install The Module from the PsGal
choco install davilion.csverify

# Import Module into you powershell session
Import-Module -Name csverify

Installing Chocolatey Package Repository How to Install 🧷

📒 Documentaiton



New-CheckSum generates and returns sha256 hash for each within the specified folder. New-Verification unitilizes New-Checksum & Read-CheckSum.

New-CheckSum -Path .\


Read-CheckSum reads the verification file and returns a PSCustomObject array containg the file, path, size and hash.

Read-CheckSum -Path .\


New-VerificationFile generates the verification file. recersivlly compiles a list of all files present. For each file, it computes the SHA256 hash and records the file, path, size and its hash in the verification file(VERIFICATION.txt).



Test-Verification is used to verify the integrity of the codebase base it compares the SHA256 values from VERIFICATION.txt file and Returns file report.



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