When importing symbols from modules, they should be absolutely bound @import lower from std.text
should create a reference
That would save many resolutions
[ ] Check: pass should have a constructor [ ] Check: parent class not resolved [ ] Check: function/method redefined
The original idea was that extend
would be the base for a cross-platform
λ-factory. Here is a quick list of the main operations taht would be
needed as part of a common runtime.
Core functions/predicates
- like
- isa
- isinstance
- describe
- string
- list
- tuple
- getSlot
- hasSlot
- setSlot
- keysOf
- slotsOf
- methodsOf
- propertiesOf
- operationsOf
- sharedOf
- classOf
- typeOf
Functional arithmetic operators:
- add
- mul
- div
- mod
- sub
- ceil
- floor
- round
- random
- sin
- cos
- PI
Functional programming:
- car
- cdr
- map
- filter
- reduce
- fold
Strategy for making LambdaFactory self-hosted:
- Parallel re-implementation
- Rewrite Interfaces first, with a proper hierarchy and S-Expressions support
- Properly model the relations between Element, DataFlow (Scope), Types (Abstract=typecast,Concrete=Element,Info=Type Description elements)
- Implement modelbase after the interfaces
- Write a small S-Expression parser to create modelbases
- Design a flexible "pass" module, with "traits" that can be assigned to
- Front-End and Back-Ends easily integrated into LF
- Common command-line interface
- Importance of elements name: some are (classes, functions, modules), some aren't (program, closure, iterations, selection, etc)
- Importations should go into the module "meta" (like version and stuff), and not into module init
A program is composed of elements (''program model elements'')
Each element represents either a structural (program, module, class, block), procedural (closure, functions, methods), operational (conditionals, repetitions, instanciations) or state-related (globals, variables, attributes) element.
Each element has an associated abstract type, and an associated concrete type, which may be itself. For instance, the concrete type of a 'Class' program element is the program element itself (or is it ?)
Add a resolution scheme:
Program, Scope Program uses Namespace (modules) Scope uses the context (and dataflow)
Resolution should happen for a specific operation: if the resolved symbol is declared later in the current scope or a child scope, then it may not be available (see 'bug-scoping.sg' in Sugar)
[Abstract Type] <------+
| |
| |
| |
| +-------[Dataflow Slot]
| | |
| | |
| v |
[Element] ------> [Dataflow] <---+
| |
| |
(is process) (alter)
| |
| |
+---> [Operations] ----------+
(when evaluable)
[Result Abstract Type]
lambdafactory (main package)
main.spy (main, command-line interface)
core (the core)
environment.spy (aggregates interfaces, passes, etc)
interfaces.spy (program model interface)
model.spy (default model implementation)
types.spy (the type system)
passes (transformation passes)
writing.py (writing passes)
resolving.spy (add dataflow pass)
typing.spy (add type information pass)
async.spy (rewrite asynchronous invocations)
sdoc.spy (create documentation)
uml.spy (UML diagram)
splitter.spy (Splitter utility)
languages (available languages)
runtime/ (language-specific files)
runtime.js (specific runtime library)
importer.spy (importing mechanisms)
writer.spy (code generation)
reader.spy (source code reading)
runner.spy (interpreter/compiler wrapper)
interfaces.spy (additional interfaces)
actionscript (ActionScript back-end)
python (Python back-end)
sugar (Sugar front-end and back-end)
library (default lambda-factory library)
core (core module)
datatypes.sg (core.datatypes module)
operations.sg (core.operations module)