# Introduction # OATH is a common standard for OTP password generation defined in [RFC 4226](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4226.txt). The OTP is unique for each user that personalized the calculation with a unique seed. A counter value is incremented after each calculation (event based OTP) or valid for a specific time (time based OTP).

An OATH calculation in software is possible but discouraged as the seed could get lost or tampered after flashing or rooting the phone. For this purpose the OATH calculation takes place in a Secure Element (like an UICC, eSE or Mobile Security Card) where the private seed is kept secure in the GoogleOtpAuthenticator applet.

Walk through

Install Applet and APK

Activate 2-step verification

Android Application

The Android application is for demonstration and test purposes only. Do not use in production environments!

Java Card Applet

The Java Card applet is for demonstration and test purposes only. Do not use in production environments!
The applet within the Java Card CAP file uses the following AIDs:
PackageAID: 0xD2:0x76:0x00:0x01:0x18:0x00:0x03:0xFF:0x49:0x10:0x00:0x89:0x00:0x00:0x02:0x00
Applet AID: 0xD2:0x76:0x00:0x01:0x18:0x00:0x03:0xFF:0x49:0x10:0x00:0x89:0x00:0x00:0x02:0x01