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Wise and powerful personal assistant, available in your nearest terminal

Install, how to


Run, how to

Method 1

You can install yoda directly from the github repository using the following commands in shell. virtualenv yodaenv ./yodaenv/bin/pip install git+

Method 2

Clone this repository and create a virtual environment using Python 2 in the cloned directory (virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2 venv). Steps after that:

Instead of pip install --editable . you can use pip install . if you don't intend to make any changes in the code.

Method 3

Clone this repository and build the Docker image (make build) and then run: docker run --rm -it --name yoda yoda:latest yoda chat Hello

Use this package, how to


This package contains a chatbot too! The chat command can be used to chat with it

You can test the chat functionality on agent website here


This command group contains some sub-commands that may be helpful for developers and tech-geeks.

  • speedtest

  • url

  • hackernews

  • horoscope
$ yoda horoscope aries
You may stomp your feet all you like, but you're not going to get your way today. The days of 'me-myself' are over. Also, today you may invite unwanted trouble. It may do you some good, suggests Ganesha, if you change the hub of your activities.
  • sitechecker
$ yoda checksite
Yay! The site is up and running! :)

$ yoda checksite
Looks like is not a valid URL, check the URL and try again.

$yoda checksite https://manparvesh
Looks like https://manparvesh is not a valid URL, check the URL and try again.
  • whois
$ yoda dev whois
Verifying domain...

Registrar:     MarkMonitor Inc.
Organization:  Google LLC
Country:       US

Registered On: 1997-09-15
Expires On:    2020-09-13
Updated On:    2018-02-21
  • grep
$ yoda dev grep PATTERN FILE|FOLDER -r [True] -i [True]
-r is the flag for recursive search. -i enables case insensitive search.
Both are optional parameter and the flags are off if they are not provided.

$ yoda dev grep \d+ modules/ -r True
Will recursively search all files in modules directory for any line containing 1 or more digits.

$ yoda dev grep yOdA modules/ -i True
Will recursively search all files in modules directory for any line containing the word yoda.
This search is case insensitive.

$ yoda dev grep yOdA -i True
Will recursively search the file for any line containing the word yoda.
This search is case insensitive.
  • gif
$ yoda gif from_images --source SOURCE_DIR --output OUTPUT_FILE
Will scan the source directory and generate a gif. File will be located at OUTPUT_FILE.
yoda gif from-images --source tests/resources/gif_frames/ --output test.gif

$ yoda gif from_images --source SOURCE_DIR --output OUTPUT_FILE --<param> <value>
Will scan the source directory and generate a gif. File will be located at OUTPUT_FILE.
<param> and <value> can be any keyword argument that imageio's mimsave function takes.
yoda gif from-images --source tests/resources/gif_frames/ --output test.gif --fps 9
will create a gif with 9 fps.
  • run
$ yoda run tests/resources/
Compiling code..
Running code...
Hello, World!

  • fileshare
$ yoda dev fileshare transport.png
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  379k  100    82  100  379k     14  69962  0:00:05  0:00:05 --:--:-- 78717
File Link :
WARNING: File will be deleted after it is accessed once.
  • keybindings
# To add(or import) a keybindings file
$ yoda dev keybindings add vim /absolute/path/to/keybinding/file.csv

# To search keybinding action for a software
$ yoda dev keybindings search vim move cusror
Key Bindings:
     key       |          action       
       h       |       move cursor left
       j       |       move cursor down
       k       |       move cursor up
       l       |       move cursor right


For settings and maintaining your goals, type

# To set a goal (name, description, deadline)
$ yoda goals new

# To show list of ideas
$ yoda goals view

# To set a goal as completed
$ yoda goals complete

# To see number of completed/incomplete goals, missed deadlines etc.
$ yoda goals analyze

# To view tasks assigned to the goal
$ yoda goals tasks

Use this module with diary module and assign new tasks to the goals by typing

$ yoda diary nt

and adding the goal names to the task when prompted to do so.


This command can be used to maintain a personal diary, roughly based on the concept of Bullet Journal.

For creating and writing new note type

#For writing new note
$yoda diary nn
#First give the title of the note.
#Sencond give the text of the note

#Viewing all notes.
$yoda diary notes
#Updating note
#Choose the date and then the note to update
$yoda diary un
#Deleting Note
#Choose the date and then the note to delete
$yoda diary dn

For writing and viewing tasks.

#Writing new task
$yoda diary nt
#Viewing all tasks
$yoda diary tasks
#Change the status of task to completed
$yoda diary ct
#Update task
#Choose the date and then the task to update
yoda diary ut
#Delete Task
#Choose the date and then the task to delete
yoda diary dt
#Delete all completed tasks for today
yoda diary dct
# type c to confirm the deletion


This command can be used to maintain a profile of someone you love.


For tracking money, this is.

Get your expenses per month

$ yoda money exps_month
$ Sep: spent 75 USD
$ Nov: spent 15 USD
$ Dec: spent 125 USD

Convert currency

$ yoda money convert
Enter currency codes seperated by space:
₹ 1 = US$ 0.0136
Enter the amount in INR to be converted to USD
100 INR = 1.36 USD

Idea list

For creating list of ideas, type

# To add idea
$ yoda ideas add --task <task_name> --inside <project_name>

# To show list of ideas
$ yoda ideas show

# To remove a task from idea
$ yoda ideas remove --task <task_name> --inside <project_name>

# To remove an idea completely
$ yoda ideas remove --project <project_name>

IP lookup

Get the geographical location of an IP address.

$ yoda iplookup
$ Virginia, United States


This command group contains commands that, helpful in learning new things, will be. Yeesssssss.

  • vocabulary: For enhancing your vocabulary and tracking your progress.

  • flashcards: for learning anything! (inspiration)

    # create new set (remember to keep the name to one word)
    $  yoda flashcards sets new english
    # modify set
    $  yoda flashcards sets modify english
    # list all sets
    $  yoda flashcards sets list
    # select a study set
    $  yoda flashcards select english
    # create new card in selected set (card name length can be more than 1 word)
    $  yoda flashcards cards new Oxford comma
    # Know which set is selected and its information
    $  yoda flashcards status
    # study the selected study set. This will show you all the cards in a study set
    # one by one.
    $  yoda flashcards study
  • dictionary: to get definition, synonym, antonym and example of a word. This definition or synonym search will be automatically saved, so that while you are working on your vocabulary, you can come through the new word as well.

    $ yoda dictionary define car
    A few definitions of the word "car" with their parts of speech are given below:
    noun: a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine
    noun: the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant
    noun: where passengers ride up and down
    noun: a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad
    noun: a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway
    This word already exists in the vocabulary set, so you can practice it while using that
    $ yoda dictionary synonym car
    A few synonyms of the word "car" are given below:
    elevator car
    railroad car
    railway car
    cable car
    This word already exists in the vocabulary set, so you can practice it while using that
    $ yoda dictionary antonym car
    Sorry, no antonyms were found for this word
    $ yoda dictionary example good
    A few examples of the word "good" are given below:
    weigh the good against the bad
    among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization
    a good friend


This command group contains commands to alias cumbersome commands.

# before: shortening a url
$ yoda url shorten

# alias shorten to be s
$ yoda alias new "shorten" "s"

# can now use s in place of shorten
$ yoda url s

# or alias the whole command as us
$ yoda alias new "url shorten" "us"
$ yoda us

# show your current aliases
$ yoda alias show

# delete aliases
$ yoda alias delete "us"
$ yoda alias delete "s"


This command outputs transformed ascii version of a given image.

    # give the path of the image you want to transform
    $ yoda ascii_transform logo.png



This command obtains the weather information of a specified location using wttr as the weather service.

# getting weather for location [CITY COUNTRY]
# country and be omitted if there are no clashes of same named cities
$ yoda weather tokyo japan
Weather report: Tokyo, Japan

         \  /       Partly cloudy
       _ /"".-.     80-84 °F       
         \_(   ).   ↑ 24 mph       
         /(___(__)  10 mi          
                    0.0 in         
     ┌──────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────┤  Sun 07 Oct ├───────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐
     │            Morning           │             Noon      └──────┬──────┘     Evening           │             Night            │
     │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │
     │  _ /"".-.     82-87 °F       │  _ /"".-.     87-91 °F       │  _ /"".-.     86 °F          │  _ /"".-.     80-82 °F       │
     │    \_(   ).   ↗ 14-17 mph    │    \_(   ).   ↘ 3-4 mph      │    \_(   ).   ↓ 7-10 mph     │    \_(   ).   ↙ 11-15 mph    │
     │    /(___(__)  11 mi          │    /(___(__)  12 mi          │    /(___(__)  11 mi          │    /(___(__)  11 mi          │
     │               0.0 in | 0%    │               0.0 in | 0%    │               0.0 in | 0%    │               0.0 in | 0%    │
     ┌──────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────┤  Mon 08 Oct ├───────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐
     │            Morning           │             Noon      └──────┬──────┘     Evening           │             Night            │
     │      .-.      Light rain     │      .-.      Light drizzle  │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │  _`/"".-.     Patchy rain po…│
     │     (   ).    73-77 °F       │     (   ).    73-77 °F       │  _ /"".-.     73-77 °F       │   ,\_(   ).   73-77 °F       │
     │    (___(__)   ↙ 10-13 mph    │    (___(__)   ↙ 9-12 mph     │    \_(   ).   ← 8-11 mph     │    /(___(__)  ← 4-6 mph      │
     │     ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘   11 mi          │     ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘   11 mi          │    /(___(__)  11 mi          │      ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘  10 mi          │
     │    ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘    0.0 in | 70%   │    ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘    0.0 in | 89%   │               0.0 in | 0%    │     ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘   0.0 in | 61%   │
     ┌──────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────┤  Tue 09 Oct ├───────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐
     │            Morning           │             Noon      └──────┬──────┘     Evening           │             Night            │
     │  _`/"".-.     Light rain sho…│  _`/"".-.     Light rain sho…│    \  /       Partly cloudy  │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │
     │   ,\_(   ).   75-77 °F       │   ,\_(   ).   78-80 °F       │  _ /"".-.     77-80 °F       │  _ /"".-.     75-78 °F       │
     │    /(___(__)  ↙ 8-9 mph      │    /(___(__)  ↓ 8-9 mph      │    \_(   ).   ↙ 8-11 mph     │    \_(   ).   ↙ 6-9 mph      │
     │      ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘  11 mi          │      ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘  10 mi          │    /(___(__)  10 mi          │    /(___(__)  9 mi           │
     │     ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘   0.0 in | 89%   │     ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘   0.0 in | 82%   │               0.0 in | 0%    │               0.0 in | 0%    │

     Follow @igor_chubin for updates


This command can be used to save profiles of people and related information, like their birthdays, likes, and some personalized notes for them.

# To add people(or a friend)
$ yoda people setup

# To show added friends
$ yoda people status
     Mob    |     DOB    |   Name     
 7503160111 | 1994-06-26 | Joy        
 7503160112 | 1994-05-26 | Lobo       

# To add what people like(or a friend likes)
$ yoda people like

# To add personalized notes for people(or friend)
$ yoda people note

# To view likes of your added people
$ yoda people likes
1: #petry
2: #acting

# To view personalized notes for added people(or friend)
$ yoda people notes
1: stop saying start doing
2: keep chin up


This command can be used to get the lyrics of a song.

$ yoda lyrics
Enter the artist name:
imagine dragons
Enter the title name:
Just a young gun with a quick fuse
I was uptight, wanna let loose
I was dreaming of bigger things in


To create an issue in the github repository simple thing that shows a link. Yeesssssss.

Packages and services used

Contribute, you must

Please refer to the contributing guidelines for contributing to this project.

In the news



  • Support for both Python 2 and Python 3
  • Command aliasing
  • Port scanning
  • More features in love module
  • Hackernews
  • yoda inspire
  • Increased test coverage
  • Bug fixes


  • Idea list
  • Reading list
  • Automated tests
  • Test coverage
  • Custom config directory location
  • Minor bug fixes


Initial release.