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- [Traits](ch10-02-traits.md)
- [Lifetime syntax](ch10-03-lifetime-syntax.md)
+- [Testing](ch11-00-testing.md)
+ - [Writing tests](ch11-01-writing-tests.md)
+ - [Running tests](ch11-02-running-tests.md)
+ - [Test Organization](ch11-03-test-organization.md)
- [I/O]()
- [`Read` & `Write`]()
- [`std::fs`]()
- [`std::path`]()
- [`std::env`]()
-- [Testing]()
- - [Unit Tests]()
- - [Integration Tests]()
- - [Test Attribute]()
## Thinking in Rust
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+# Testing
+> Program testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but
+> it is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence.
+> Edsger W. Dijkstra, "The Humble Programmer" (1972)
+Rust is a programming language that cares a lot about correctness, but
+correctness is a complex topic and isn't easy to prove. Rust places a lot of
+weight on its type system to help ensure that our programs do what we intend,
+but it cannot help with everything. As such, Rust also includes support for
+writing software tests in the language itself.
+For example, we can write a function called `add_two` with a signature that
+accepts an integer as an argument and returns an integer as a result. We can
+implement and compile that function, and Rust can do all the type checking and
+borrow checking that we've seen it's capable of doing. What Rust *can't* check
+for us is that we've implemented this function to return the argument plus two
+and not the argument plus 10 or the argument minus 50! That's where tests come
+in. We can write tests that, for example, pass `3` to the `add_two` function
+and check that we get `5` back. We can run the tests whenever we make changes
+to our code to make sure we didn't change any existing behavior from what the
+tests specify it should be.
+Testing is a skill, and we cannot hope to cover everything about how to write
+good tests in one chapter of a book. What we can discuss, however, are the
+mechanics of Rust's testing facilities. We'll talk about the annotations and
+macros available to you when writing your tests, the default behavior and
+options provided for running your tests, and how to organize tests into unit
+tests and integration tests.
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+## Writing Tests
+Tests are Rust functions that use particular features and are written in such a
+way as to verify that non-test code is functioning in the expected manner.
+Everything we've discussed about Rust code applies to Rust tests as well! Let's
+look at the features Rust provides specifically for writing tests: the `test`
+attribute, a few macros, and the `should_panic` attribute.
+### The `test` attribute
+At its simplest, a test in Rust is a function that's annotated with the `test`
+attribute. Let's make a new library project with Cargo called `adder`:
+$ cargo new adder
+ Created library `adder` project
+$ cd adder
+Cargo will automatically generate a simple test when you make a new library
+project. Here's the contents of `src/lib.rs`:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+mod tests {
+ #[test]
+ fn it_works() {
+ }
+For now, let's ignore the `tests` module and the `#[cfg(test)]` annotation in
+order to focus on just the function. Note the `#[test]` before it: this
+attribute indicates this is a test function. The function currently has no
+body; that's good enough to pass! We can run the tests with `cargo test`:
+$ cargo test
+ Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
+ Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.22 secs
+ Running target/debug/deps/adder-ce99bcc2479f4607
+running 1 test
+test it_works ... ok
+test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+ Doc-tests adder
+running 0 tests
+test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+Cargo compiled and ran our tests. There are two sets of output here; we're
+going to focus on the first set in this chapter. The second set of output is
+for documentation tests, which we'll talk about in Chapter 14. For now, note
+this line:
+test it_works ... ok
+The `it_works` text comes from the name of our function.
+We also get a summary line that tells us the aggregate results of all the
+tests that we have:
+test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+### The `assert!` macro
+The empty test function passes because any test which doesn't `panic!` passes,
+and any test that does `panic!` fails. Let's make the test fail by using the
+`assert!` macro:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn it_works() {
+ assert!(false);
+The `assert!` macro is provided by the standard library, and it takes one
+argument. If the argument is `true`, nothing happens. If the argument is
+`false`, the macro will `panic!`. Let's run our tests again:
+$ cargo test
+ Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
+ Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.22 secs
+ Running target/debug/deps/adder-ce99bcc2479f4607
+running 1 test
+test it_works ... FAILED
+---- it_works stdout ----
+ thread 'it_works' panicked at 'assertion failed: false', src/lib.rs:5
+note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.
+ it_works
+test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+error: test failed
+Rust indicates that our test failed:
+test it_works ... FAILED
+And shows that the test failed because the `assert!` macro in `src/lib.rs` on
+line 5 got a `false` value:
+thread 'it_works' panicked at 'assertion failed: false', src/lib.rs:5
+The test failure is also reflected in the summary line:
+test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+### Testing equality with the `assert_eq!` and `assert_ne!` macros
+A common way to test functionality is to compare the result of the code under
+test to the value you expect it to be, and check that they're equal. You can do
+this using the `assert!` macro by passing it an expression using the `==`
+macro. This is so common, though, that the standard library provides a pair of
+macros to do this for convenience: `assert_eq!` and `assert_ne!`. These macros
+compare two arguments for equality or inequality, respectively. The other
+advantage of using these macros is they will print out what the two values
+actually are if the assertion fails so that it's easier to see *why* the test
+failed, whereas the `assert!` macro would just print out that it got a `false`
+value for the `==` expression.
+Here's an example test that uses each of these macros and will pass:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn it_works() {
+ assert_eq!("Hello", "Hello");
+ assert_ne!("Hello", "world");
+You can also specify an optional third argument to each of these macros, which
+is a custom message that you'd like to be added to the failure message. The
+macros expand to logic similar to this:
+// assert_eq! - panic if the values aren't equal
+if left_val != right_val {
+ panic!(
+ "assertion failed: `(left == right)` (left: `{:?}`, right: `{:?}`): {}"
+ left_val,
+ right_val,
+ optional_custom_message
+ )
+// assert_ne! - panic if the values are equal
+if left_val == right_val {
+ panic!(
+ "assertion failed: `(left != right)` (left: `{:?}`, right: `{:?}`): {}"
+ left_val,
+ right_val,
+ optional_custom_message
+ )
+Let's take a look at a test that will fail becasue `hello` is not equal to
+`world`. We've also added a custom error message, `greeting operation failed`:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn a_simple_case() {
+ let result = "hello"; // this value would come from running your code
+ assert_eq!(result, "world", "greeting operation failed");
+Running this indeed fails, and the output we get explains why the test failed
+and includes the custom error message we specified:
+---- a_simple_case stdout ----
+ thread 'a_simple_case' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)` (left: `"hello"`, right: `"world"`): greeting operation failed', src/main.rs:4
+The two arguments to `assert_eq!` are named "left" and "right" rather than
+"expected" and "actual"; the order of the value that comes from your code and
+the value hardcoded into your test isn't important.
+Since these macros use the operators `==` and `!=` and print the values using
+debug formatting, the values being compared must implement the `PartialEq` and
+`Debug` traits. Types provided by Rust implement these traits, but for structs
+and enums that you define, you'll need to add `PartialEq` in order to be able
+to assert that values of those types are equal or not equal and `Debug` in
+order to be able to print out the values in the case that the assertion fails.
+Because both of these traits are derivable traits that we mentioned in Chapter
+5, usually this is as straightforward as adding the `#[derive(PartialEq,
+Debug)]` annotation to your struct or enum definition. See Appendix C for more
+details about these and other derivable traits.
+## Test for failure with `should_panic`
+We can invert our test's failure with another attribute: `should_panic`. This
+is useful when we want to test that calling a particular function will cause an
+error. For example, let's test something that we know will panic from Chapter
+8: attempting to create a slice using range syntax with byte indices that
+aren't on character boundaries. Add the `#[should_panic]` attribute before the
+function like the `#[test]` attribute, as shown in Listing 11-1:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn slice_not_on_char_boundaries() {
+ let s = "Здравствуйте";
+ &s[0..1];
+Listing 11-1: A test expecting a `panic!`
+This test will succeed, since the code panics and we said that it should. If
+this code happened to run and did not cause a `panic!`, this test would fail.
+`should_panic` tests can be fragile, as it's hard to guarantee that the test
+didn't fail for a different reason than the one you were expecting. To help
+with this, an optional `expected` parameter can be added to the `should_panic`
+attribute. The test harness will make sure that the failure message contains
+the provided text. A more robust version of Listing 11-1 would be the
+following, in Listing 11-2:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+#[should_panic(expected = "do not lie on character boundary")]
+fn slice_not_on_char_boundaries() {
+ let s = "Здравствуйте";
+ &s[0..1];
+Listing 11-2: A test expecting a `panic!` with a particular message
+Try on your own to see what happens when a `should_panic` test panics but
+doesn't match the expected message: cause a `panic!` that happens for a
+different reason in this test, or change the expected panic message to
+something that doesn't match the character boundary panic message.
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+## Running tests
+Just like `cargo run` compiles your code and then runs the resulting binary,
+`cargo test` compiles your code in test mode and runs the resulting test
+binary. The default behavior of the binary that `cargo test` produces is to run
+all the tests in parallel and to capture output generated during test runs so
+that it's easier to read the output about the test results.
+The default behavior of running tests can be changed by specifying command line
+options. Some of these options can be passed to `cargo test`, and some need to
+be passed instead to the resulting test binary. The way to separate these
+arguments is with `--`: after `cargo test`, list the arguments that go to
+`cargo test`, then the separator `--`, and then the arguments that go to the
+test binary.
+### Tests Run in Parallel
+Tests are run in parallel using threads. For this reason, you should take care
+that your tests are written in such a way as to not depend on each other or on
+any shared state. Shared state can also include the environment, such as the
+current working directory or environment variables.
+If you don't want this behavior, or if you want more fine-grained control over
+the number of threads used, you can send the `--test-threads` flag and the
+number of threads to the test binary. Setting the number of test threads to 1
+means to not use any parallelism:
+$ cargo test -- --test-threads=1
+### Tests Capture Output
+By default, Rust's test library captures and discards output to standard out
+and standard error, unless the test fails. For example, if you call
+`println!()` in a test and the test passes, you won't see the `println!` output
+in your terminal. This behavior can be disabled by sending the `--nocapture`
+flag to the test binary:
+$ cargo test -- --nocapture
+### Running a Subset of Tests by Name
+Sometimes, running a full test suite can take a long time. If you're only
+working on code in a particular area, you might want to only run the tests
+having to do with that code. `cargo test` takes an argument that allows you to
+only run certain tests, specified by name.
+Let's create three tests with the following names as shown in Listing 11-3:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn add_two_and_two() {
+ assert_eq!(4, 2 + 2);
+fn add_three_and_two() {
+ assert_eq!(5, 3 + 2);
+fn one_hundred() {
+ assert_eq!(102, 100 + 2);
+Listing 11-3: Three tests with a variety of names
+Running with different arguments will run different subsets of the tests. No
+arguments, as we've already seen, runs all the tests:
+$ cargo test
+ Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
+ Running target/debug/deps/adder-06a75b4a1f2515e9
+running 3 tests
+test add_three_and_two ... ok
+test one_hundred ... ok
+test add_two_and_two ... ok
+test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+We can pass the name of any test function to run only that test:
+$ cargo test one_hundred
+ Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
+ Running target/debug/deps/adder-06a75b4a1f2515e9
+running 1 test
+test one_hundred ... ok
+test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+We can also pass part of a name, and `cargo test` will run all tests that match:
+$ cargo test add
+ Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
+ Running target/debug/deps/adder-06a75b4a1f2515e9
+running 2 tests
+test add_three_and_two ... ok
+test add_two_and_two ... ok
+test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+Module names become part of the test name, so module names can be used in a
+similar way to run just the tests for a particular module. For example, if our
+code was organized into a module named `adding` and a module named
+`subtracting` with tests in each, as in Listing 11-4:
+mod adding {
+ #[test]
+ fn add_two_and_two() {
+ assert_eq!(4, 2 + 2);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn add_three_and_two() {
+ assert_eq!(5, 3 + 2);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn one_hundred() {
+ assert_eq!(102, 100 + 2);
+ }
+mod subtracting {
+ #[test]
+ fn subtract_three_and_two() {
+ assert_eq!(1, 3 - 2);
+ }
+Listing 11-4: Tests in two modules named `adding` and `subtracting`
+Running `cargo test` will run all of the tests, and the module names will
+appear in the test names in the output:
+$ cargo test
+ Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
+ Running target/debug/deps/adder-d84f1c6cb24adeb4
+running 4 tests
+test adding::add_two_and_two ... ok
+test adding::add_three_and_two ... ok
+test subtracting::subtract_three_and_two ... ok
+test adding::one_hundred ... ok
+Running `cargo test adding` would run just the tests in that module and not any
+of the tests in the subtracting module:
+$ cargo test adding
+ Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
+ Running target/debug/deps/adder-d84f1c6cb24adeb4
+running 3 tests
+test adding::add_three_and_two ... ok
+test adding::one_hundred ... ok
+test adding::add_two_and_two ... ok
+test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+### Ignore Some Tests Unless Specifically Requested
+Sometimes a few specific tests can be very time-consuming to execute, so during
+most runs of `cargo test`, we'd like to exclude them. Instead of having to
+construct an argument to `cargo test` to run all tests except these and
+remember to use that argument every time, we can annotate these tests with the
+`ignore` attribute:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn it_works() {
+ assert!(true);
+fn expensive_test() {
+ // code that takes an hour to run
+Now if we run our tests, we'll see `it_works` is run, but `expensive_test` is
+$ cargo test
+ Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
+ Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.24 secs
+ Running target/debug/deps/adder-ce99bcc2479f4607
+running 2 tests
+test expensive_test ... ignored
+test it_works ... ok
+test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 1 ignored; 0 measured
+ Doc-tests adder
+running 0 tests
+test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+We can run only the expensive tests by explicitly asking to run them using
+`cargo test -- --ignored`:
+$ cargo test -- --ignored
+ Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
+ Running target/debug/deps/adder-ce99bcc2479f4607
+running 1 test
+test expensive_test ... ok
+test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+This way, most of the time that you run `cargo test` the results would be fast.
+When you're at a point that it makes sense to check the results of the
+`ignored` tests and you have time to wait for the results, you can choose to
+run `cargo test -- --ignored` instead.
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+## Test Organization
+As mentioned before, testing is a large discipline, and different people
+sometimes use different terminology and organization. The Rust community tends
+to think about tests in terms of two main categories: *unit tests* and
+*integration tests*. Unit tests tend to be smaller and more focused, testing
+one module in isolation at a time. They can also test private interfaces.
+Integration tests are entirely external to your library. They use your code in
+the same way any other code would, using only the public interface and
+exercising multiple modules per test. Both kinds of tests are important to
+ensure that the pieces of your library are doing what you expect them to
+separately and together.
+### Unit Tests
+The purpose of unit tests is to test each unit of code in isolation from the
+rest of the code, in order to be able to quickly pinpoint where code is working
+as expected or not. Unit tests live in the *src* directory, in the same files
+as the code they are testing. They are separated into their own `tests` module
+in each file.
+#### The Tests Module and `cfg(test)`
+By placing tests in their own module and using the `cfg` annotation on the
+module, we can tell Rust to only compile and run the test code when we run
+`cargo test`. This saves compile time when we only want to build the library
+code with `cargo build`, and saves space in the resulting compiled artifact
+since the tests are not included.
+Remember when we generated the new `adder` project in the last section? Cargo
+generated this code for us:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+mod tests {
+ #[test]
+ fn it_works() {
+ }
+We ignored the module stuff so we could concentrate on the mechanics of the
+test code inside the module, but now let's focus on the code surrounding our
+First of all, there's a new attribute, `cfg`. The `cfg` attribute lets us
+declare that something should only be included given a certain *configuration*.
+Rust provides the `test` configuration for compiling and running tests. By
+using this attribute, Cargo only compiles our test code if we're currently
+trying to run the tests.
+Next, the `tests` module holds all of our test functions, while our code is
+outside of the `tests` module. The name of the `tests` module is a convention;
+otherwise this is a regular module that follows the usual visibility rules we
+covered in Chapter 7. Because we're in an inner module, we need to bring the
+code under test into scope. This can be annoying if you have a large module, so
+this is a common use of globs.
+Up until now in this chapter, we've been writing tests in our `adder` project
+that don't actually call any code we've written. Let's change that now! In
+*src/lib.rs*, place this `add_two` function and `tests` module that has a test
+function to exercise the code, as shown in Listing 11-5:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+pub fn add_two(a: i32) -> i32 {
+ a + 2
+mod tests {
+ use add_two;
+ #[test]
+ fn it_works() {
+ assert_eq!(4, add_two(2));
+ }
+Listing 11-5: Testing the function `add_two` in a child `tests` module
+Notice in addition to the test function, we also added `use add_two;` within
+the `tests` module. This brings the code we want to test into the scope of the
+inner `tests` module, just like we'd need to do for any inner module. If we run
+this test now with `cargo test`, it will pass:
+running 1 test
+test tests::it_works ... ok
+test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+If we had forgotten to bring the `add_two` function into scope, we would get an
+unresolved name error since the `tests` module wouldn't know anything about the
+`add_two` function:
+error[E0425]: unresolved name `add_two`
+ --> src/lib.rs:9:23
+ |
+9 | assert_eq!(4, add_two(2));
+ | ^^^^^^^ unresolved name
+If this module contained lots of code we wanted to test, it would be annoying
+to list everything in the `use` statement in the tests. It's common instead to
+put `use super::*;` within a module's `test` submodule in order to bring
+everything into the `test` module scope at once.
+#### Testing Private Functions
+There's controversy within the testing community about whether you should write
+unit tests for private functions or not. Regardless of which testing ideology
+you adhere to, Rust does allow you to test private functions due to the way
+that the privacy rules work. Consider the code in Listing 11-6 with the private
+function `internal_adder`:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+pub fn add_two(a: i32) -> i32 {
+ internal_adder(a, 2)
+fn internal_adder(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
+ a + b
+mod tests {
+ use internal_adder;
+ #[test]
+ fn internal() {
+ assert_eq!(4, internal_adder(2, 2));
+ }
+Listing 11-6: Testing a private function
+Because tests are just Rust code and the `tests` module is just another module,
+we can import and call `internal_adder` in a test just fine. If you don't think
+private functions should be tested, there's nothing in Rust that will compel
+you to do so.
+### Integration Tests
+In Rust, integration tests are tests that are entirely external to your
+library. They use your library in the same way any other code would. Their
+purpose is to test that many parts of your library work correctly together.
+Units of code that work correctly by themselves could have problems when
+integrated, so test coverage of the integrated code is important as well.
+#### The *tests* Directory
+Cargo has support for integration tests in the *tests* directory. If you make
+one and put Rust files inside, Cargo will compile each of the files as an
+individual crate. Let's give it a try!
+First, make a *tests* directory at the top level of your project directory,
+next to *src*. Then, make a new file, *tests/integration_test.rs*, and put the
+code in Listing 11-7 inside:
+Filename: tests/integration_test.rs
+extern crate adder;
+fn it_adds_two() {
+ assert_eq!(4, adder::add_two(2));
+Listing 11-7: An integration test of a function in the `adder` crate
+We now have `extern crate adder` at the top, which we didn't need in the unit
+tests. Each test in the `tests` directory is an entirely separate crate, so we
+need to import our library into each of them. This is also why `tests` is a
+suitable place to write integration-style tests: they use the library like any
+other consumer of it would, by importing the crate and using only the public
+We also don't need a `tests` module in this file. The whole directory won't be
+compiled unless we're running the tests, so we don't need to annotate any part
+of it with `#[cfg(test)]`. Also, each test file is already isolated into its
+own crate, so we don't need to separate the test code further.
+Let's run the integration tests, which also get run when we run `cargo test`:
+$ cargo test
+ Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
+ Running target/debug/deps/adder-91b3e234d4ed382a
+running 1 test
+test tests::it_works ... ok
+test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+ Running target/debug/integration_test-952a27e0126bb565
+running 1 test
+test it_adds_two ... ok
+test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+ Doc-tests adder
+running 0 tests
+test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+Now we have three sections of output: the unit tests, the integration test, and
+the doc tests. Note that adding more unit tests in any *src* file will add more
+lines to the unit tests section. Adding more test functions to the integration
+test file we created will add more lines to that section. If we add more
+integration test *files* in the *tests* directory, there will be more
+integration test sections: one for each file.
+Specifying a test function name argument with `cargo test` will also match
+against test function names in any integration test file. To run all of the
+tests in only one particular integration test file, use the `--test` argument
+of `cargo test`:
+$ cargo test --test integration_test
+ Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
+ Running target/debug/integration_test-952a27e0126bb565
+running 1 test
+test it_adds_two ... ok
+test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
+#### Submodules in Integration Tests
+As you add more integration tests, you may want to make more than one file in
+the `tests` directory in order to group the test functions by the functionality
+they're testing, for example. As we mentioned before, that will work fine,
+given that Cargo treats every file as its own crate.
+Eventually, you may have a set of helper functions that are common to all
+integration tests, for example, functions that set up common scenarios. If you
+extract these into a file in the *tests* directory, like *tests/common.rs* for
+example, this file will be compiled into a separate crate just like the Rust
+files in this directory that contain test functions are. There will be a
+separate section in the test output for this file. Since this is probably not
+what you want, it's recommended to instead use a *mod.rs* file in a
+subdirectory, like *tests/common/mod.rs*, for helper functions. Files in
+subdirectories of the *tests* directory do not get compiled as separate crates
+or have sections in the test output.
+#### Integration Tests for Binary Crates
+If your project is a binary crate that only contains a *src/main.rs* and does
+not have a *src/lib.rs*, it is not possible to create integration tests in the
+*tests* directory and use `extern crate` to import the functions in
+*src/main.rs*. This is one of the reasons Rust projects that provide a binary
+have a straightforward *src/main.rs* that calls logic that lives in
+*src/lib.rs*. With that structure, integration tests *can* test the library
+crate by using `extern crate` to cover the important functionality, and if that
+works, the small amount of code in *src/main.rs* will work as well and does not
+need to be tested.
+## Summary
+Rust's testing features provide a way to specify how code should function to
+ensure the code continues to work in the specified ways even as we make
+changes. Unit tests exercise different parts of a library separately and can
+test private implementation details. Integration tests cover the use of many
+parts of the library working together, and use the library's public API to test
+the code in the same way other code will use it. Rust's type system and
+ownership rules help prevent some kinds of bugs, but tests are an important
+part of reducing logic bugs having to do with how your code is expected to
+Let's put together the knowledge from this chapter and other previous chapters
+and work on a project in the next chapter!