(array, required): The images.- Items (string)
: Refer to #/definitions/args.progress
(boolean): Run in progress mode. Default:false
(array): The carried out steps description.- Items (object): Cannot contain additional properties.
(string): The step name.sources
(array): The images obtain after the current step.- Items (string)
(integer): The step number.
- Items (object): Cannot contain additional properties.
(array)- Items (object): Assisted split configuration. Cannot contain additional properties.
(array)- Items (['integer', 'string'])
(array): The (proposed) limits to do the assisted split, You should keep only the right one.- Items (object): Cannot contain additional properties.
(string): The name visible on the generated image.type
(string): The kind of split.value
(integer): The split position.vertical
(boolean): Is vertical?margin
(integer): The margin around the split, can be used to remove a fold.
- Items (object): Cannot contain additional properties.
- Items (object): Assisted split configuration. Cannot contain additional properties.
(array): The transformed image, if removed the jobs will rag again from start.- Items (string)
(array): The ignored errors.- Items (object): Cannot contain additional properties.
(array)- Items (string)
- Items (object): Cannot contain additional properties.
(object): Can contain additional properties.- Additional properties (object): Cannot contain additional properties.
(['number', 'null']): The used angle to deskew, can be change, restart by deleting one of the generated images.status
(object): Cannot contain additional properties.angle
(number): The measured deskew angle.size
(array): The image dimensions.- Items (number)
- Additional properties (object): Cannot contain additional properties.
(number): The minimum box size to find the content [mm]. Default:{"crop": 3, "empty": 10, "limit": 10}
(number): The minimum black in a box on content find [%]. Default:2
(number): The block size used in a box on content find [mm]. Default:1.5
(number): The block size used in a box on threshold for content find [mm]. Default:1.5
(number): A variable used on threshold, should be low on low contrast image, used in a box on content find on witch one we will crop. Default:70
(boolean): Enable the auto detection of the mask. Default:true
(array): The lower color in HSV representation. Default:[0, 0, 250]
.- Items (integer)
(array): The upper color in HSV representation. Default:[255, 10, 255]
.- Items (integer)
(boolean): Apply a morphology operation to remove noise. Default:true
(boolean): Inverse the mask. Default:false
(integer): The size of the artifact that will be de noise. Default:1000
(integer): The threshold level used in de noise on the blurry image. Default:220
(integer): The size of the buffer add on the mask. Default:20
(integer): The threshold level used in buffer on the blurry image. Default:20
(object): The level configuration.value
(['boolean', 'integer']): true: => do level on 15% - 85% (under 15 % will be black above 85% will be white), false: => 0% - 100%, : => (0 + )% - (100 - number)%. Default:false
(boolean): If no level specified, do auto level. Default:false
(number): Min level if no level end no auto-level. Default:0
(number): Max level if no level end no auto-level. Default:100
(number): Set the near white pixels on the image to white. Default:255
(number): Set the near black pixels on the image to black. Default:0
(object): The crop configuration.enabled
(boolean): Enable the crop. Default:true
(number): The horizontal margin used on auto-detect content [mm]. Default:9
(number): The vertical margin used on auto-detect content [mm]. Default:6
: Refer to #/definitions/contour.
(number): The DPI used to convert the mm to pixel. Default:300
(object): Sharpen configuration. Default:{"enabled": false}
(boolean): Enable the sharpen. Default:true
(object): The dither configuration. Default:{"enabled": false}
(boolean): Enable the dither. Default:true
(object): The Tesseract configuration.enabled
(boolean): Use Tesseract to to an OCR on the document. Default:true
(string): The used language for tesseract. Default:"fra+eng"
(boolean): Do an assisted split. Default:false
(boolean): Do an assisted split. Default:false
(object): The empty page detection configuration.enabled
(boolean): Enable the empty page detection. Default:true
: Refer to #/definitions/contour.
(object): The limit page detection configuration.contour
: Refer to #/definitions/contour.line
(object): The line detection used in assisted split.low_threshold
(integer): The low threshold used in the Canny edge detector. Default:0
(integer): The high threshold used in the Canny edge detector. Default:1000
(integer): The aperture size used in the Canny edge detector. Default:3
(integer): The rho used in the Hough transform. Default:1
(integer): The threshold used in the Hough transform. Default:100
(integer): The minimum line length in percentage of the image size used in the Hough transform. Default:50
(integer): The maximum line gap in percentage of the image size used in the Hough transform. Default:100
(integer): The number of colors in the png. Default:0
(object): The optipng optimization tool configuration.enabled
(boolean): Use the optipng optimizer. Default:true
(object): The pngquant optimization tool configuration. Default:{"enabled": false}
(boolean): Use the pngquant optimizer. Default:true
(array): The pngquant options. Default:["--force", "--speed=1", "--strip", "--quality=0-32"]
.- Items (string)
(object): The exiftool optimization tool configuration. Default:{"enabled": false}
(boolean): Use the exiftool optimizer. Default:true
(object): The ps2pdf optimization tool configuration. Default:{"enabled": false}
(boolean): Use the ps2pdf optimizer (=> JPEG). Default:true
(object): The auto rotate configuration.enabled
(boolean): Enable the auto rotate detected by Tesseract. Default:true
(object): Convert images to JPEG configuration. Default:{"enabled": false}
(boolean): Convert images to JPEG. Default:true
(integer): The JPEG quality. Default:90
(array): The background color. Default:[255, 255, 255]
.- Items (integer)
(object): The mask configuration, the a is used to mask the image on crop and skew calculation. Default:{"enabled": false}
(boolean): Enable the mask. Default:true
: Refer to #/definitions/auto_mask.additional_filename
(['string', 'null']): An image file used to add on the mask.
(object): The cut configuration, a mask is used to definitively mask the source image. Default:{"enabled": false}
(boolean): Enable the cut. Default:true
: Refer to #/definitions/auto_mask.additional_filename
(['string', 'null']): An image file used to add on the mask.
(boolean): Don't wait for the deletion of the REMOVE_TO_CONTINUE file before exporting the PDF. Default:false
(object): The deskew configuration.min_angle
(number): The minimum angle to detect the image skew [degree]. Default:-45
(number): The maximum angle to detect the image skew [degree]. Default:45
(number): The step of angle to detect the image skew [degree]. Default:0.1
(number): Used in thecanny
function. Default:3.0
(integer): number of peaks we ask for. Default:20
(boolean): Detect an angle of +/- 90 degree, also +/- 45 degree. Default:false
(object): Configuration of rule displayed in assisted split images.enabled
(boolean): Default:true
(integer): Default:10
(integer): Default:100
(integer): Default:100
(integer): Default:10
(integer): Default:30
(array): Default:[0, 0, 0]
.- Items (integer)
(array): Default:[0, 0, 0]
.- Items (integer)
(number): Default:0.2
(string): Default:"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf"
(number): Default:17
(array): Default:[0, 0, 0]
.- Items (integer)
(integer): Default:6
(object): Upload the final PDF via Paperless REST API.enabled
(boolean): Enable the upload of the PDF via REST API. Default:false
(string, required): The URL address of the REST API, usually
(string, required): The API token.
(object): Send the final PDF to Paperless using the consume folder.enabled
(boolean): Enable using the consume folder. Default:true