Prized Season projects
Prized Season projects are stored at github
- github clone (ssh) (preferred)
- github clone (https) Authorship, refer to /101/.
HTML tree view under:
'prizedseason' repo depends on codeclone (ssh):
- github ...tree/ master,
- for instance: planexz set of modules are here (HTML)
Repos licences are:
- prizedseason : GPL (3.0)
- Author: (c) 2018, 2020 Henrique Moreira /101/
- codeclone : LGPL (2.1)
- Author: (c) 2018, 2020 Henrique Moreira
GIT principles on local copies and replicas favor forks. You can fork this repo, and then update your references, e.g.
git remote add upstream ...your_cloned_repo_url...
git fetch upstream
If you want to get back to the original location, you can always replace your GIT URL as follow:
git remote set-url origin
This README is quite incomplete. Intention is to list basically all the modules and scripts within this repo!