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Deploying Cloud Foundry against bosh-lite using bosh-bootloader (aka bbl)


  • You are using GCP or AWS - bbl only supports these
  • bbl is installed
  • You have set the required environment variables for your IaaS environment as documented in bbl up --help and also the README of bosh-bootloader
  • You have both cf-deployment and bosh-deployment repos handy

1. Obtain the plan patch and bbl up

bbl allows you to modify the IaaS resources it creates and the ops files it uses by passing it a plan-patch.

To deploy BOSH lite to GCP you will need the bosh-lite-gcp plan patch. More information about plan-patches can be found in the BOSH Bootloader repository.

You will need to run bbl plan before you modify it with the plan patch. git clone the bosh-bootloader repository to a local directory and then run the following commands.

mkdir -p my-env/bbl-state && cd my-env/bbl-state
bbl plan --name my-env
cp -r /path/to/patch-dir/. .
bbl up

The path to the plan patch should be something like ~/workspace/bosh-bootloader/plan-patches/bosh-lite-gcp/

2. Targeting and Logging in

There a several ways to target a bosh director. This doc will use alias-env and -e, but you can set environment variables if you prefer.

First, create an alias for your director:

bosh -e $(bbl director-address) --ca-cert <(bbl director-ca-cert) alias-env MY_ENV

Then, log in:

bosh -e MY_ENV login --client $(bbl director-username) --client-secret $(bbl director-password)

3. Upload a stemcell

bosh \
-e MY_ENV \
upload-stemcell \

4. Deploy CF

bosh \
-e MY_ENV \
-d cf \
deploy \
cf-deployment/cf-deployment.yml \
-o cf-deployment/operations/bosh-lite.yml \
-v system_domain=<SYSTEM_DOMAIN>