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Assembler and runner for the Intcode computer from Advent of Code 2019.

Hello World! program

The following program outputs "Hello World!".

    ARB #message  ; move the relative base to the beginning of our message

    OUT rb        ; output the current character in the message
    ARB #1        ; move the relative base to the next character
    JNZ rb, #loop ; if the next character is non-zero then go back to `loop`

    DB "Hello World!\n"

Assembly language

The compiler can assemble the following instruction set specification into an Intcode program.


Intcode assembly must be written in a UTF-8 encoded file with Unix line endings. Comments start with a semicolon ;.

Operand types

There are two types of operands.

  • Label

    A label refers to an address in a program. For example: end in the following program refers the address of the HLT instruction.

        JZ #0, #end
  • Number

    A binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number. This can be used for specifying manual addresses, address offsets, or exact values. For example: the following reads in a value, minuses 3 from it, and outputs the result.

    IN  x
    ADD x, #-0b11, x+1
    OUT x+0x1

Operand modes

There are three ways to specify the operands for different instructions.

  • Positional

    Specifies a value by specifying the address it should be read from. For example:

    • 19 specifies the value at address 19.
    • x+3 specifies the value at the label x with an offset of 3.
  • Immediate

    Specifies a value by specifying the exact value. For example:

    • #19 specifies the exact value 19.
    • #x+3 specifies the exact label address x with an offset of 3.
  • Relative

    Specifies a value by specifying the address it should be read from as an offset of the relative base. For example:

    • rb+3 specifies the value at the relative base address with an offset of 3.


The following operations are supported, roughly described in the order they are introduced in Advent of Code.

  • ADD

    Adds the first two operands and stores the result in the third. For example: increment the value at x:

    ADD x, #1, x
  • MUL

    Multiplies the first two operands and stores the result in the third. For example: multiply the value at x by 2:

    MUL x, #2, x
  • IN

    Reads a single number and stores it in the first operand. For example: store input at x:

    IN x
  • OUT

    Outputs a single number and stores it in the first operand. For example: output the value at x:

    OUT x
  • JNZ

    Checks if the first operand is non-zero and then jumps to the value of the second operand. For example: set the instruction pointer to label if the value at x is non-zero:

    JNZ x, #label
  • JZ

    Checks if the first operand is zero and then jumps to the value of the second operand. For example: set the instruction pointer to label if the value at x is zero:

    JZ x, #label
  • LT

    Checks if the first operand is less than the second. If true, stores 1 in the third operand else stores 0. For example: check if the value at x is less than 7 and store the result in result:

    LT x, #7, result
  • EQ

    Checks if the first operand is equal to the second. If true, stores 1 in the third operand else stores 0. For example: check if the value at x is equal to 7 and store the result in result:

    EQ x, #7, result
  • ARB

    Adjusts the relative base to the value of the first operand. For example: sets the relative base to the message address:

    ARB #message
  • HLT

    Halts the program. For example:



  • DB

    Places raw data into the program. This must be a sequence of numbers or strings. Strings will be encoded as UTF-8. A label on a DB instruction will refer to the start of the data. For example the following specifies the string "Hello World!" with a newline.

        DB "Hello World!", 10

Special labels

  • _

    Refers to an undefined address. This should be used to indicate that the address will be set at runtime.

  • ip

    Refers to the address of the next instruction. This can be used to dereference a pointer.

Consider the following example where ptr refers to some address and we want to read a value into that address. _ is used because the value of ptr will be filled as the parameter for the IN instruction by the ADD instruction.

ADD ptr, #0, ip+1
IN  _


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