This is a script I'm working on to further my webscraping skills
Python 3
- Requests
- BeautifulSoup
- catimg
- Currently rewriting my scraper to use Bulbapedia
This script currently asks for the pokedex number of the pokemon you'd like to get information about, then it will get the picture and some related information such as type, abilities, weaknesses, etc.
I wanted to model the output to be similar to screenfetch and neofetch, two popular scripts to grab system information.
Clone this repository to a directory of your choice in the command-line:
git clone
Make sure you have all of the necessary third-party libraries described below
pip install requests
pip install bs4
On Arch Linux:
yaourt -S catimg
Otherwise, follow the instructions here:
The "Gender" category that gets printed out uses ascii symbols and may not print properly depending on your terminal configurations.
Personally, I use adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
and I make sure that my
terminal's default encoding is UTF-8
./ <pokemon_name>
Example below.
This is what I have so far:
However this requires a full-screen terminal in order to come out nicely.
- Make sure it works for every single pokemon, including difficult names such as "Mr. Mime" and "Ho-oh"
- Get higher quality images to output if possible, need to research this more
- Conversely, try to find more pixellated versions of the newer models in hopes of getting a prettier output
- Add a -shiny flag to output the shiny sprite instead of the regular one
- Scrape more relevant information about the pokemon
- Make script work for default size terminal as well as full-screen?
- Rewrite my scraping method to be much cleaner and more uniform
- Include Gen VII pokemon
- Implement old-school sprites because they come out much nicer as seen below
- Possibly add old school gifs from the special games like yellow and crystal