- in case name + function is mentioned, annotate name only
- add a name to
in case a. first name and surname is provided, or b. surname and function is provided (thereby making the person unmistakable) - Hansen, Josephen, Christophen are annotated as Hans, Joseph, Christoph
- Ännä Pirchnerin is annotated as pirchner_aennae
- saints (Johan, Franciscus, Mariä) are not annotated
- in case a full name is separated by a page break (
), annotate its second part only and leave the first one unannotated
- place names, e.g. in Seckhlermaister zu Ratenberg, are annotated
- in case a place name is mentioned as part of an organizational name, the place name is not annotated, e.g. Salzburg in Erzbistumb Salzburg, Brixen in Stüffts Brixen