kind cluster
deploy tekton on the cluster from the https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/releases:
kubectl apply -f https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/previous/v0.38.3/release.yaml
- build copilot-ops image
make image
podman tag quay.io/copilot-ops/copilot-ops:latest quay.io/copilot-ops/copilot-ops:local-build
# podman build -t localhost/copilot-ops/copilot-ops .
podman save quay.io/copilot-ops/copilot-ops:local-build -o copilot-ops-image.tar
kind load image-archive copilot-ops-image.tar
- build bot image (TBD)
- deploy the bot manifests - includes tekton Task (one of the steps image is of the copilot-ops)
kubectl create ns copilot-ops-bot
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace copilot-ops-bot
kubectl apply -f manifests/base/tasks/task.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests/base/controller/secret_openai.yaml
kubectl get task copilot-ops-task -o yaml
kubectl get taskrun copilot-ops-bot-copilot-ops-fix-issue-34-fhcnz -o yaml
kubectl get pod copilot-ops-bot-copilot-ops-fix-issue-34-fhcnz-pod -o yaml
deploy the bot pod - deployment
- bot will fetch events from smee.io
- for dev we run the bot locally -
npm run dev
on issue.created event the bot creates a TaskRun (referes to the Task)
next step is going to create/update the PR
Useful commands
- npm run build
- npm run start
- kubectl apply -f manifests/base/tasks/task.yaml
- kubectl apply -f manifests/base/controller/secret_openai.yaml
- oc login
for messing with pods:
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl describe pod ...
- kubectl get secrets
- kubectl logs ...
- oc get ns