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Releases: sbt/sbt-github-actions


03 Jun 22:14
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about sbt-github-actions

sbt-github-actions is an sbt plugin, originally developed by Daniel Spiewak (@djspiewak) in 2020, to generate GitHub Actions YAML from build.sbt file.

Using sbt 1.9.0, the plugin is published for both the traditional POM-inconsistent style and POM-consistent style.

changes with compatibility implications

updates and fixes

  • Fixes whitespace support in action params by @hagay3 in #107
  • githubWorkflowBuildTimeout and githubWorkflowPublishTimeout to support timeout for jobs and steps using by @povder in #98
  • Ports githubWorkflowBuildSbtStepPreamble from sbt-typelevel by @eed3si9n in #139
  • Adds a page file fix for workflows that run on Windows by @mdedetrich in #146
  • Updates Scala versions by @mdedetrich in #149
  • Reverts default JDK to 8 and GraalVM to 22.3.0 by @mdedetrich in #136
  • Adds a space to the Scala version switch command by @mdedetrich in #153

behind the scene

new contributors

Full Changelog: v0.14.2...v0.15.0


02 Dec 01:04
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  • Fixed graalvm version specs


01 Dec 23:26
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  • Fixed Java matrix exclusions


01 Dec 18:28
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The main change in this release is removing the dependency on Olafur's excellent (but deprecated) setup-scala action. In its place, the generated builds now depend on the sbt which comes pre-installed in GHA runners along with the setup-java and setup-graalvm actions. Unfortunately, while setup-scala took advantage of Jabba to describe JVMs with a unified string slug, neither setup-java nor setup-graalvm support this type of thing. To resolve this, this release introduces JavaSpec, which is a more typed way of describing JVM and version. This has the advantage of providing more granular and direct control over GraalVM version, though unfortuantely it does mean that compatibility is broken and you will need to update your build.sbt.

It's also worth noting that this change also necessitates a significant change to the way that JVM installation is encoded within ci.yml. In theory this should only be visible within your build logs, but it may be a bit confusing if you're paying close attention. The semantics are the same as they have always been.

  • #91 – Use setup-java/setup-graalvm instead of setup-scala (@djspiewak)
  • #90 – Add params to Run / Sbt (@kubukoz)
  • #87 – Add support for paths and paths-ignore (@rossabaker)
  • #78 – Exclude sbt-github-actions from the sbt-spiewak plugin and link the plugin to the sources in this repository (@vasilmkd)

Thank you so much!


14 Aug 21:27
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Special thanks to each and every one of you!


01 Jun 19:23
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Thank you!


23 May 18:02
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The primary change in this release is that we have altered publication target to be Maven Central (Bintray plugins are now deprecated). This should be essentially invisible to end-users, since Maven Central is also on the Sbt default resolver set, and Sbt no longer relies upon Ivy-specific metadata for plugins.

Thank you, everyone!


18 Jan 21:31
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  • Added UseRef to the plugin autoImport scope, as it should have always been


17 Jan 18:08
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This release makes a number of changes which may have a breaking impact on your workflows, even taking into account the scala-steward automatic regeneration. Please check the release notes carefully and update your builds as necessary.

  • Renamed default branch from master to main. The main impact this has is on the githubWorkflowPublishTargetBranches key, which now defaults to releasing from main rather than releasing from master.
  • Added support for job containers via the container field of WorkflowJob. This functionality is not yet exposed directly in sbt settings.
  • Added githubWorkflowBuildMatrixFailFast, which makes it possible to configure the fail-fast property the build job. The default behavior is to accept the GitHub Actions default, which is to fail fast (i.e. if any branch of the matrix fails, the remainder are canceled). (@amesgen)
  • Generalized WorkflowStep.Use to allow for local and docker references. Any existing Use call-sites will need to have their ref parameters wrapped in UseRef.Public


16 Nov 22:24
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In retrospect, this probably should have been 0.10.0 given the changes involved. Need to come up with a proper versioning strategy here since almost everything we change will break builds.

  • Updated WorkflowStep.ComputeVar to use $GITHUB_ENV rather than the deprecated (and removed) set-env
  • Added ComputePrependPATH as a replacement for add-path (similar to the above)
  • Fixed issue where githubWorkflowScalaVersions was ignored (@amesgen)
  • Allow configuration of the fail-fast strategy (@amesgen)
  • Use the cache v2 action to dry up builds (@joroKr21)
  • Documentation fixes, mostly from @fthomas

Thank you all!