Hi, and thanks in advance for contributing to MapLibre GL. Here's how we work. Please follow these conventions when submitting an issue or pull request.
In December 2020 Mapbox decided to publish future versions of mapbox-gl-js under a proprietary license. You are not allowed to backport code from Mapbox projects which has been contributed under this new license. Unauthorized backports are the biggest threat to the MapLibre project. If you are unsure about this issue, please ask!
Install the Xcode Command Line Tools Package
xcode-select --install
Install node.js version ^16
brew install node
Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:maplibre/maplibre-gl-js.git
Install dependencies for node_canvas (https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas)
brew install pkg-config cairo pango libpng jpeg giflib librsvg
Install node module dependencies
cd maplibre-gl-js &&
npm install
Apple silicon If you have one of the newer arm64 machines, you might find that canvas.node or webgl.node can't be found for your architecture. In that case go to node_modules/canvas and node_modules/gl and run:
npm install --build-from-source
Install git, GNU Make, and libglew-dev
sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get install build-essential git libglew-dev libxi-dev default-jre default-jdk
Install nvm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash
Install Node.js ^16
nvm install 16
Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:maplibre/maplibre-gl-js.git
Install node module dependencies
cd maplibre-gl-js &&
npm install
Install git, node.js (version ^16), npm and node-gyp.
Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:maplibre/maplibre-gl-js.git
Install node module dependencies
cd maplibre-gl-js
npm install
Install headless-gl dependencies https://github.com/stackgl/headless-gl#windows
copy node_modules/headless-gl/deps/windows/dll/x64/*.dll c:\windows\system32
Start the debug server
npm run start-debug
Open the debug page at http://localhost:9966/debug
A standalone build allows you to turn the contents of this repository into maplibre-gl.js
and maplibre-gl.css
files that can be included on an html page.
To create a standalone build, run
npm run build-prod
npm run build-css
Once those commands finish, you will have a standalone build at dist/maplibre-gl.js
and dist/maplibre-gl.css
See test/README.md
See test/bench/README.md
- We use
events to report user errors. - We use
to check invariants that are not likely to be caused by user error. Theseassert
statements are stripped out of production builds. - We use the following ES6 features:
loops (for arraylike iteration only, i.e. what is supported by Bublé'sdangerousForOf
transform)- Arrow functions
- Classes
- Template strings
- Computed and shorthand object properties
- Default parameters
- Rest parameters
- Destructuring
- Modules
- The following ES6 features are not to be used, in order to maintain support for IE 11 and older mobile browsers. This may change in the future.
- Spread (
) operator (because it requires Object.assign) - Iterators and generators
- "Library" features such as
, etc.
- Spread (
The conventions for module exports are:
- No exported "namespace objects" -- modules should export either classes or functions, with an occasional exception as needed for stubbing.
- If a module exports something with the same name as the file name (modulo case), it should be the default export.
- Anything else should be a named export.
- We use rebase merging (as opposed to basic merging) to merge branches
Here is a recommended way to get setup:
- Fork this project
- Clone your new fork,
git clone git@github.com:GithubUser/maplibre-gl-js.git
cd maplibre-gl-js
- Add the MapLibre repository as an upstream repository:
git remote add upstream git@github.com:maplibre/maplibre-gl-js.git
- Create a new branch
git checkout -b your-branch
for your contribution - Write code, open a PR from your branch when you're ready
- If you need to rebase your fork's PR branch onto main to resolve conflicts:
git fetch upstream
,git rebase upstream/main
and force push to Githubgit push --force origin your-branch
What warrants a changelog entry?
- Any change that affects the public API, visual appearance or user security must have a changelog entry
- Any performance improvement or bugfix should have a changelog entry
- Any contribution from a community member may have a changelog entry, no matter how small
- Any documentation related changes should not have a changelog entry
- Any regression change introduced and fixed within the same release should not have a changelog entry
- Any internal refactoring, technical debt reduction, render test, unit test or benchmark related change should not have a changelog entry
How to add your changelog?
- Any changelog entry should be descriptive and concise; it should explain the change to a reader without context
- Any changelog entry should be added to the pull request in the following format:
<changelog>Changelog description</changelog>
- Any change that does not require a changelog should be labelled
skip changelog
Our labeling system is
- minimalistic: Labels' usefulness are inversely proportional to how many we have.
- objective: Labels should be objective enough that any two people would agree on a labeling decision.
- useful: Labels should track state or capture semantic meaning that would otherwise be hard to search.
We have divided our labels into categories to make them easier to use.
- type (blue)
- actionable status (red)
- non-actionable status (grey)
- importance / urgency (green)
- topic / project / misc (yellow)