<h1 align="center"> LaTeX-Template </h1> ## Another LaTeX-Template? This repo aims to improve productivity when working with LaTeX projects. Especially for faster initial setup and reduced collaboration problems. For this a few categorical decisions are enforced by this template. However, no `LaTeX` style is enforced on your project only the technical aspects of editor, compiler and tooling. ## Why another LaTeX template? How often have you seen messages such as ``` LaTeX Error: File *.sty not found. ``` after a template download? Witnessed how the compile time on overleaf got out of hand and you needed to switch to a standalone solution? Or faced a tedious resetup after a switching to a new mashine? ## Choices of this template > On my setup it compiles... The LaTeX code is compiled (and edited) in a **Docker container**, by default [texlive/texlive](https://hub.docker.com/r/texlive/texlive). This should eliminate any installation or missing package problems, or at least requires a non-local, i.e. repo based, fix of such. > Did you compile with `pdflatex ➞ bibtex ➞ pdflatex x 2` or `lualatex`? The **compiler** of choice is `LuaTex` controlled by `latexmk`. No more wrong recipes or different library backends between collaborators, hopefully eliminating compilation differences and problems further. > When did this stop to work? **Continuous Integration** is performed through Github actions. This eliminates breaking changes from going unnoticed. ## How To Use Clone this repo (or use the Github template functionality) ``` git clone git@github.com:schnellerhase/latex-template.git ``` open in [VSCode](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode) ``` code latex-template ``` you should pre prompted for the dev container press `Reopen in Container`. (If no prompt is shown press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>P</kbd>, select `DevContainers: Reopen in Container`.) `latex-workshop` is installed by default and is configured for `latexmk` only. Also `tex-fmt` is configured for the formatting of the LaTeX code. Optionally, remove any for you unecessary directories and files. Especially check if you need the directories `.github/` and `.devcontainer/` and `.vscode/`. Happy TeXing. ---