diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 8875084449..2e0a6c3424 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -2,123 +2,55 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. -Please keep one empty line before and after all headers. (This is required for `git` to produce a conflict when a release is made while a PR is open and the PR's changelog entry would go into the wrong section). +Please keep one empty line before and after all headers. (This is required for +`git` to produce a conflict when a release is made while a PR is open and the +PR's changelog entry would go into the wrong section). -And please only add new entries to the top of this list, right below the `# Unreleased` header. +And please only add new entries to the top of this list, right below the `# +Unreleased` header. # Unreleased -- Implement `PartialOrd` and `Ord` for `Key`, `KeyCode`, `NativeKey`, and `NativeKeyCode`. -- Renamed `EventLoopExtRunOnDemand` / `run_ondemand` to `EventLoopExtRunOnDemand` / `run_on_demand`. -- Make iOS `MonitorHandle` and `VideoMode` usable from other threads. -- On Web, `ControlFlow::WaitUntil` now uses the Prioritized Task Scheduling API. `setTimeout()`, with a trick to circumvent throttling to 4ms, is used as a fallback. -- On Web, never return a `MonitorHandle`. +# 0.29.2 + +- **Breaking:** Bump MSRV from `1.60` to `1.65`. +- **Breaking:** Add `Event::MemoryWarning`; implemented on iOS/Android. +- **Breaking:** Bump `ndk` version to `0.8.0`, ndk-sys to `0.5.0`, `android-activity` to `0.5.0`. +- **Breaking:** Change default `ControlFlow` from `Poll` to `Wait`. - **Breaking:** Move `Event::RedrawRequested` to `WindowEvent::RedrawRequested`. -- On macOS, fix crash in `window.set_minimized(false)`. -- On Web, enable event propagation and let `DeviceEvent`s appear after `WindowEvent`s. -- On Web, take all transient activations on the canvas and window into account to queue a fullscreen request. -- On Web, remove any fullscreen requests from the queue when an external fullscreen activation was detected. -- On Wayland, fix `TouchPhase::Canceled` being sent for moved events. -- Mark `startup_notify` unsafe functions as safe. -- Fix a bug where Wayland would be chosen on Linux even if the user specified `with_x11`. (#3058) -- **Breaking:** Moved `ControlFlow` to `EventLoopWindowTarget::set_control_flow()` and `EventLoopWindowTarget::control_flow()`. - **Breaking:** Moved `ControlFlow::Exit` to `EventLoopWindowTarget::exit()` and `EventLoopWindowTarget::exiting()` and removed `ControlFlow::ExitWithCode(_)` entirely. -- On Web, add `EventLoopWindowTargetExtWebSys` and `PollStrategy`, which allows to set different strategies for `ControlFlow::Poll`. By default the Prioritized Task Scheduling API is used, but an option to use `Window.requestIdleCallback` is available as well. Both use `setTimeout()`, with a trick to circumvent throttling to 4ms, as a fallback. -- Implement `PartialOrd` and `Ord` for `MouseButton`. -- On X11, fix event loop not waking up on `ControlFlow::Poll` and `ControlFlow::WaitUntil`. -- **Breaking:** Change default `ControlFlow` from `Poll` to `Wait`. -- **Breaking:** remove `DeviceEvent::Text`. -- On Android, fix `DeviceId` to contain device id's. -- Add `Window::set_blur` to request a blur behind the window; implemented on Wayland for now. -- On Web, fix `ControlFlow::WaitUntil` to never wake up **before** the given time. -- On iOS, add ability to change the status bar style. -- Add `Window::show_window_menu` to request a titlebar/system menu; implemented on Wayland/Windows for now. -- On iOS, send events `WindowEvent::Occluded(false)`, `WindowEvent::Occluded(true)` when application enters/leaves foreground. -- **Breaking** add `Event::MemoryWarning`; implemented on iOS/Android. -- On Wayland, support `Occluded` event with xdg-shell v6 -- Implement `AsFd`/`AsRawFd` for `EventLoop` on X11 and Wayland. -- **Breaking:** Bump `ndk` version to `0.8.0`, ndk-sys to `0.5.0`, `android-activity` to `0.5.0`. -- Make `WindowBuilder` `Send + Sync`. -- On macOS, fix assertion when pressing `Globe` key. -- On Windows, updated `WM_MOUSEMOVE` to detect when cursor Enter or Leave window client area while captured and send the corresponding events. (#3153) -- On macOS, fix crash when accessing tabbing APIs. -- On Windows, fix `RedrawRequested` not being delivered when calling `Window::request_redraw` from `RedrawRequested`. -- On Windows, fix IME APIs not working when from non event loop thread. -- Add horizontal MouseWheel DeviceEvent on Windows - -# 0.29.1-beta - -- **Breaking:** Bump `ndk` version to `0.8.0-beta.0`, ndk-sys to `0.5.0-beta.0`, `android-activity` to `0.5.0-beta.1`. -- **Breaking:** Bump MSRV from `1.64` to `1.65`. -- Make iOS windows usable from other threads. -- Reexport `raw-window-handle` in `window` module. -- **Breaking:** `WINIT_UNIX_BACKEND` was removed in favor of standard `WAYLAND_DISPLAY` and `DISPLAY` variables. +- **Breaking:** Moved `ControlFlow` to `EventLoopWindowTarget::set_control_flow()` and `EventLoopWindowTarget::control_flow()`. - **Breaking:** `EventLoop::new` and `EventLoopBuilder::build` now return `Result` -- On X11, set `visual_id` in returned `raw-window-handle`. -- **Breaking:** on Wayland, dispatching user created wayland queue won't wake up the loop unless winit has event to send back. -- Removed platform-specific extensions that should be retrieved through `raw-window-handle` trait implementations instead: - - `platform::windows::HINSTANCE`. - - `WindowExtWindows::hinstance`. - - `WindowExtWindows::hwnd`. - - `WindowExtIOS::ui_window`. - - `WindowExtIOS::ui_view_controller`. - - `WindowExtIOS::ui_view`. - - `WindowExtMacOS::ns_window`. - - `WindowExtMacOS::ns_view`. - - `EventLoopWindowTargetExtWayland::wayland_display`. - - `WindowExtWayland::wayland_surface`. - - `WindowExtWayland::wayland_display`. - - `WindowExtX11::xlib_window`. - - `WindowExtX11::xlib_display`. - - `WindowExtX11::xlib_screen_id`. - - `WindowExtX11::xcb_connection`. -- On Web, use `Window.requestAnimationFrame()` to throttle `RedrawRequested` events. -- On Wayland, use frame callbacks to throttle `RedrawRequested` events so redraws will align with compositor. -- Add `Window::pre_present_notify` to notify winit before presenting to the windowing system. -- On Windows, added `WindowBuilderExtWindows::with_class_name` to customize the internal class name. +- **Breaking:** `WINIT_UNIX_BACKEND` was removed in favor of standard `WAYLAND_DISPLAY` and `DISPLAY` variables. +- **Breaking:** on Wayland, dispatching user created Wayland queue won't wake up the loop unless winit has event to send back. +- **Breaking:** remove `DeviceEvent::Text`. - **Breaking:** Remove lifetime parameter from `Event` and `WindowEvent`. -- **Breaking:** `ScaleFactorChanged` now contains a writer instead of a reference to update inner size. -- On iOS, always wake the event loop when transitioning from `ControlFlow::Poll` to `ControlFlow::Poll`. -- **Breaking:** `ActivationTokenDone` event which could be requested with the new `startup_notify` module, see its docs for more. -- On Wayland, make double clicking and moving the CSD frame more reliable. -- On macOS, add tabbing APIs on `WindowExtMacOS` and `EventLoopWindowTargetExtMacOS`. - **Breaking:** Rename `Window::set_inner_size` to `Window::request_inner_size` and indicate if the size was applied immediately. -- On X11, fix false positive flagging of key repeats when pressing different keys with no release between presses. -- Add `ElementState::is_pressed`. -- On Web, implement `WindowEvent::Occluded`. -- On Web, fix touch location to be as accurate as mouse position. -- On Web, account for CSS `padding`, `border`, and `margin` when getting or setting the canvas position. -- On Web, add Fullscreen API compatibility for Safari. -- On Web, implement `Window::set_(min|max)_inner_size()`. -- On Web, fix some `Window` methods using incorrect HTML attributes instead of CSS properties. -- On Web, fix some `WindowBuilder` methods doing nothing. -- On Web, implement `Window::focus_window()`. -- On Web, remove unnecessary `Window::is_dark_mode()`, which was replaced with `Window::theme()`. -- On Web, add `WindowBuilderExtWebSys::with_append()` to append the canvas element to the web page on creation. -- On Windows, add `drag_resize_window` method support. +- **Breaking:** `ActivationTokenDone` event which could be requested with the new `startup_notify` module, see its docs for more. +- **Breaking:** `ScaleFactorChanged` now contains a writer instead of a reference to update inner size. - **Breaking** `run() -> !` has been replaced by `run() -> Result<(), EventLoopError>` for returning errors without calling `std::process::exit()` ([#2767](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2767)) -- **Breaking** Removed `EventLoopExtRunReturn` / `run_return` in favor of `EventLoopExtPumpEvents` / `pump_events` and `EventLoopExtRunOnDemand` / `run_ondemand` ([#2767](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2767)) +- **Breaking** Removed `EventLoopExtRunReturn` / `run_return` in favor of `EventLoopExtPumpEvents` / `pump_events` and `EventLoopExtRunOnDemand` / `run_on_demand` ([#2767](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2767)) - `RedrawRequested` is no longer guaranteed to be emitted after `MainEventsCleared`, it is now platform-specific when the event is emitted after being requested via `redraw_request()`. - On Windows, `RedrawRequested` is now driven by `WM_PAINT` messages which are requested via `redraw_request()` - **Breaking** `LoopDestroyed` renamed to `LoopExiting` ([#2900](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900)) - **Breaking** `RedrawEventsCleared` removed ([#2900](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900)) - **Breaking** `MainEventsCleared` removed ([#2900](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900)) -- Added `AboutToWait` event which is emitted when the event loop is about to block and wait for new events ([#2900](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900)) -- **Breaking:** `with_x11_visual` now takes the visual ID instead of the bare pointer. -- On X11, add a `with_embedded_parent_window` function to the window builder to allow embedding a window into another window. -- On iOS, add force data to touch events when using the Apple Pencil. -- On Android, add force data to touch events. - -# 0.29.0-beta.0 - -- On Web, allow event loops to be recreated with `spawn`. -- **Breaking:** Rename `Window::set_ime_position` to `Window::set_ime_cursor_area` adding a way to set exclusive zone. -- On Android, changed default behavior of Android to ignore volume keys letting the operating system handle them. -- On Android, added `EventLoopBuilderExtAndroid::handle_volume_keys` to indicate that the application will handle the volume keys manually. +- **Breaking:** Remove all deprecated `modifiers` fields. - **Breaking:** Rename `DeviceEventFilter` to `DeviceEvents` reversing the behavior of variants. +- **Breaking** Add `AboutToWait` event which is emitted when the event loop is about to block and wait for new events ([#2900](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900)) - **Breaking:** Rename `EventLoopWindowTarget::set_device_event_filter` to `listen_device_events`. -- On X11, fix `EventLoopWindowTarget::listen_device_events` effect being reversed. -- **Breaking:** Remove all deprecated `modifiers` fields. +- **Breaking:** Rename `Window::set_ime_position` to `Window::set_ime_cursor_area` adding a way to set exclusive zone. +- **Breaking:** `with_x11_visual` now takes the visual ID instead of the bare pointer. +- **Breaking** `MouseButton` now supports `Back` and `Forward` variants, emitted from mouse events on Wayland, X11, Windows, macOS and Web. +- **Breaking:** On Web, `instant` is now replaced by `web_time`. +- **Breaking:** On Web, dropped support for Safari versions below 13.1. +- **Breaking:** On Web, the canvas output bitmap size is no longer adjusted. +- **Breaking:** On Web, the canvas size is not controlled by Winit anymore and external changes to the canvas size will be reported through `WindowEvent::Resized`. +- **Breaking:** Updated `bitflags` crate version to `2`, which changes the API on exposed types. +- **Breaking:** `CursorIcon::Arrow` was removed. +- **Breaking:** `CursorIcon::Hand` is now named `CursorIcon::Pointer`. +- **Breaking:** `CursorIcon` is now used from the `cursor-icon` crate. +- **Breaking:** `WindowExtWebSys::canvas()` now returns an `Option`. - **Breaking:** Overhaul keyboard input handling. - Replace `KeyboardInput` with `KeyEvent` and `RawKeyEvent`. - Change `WindowEvent::KeyboardInput` to contain a `KeyEvent`. @@ -128,11 +60,13 @@ And please only add new entries to the top of this list, right below the `# Unre - Replace `VirtualKeyCode` with the `Key` enum. - Replace `ScanCode` with the `KeyCode` enum. - Rename `ModifiersState::LOGO` to `SUPER` and `ModifiersState::CTRL` to `CONTROL`. + - Add `PhysicalKey` wrapping `KeyCode` and `NativeKeyCode`. - Add `KeyCode` to refer to keys (roughly) by their physical location. - Add `NativeKeyCode` to represent raw `KeyCode`s which Winit doesn't understand. - Add `Key` to represent the keys after they've been interpreted by the active (software) keyboard layout. + - Add `NamedKey` to represent the categorized keys. - Add `NativeKey` to represent raw `Key`s which Winit doesn't understand. - Add `KeyLocation` to tell apart `Key`s which usually "mean" the same thing, but can appear simultaneously in different spots on the same keyboard @@ -141,56 +75,108 @@ And please only add new entries to the top of this list, right below the `# Unre of dead key sequences. - Add `KeyEventExtModifierSupplement` to expose additional (and less portable) interpretations of a given key-press. - - Add `KeyCodeExtScancode`, which lets you convert between raw keycodes and - `KeyCode`. + - Add `PhysicalKeyExtScancode`, which lets you convert between scancodes and + `PhysicalKey`. - `ModifiersChanged` now uses dedicated `Modifiers` struct. +- Removed platform-specific extensions that should be retrieved through `raw-window-handle` trait implementations instead: + - `platform::windows::HINSTANCE`. + - `WindowExtWindows::hinstance`. + - `WindowExtWindows::hwnd`. + - `WindowExtIOS::ui_window`. + - `WindowExtIOS::ui_view_controller`. + - `WindowExtIOS::ui_view`. + - `WindowExtMacOS::ns_window`. + - `WindowExtMacOS::ns_view`. + - `EventLoopWindowTargetExtWayland::wayland_display`. + - `WindowExtWayland::wayland_surface`. + - `WindowExtWayland::wayland_display`. + - `WindowExtX11::xlib_window`. + - `WindowExtX11::xlib_display`. + - `WindowExtX11::xlib_screen_id`. + - `WindowExtX11::xcb_connection`. +- Reexport `raw-window-handle` in `window` module. +- Add `ElementState::is_pressed`. +- Add `Window::pre_present_notify` to notify winit before presenting to the windowing system. +- Add `Window::set_blur` to request a blur behind the window; implemented on Wayland for now. +- Add `Window::show_window_menu` to request a titlebar/system menu; implemented on Wayland/Windows for now. +- Implement `AsFd`/`AsRawFd` for `EventLoop` on X11 and Wayland. +- Implement `PartialOrd` and `Ord` for `MouseButton`. +- Implement `PartialOrd` and `Ord` on types in the `dpi` module. +- Make `WindowBuilder` `Send + Sync`. +- Make iOS `MonitorHandle` and `VideoMode` usable from other threads. +- Make iOS windows usable from other threads. +- On Android, add force data to touch events. +- On Android, added `EventLoopBuilderExtAndroid::handle_volume_keys` to indicate that the application will handle the volume keys manually. +- On Android, fix `DeviceId` to contain device id's. - On Orbital, fix `ModifiersChanged` not being sent. -- **Breaking:** `CursorIcon` is now used from the `cursor-icon` crate. -- **Breaking:** `CursorIcon::Hand` is now named `CursorIcon::Pointer`. -- **Breaking:** `CursorIcon::Arrow` was removed. -- On Wayland, fix maximized startup not taking full size on GNOME. -- On Wayland, fix initial window size not restored for maximized/fullscreened on startup window. - On Wayland, `Window::outer_size` now accounts for **client side** decorations. -- On Wayland, fix window not checking that it actually got initial configure event. -- On Wayland, fix maximized window creation and window geometry handling. -- On Wayland, fix forward compatibility issues. - On Wayland, add `Window::drag_resize_window` method. -- On Wayland, drop `WINIT_WAYLAND_CSD_THEME` variable. -- Implement `PartialOrd` and `Ord` on types in the `dpi` module. -- **Breaking:** Bump MSRV from `1.60` to `1.64`. -- **Breaking:** On Web, the canvas output bitmap size is no longer adjusted. -- On Web: fix `Window::request_redraw` not waking the event loop when called from outside the loop. -- On Web: fix position of touch events to be relative to the canvas. -- On Web, fix `Window:::set_fullscreen` doing nothing when called outside the event loop but during - a transient activation. -- On Web, fix pointer button events not being processed when a buttons is already pressed. -- **Breaking:** Updated `bitflags` crate version to `2`, which changes the API on exposed types. -- On Web, handle coalesced pointer events, which increases the resolution of pointer inputs. -- **Breaking:** On Web, `instant` is now replaced by `web_time`. -- On Windows, port to `windows-sys` version 0.48.0. +- On Wayland, remove `WINIT_WAYLAND_CSD_THEME` variable. +- On Wayland, fix `TouchPhase::Canceled` being sent for moved events. +- On Wayland, fix forward compatibility issues. +- On Wayland, fix initial window size not restored for maximized/fullscreened on startup window. +- On Wayland, fix maximized startup not taking full size on GNOME. +- On Wayland, fix maximized window creation and window geometry handling. +- On Wayland, fix window not checking that it actually got initial configure event. +- On Wayland, make double clicking and moving the CSD frame more reliable. +- On Wayland, support `Occluded` event with xdg-shell v6 +- On Wayland, use frame callbacks to throttle `RedrawRequested` events so redraws will align with compositor. +- On Web, `ControlFlow::WaitUntil` now uses the Prioritized Task Scheduling API. `setTimeout()`, with a trick to circumvent throttling to 4ms, is used as a fallback. +- On Web, `EventLoopProxy` now implements `Send`. +- On Web, `Window` now implements `Send` and `Sync`. +- On Web, account for CSS `padding`, `border`, and `margin` when getting or setting the canvas position. +- On Web, add Fullscreen API compatibility for Safari. +- On Web, add `DeviceEvent::Motion`, `DeviceEvent::MouseWheel`, `DeviceEvent::Button` and `DeviceEvent::Key` support. +- On Web, add `EventLoopWindowTargetExtWebSys` and `PollStrategy`, which allows to set different strategies for `ControlFlow::Poll`. By default the Prioritized Task Scheduling API is used, but an option to use `Window.requestIdleCallback` is available as well. Both use `setTimeout()`, with a trick to circumvent throttling to 4ms, as a fallback. +- On Web, add `WindowBuilderExtWebSys::with_append()` to append the canvas element to the web page on creation. +- On Web, allow event loops to be recreated with `spawn`. +- On Web, enable event propagation. +- On Web, fix `ControlFlow::WaitUntil` to never wake up **before** the given time. +- On Web, fix `DeviceEvent::MouseMotion` only being emitted for each canvas instead of the whole window. +- On Web, fix `Window:::set_fullscreen` doing nothing when called outside the event loop but during transient activation. - On Web, fix pen treated as mouse input. -- On Web, send mouse position on button release as well. +- On Web, fix pointer button events not being processed when a buttons is already pressed. +- On Web, fix scale factor resize suggestion always overwriting the canvas size. +- On Web, fix some `WindowBuilder` methods doing nothing. +- On Web, fix some `Window` methods using incorrect HTML attributes instead of CSS properties. +- On Web, fix the bfcache by not using the `beforeunload` event and map bfcache loading/unloading to `Suspended`/`Resumed` events. - On Web, fix touch input not gaining or loosing focus. -- **Breaking:** On Web, dropped support for Safari versions below 13.1. +- On Web, fix touch location to be as accurate as mouse position. +- On Web, handle coalesced pointer events, which increases the resolution of pointer inputs. +- On Web, implement `Window::focus_window()`. +- On Web, implement `Window::set_(min|max)_inner_size()`. +- On Web, implement `WindowEvent::Occluded`. +- On Web, never return a `MonitorHandle`. - On Web, prevent clicks on the canvas to select text. -- On Web, `EventLoopProxy` now implements `Send`. -- On Web, `Window` now implements `Send` and `Sync`. -- **Breaking:** `WindowExtWebSys::canvas()` now returns an `Option`. -- On Web, use the correct canvas size when calculating the new size during scale factor change, - instead of using the output bitmap size. +- On Web, remove any fullscreen requests from the queue when an external fullscreen activation was detected. +- On Web, remove unnecessary `Window::is_dark_mode()`, which was replaced with `Window::theme()`. +- On Web, respect `EventLoopWindowTarget::listen_device_events()` settings. - On Web, scale factor and dark mode detection are now more robust. -- On Web, fix the bfcache by not using the `beforeunload` event and map bfcache loading/unloading to `Suspended`/`Resumed` events. -- On Web, fix scale factor resize suggestion always overwriting the canvas size. +- On Web, send mouse position on button release as well. +- On Web, take all transient activations on the canvas and window into account to queue a fullscreen request. +- On Web, use `Window.requestAnimationFrame()` to throttle `RedrawRequested` events. +- On Web, use the correct canvas size when calculating the new size during scale factor change, instead of using the output bitmap size. +- On Web: fix `Window::request_redraw` not waking the event loop when called from outside the loop. +- On Web: fix position of touch events to be relative to the canvas. +- On Windows, add `drag_resize_window` method support. +- On Windows, add horizontal MouseWheel `DeviceEvent`. +- On Windows, added `WindowBuilderExtWindows::with_class_name` to customize the internal class name. +- On Windows, fix IME APIs not working when from non event loop thread. +- On Windows, fix `CursorEnter/Left` not being sent when grabbing the mouse. +- On Windows, fix `RedrawRequested` not being delivered when calling `Window::request_redraw` from `RedrawRequested`. +- On Windows, port to `windows-sys` version 0.48.0. +- On X11, add a `with_embedded_parent_window` function to the window builder to allow embedding a window into another window. +- On X11, fix event loop not waking up on `ControlFlow::Poll` and `ControlFlow::WaitUntil`. +- On X11, fix false positive flagging of key repeats when pressing different keys with no release between presses. +- On X11, set `visual_id` in returned `raw-window-handle`. +- On iOS, add ability to change the status bar style. +- On iOS, add force data to touch events when using the Apple Pencil. +- On iOS, always wake the event loop when transitioning from `ControlFlow::Poll` to `ControlFlow::Poll`. +- On iOS, send events `WindowEvent::Occluded(false)`, `WindowEvent::Occluded(true)` when application enters/leaves foreground. +- On macOS, add tabbing APIs on `WindowExtMacOS` and `EventLoopWindowTargetExtMacOS`. +- On macOS, fix assertion when pressing `Globe` key. +- On macOS, fix crash in `window.set_minimized(false)`. - On macOS, fix crash when dropping `Window`. -- On Web, use `Window.requestIdleCallback()` for `ControlFlow::Poll` when available. -- **Breaking:** On Web, the canvas size is not controlled by Winit anymore and external changes to - the canvas size will be reported through `WindowEvent::Resized`. -- On Web, respect `EventLoopWindowTarget::listen_device_events()` settings. -- On Web, fix `DeviceEvent::MouseMotion` only being emitted for each canvas instead of the whole window. -- On Web, add `DeviceEvent::Motion`, `DeviceEvent::MouseWheel`, `DeviceEvent::Button` and - `DeviceEvent::Key` support. -- **Breaking** `MouseButton` now supports `Back` and `Forward` variants, emitted from mouse events - on Wayland, X11, Windows, macOS and Web. # 0.28.7 diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml index f1970d56fc..8b2e021ef4 100644 --- a/Cargo.toml +++ b/Cargo.toml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ [package] name = "winit" -version = "0.29.1-beta" +version = "0.29.2" authors = ["The winit contributors", "Pierre Krieger "] description = "Cross-platform window creation library." edition = "2021" diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d7641f0f4b..185d68af30 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ```toml [dependencies] -winit = "0.29.1-beta" +winit = "0.29.2" ``` ## [Documentation](https://docs.rs/winit) @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ book]. #### Android -The Android backend builds on (and exposes types from) the [`ndk`](https://docs.rs/ndk/0.7.0/ndk/) crate. +The Android backend builds on (and exposes types from) the [`ndk`](https://docs.rs/ndk/latest/ndk/) crate. Native Android applications need some form of "glue" crate that is responsible for defining the main entry point for your Rust application as well as tracking @@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ clash. | winit | ndk-glue | | :---: | :--------------------------: | +| 0.29.2| `android-activity = "0.5"` | | 0.28 | `android-activity = "0.4"` | | 0.27 | `ndk-glue = "0.7"` | | 0.26 | `ndk-glue = "0.5"` | @@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ For more details, refer to these `android-activity` [example applications](https If your application is currently based on `NativeActivity` via the `ndk-glue` crate and building with `cargo apk` then the minimal changes would be: 1. Remove `ndk-glue` from your `Cargo.toml` -2. Enable the `"android-native-activity"` feature for Winit: `winit = { version = "0.28", features = [ "android-native-activity" ] }` +2. Enable the `"android-native-activity"` feature for Winit: `winit = { version = "0.29.2", features = [ "android-native-activity" ] }` 3. Add an `android_main` entrypoint (as above), instead of using the '`[ndk_glue::main]` proc macro from `ndk-macros` (optionally add a dependency on `android_logger` and initialize logging as above). 4. Pass a clone of the `AndroidApp` that your application receives to Winit when building your event loop (as shown above). @@ -167,13 +168,13 @@ doing anything; this includes creating windows, fetching monitors, drawing, and so on, see issues [#2238], [#2051] and [#2087]. If you encounter problems, you should try doing your initialization inside -`Event::Resume`. +`Event::Resumed`. #### iOS Similar to macOS, iOS's main `UIApplicationMain` does some init work that's required by all UI related code, see issue [#1705]. You should consider creating your windows -inside `Event::Resume`. +inside `Event::Resumed`. [#2238]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2238