A python3 library providing information of Current & Forecast of Weather as well as Air Pollution based on data from OpenWeatherMap.
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A python3 library providing information of Current & Forecast of Weather as well as Air Pollution based on data from OpenWeatherMap.
Python3 and Above
- Install the Library 👀
pip install py-open-weather
- And you are done 💥
- get Api key from OpenWeatherMap and pass it as environment variable
# for Windows (PowerShell)
# for Linux
>>> export API_KEY='YOUR API KEY'
- (Current) Air pollution Data based on longitude and latitude
>>> from pyweather import airpol
>>> airpol.by_geoc(50,50)
AirpolData(coord={'lon': 50.0, 'lat': 50.0}, list=[ListItem(dt=1609837200, main=Main(aqi=1), components=Components(co=257.02, no=0.27, no2=0.68, o3=55.08, so2=0.54, pm2_5=4.8, pm10=4.86, nh3=0.1))])
- (Forecast) Air pollution Data based on longitude and latitude
>>> from pyweather import airpol
>>> airpol.by_geoc(50,50,'forecast')
- Current Weather Data based on cityname
>>> from pyweather import curweath
>>> curweath.by_cname('delhi')
WeatherData(coord=Coord(lon=77.22, lat=28.67), weather=[WeatherItem(id=701, main='Mist', description='mist', icon='50d')], base='stations', main=Main(temp=292.15, feels_like=293.41, temp_min=292.15, temp_max=292.15, pressure=1016, humidity=93, sea_level=None, grnd_level=None), visibility=1200, wind=Wind(speed=2.1, deg=30, gust=None), clouds=Clouds(all=75), dt=1609836404, sys=Sys(type=1, id=9165, message=None, country='IN', sunrise=1609811084, sunset=1609848469), timezone=19800, id=1273294, name='Delhi', cod=200)
- Current Weather Data based on city id
>>> from pyweather import curweath
>>> curweath.by_cid(2172797)
WeatherData(coord=Coord(lon=145.77, lat=-16.92), weather=[WeatherItem(id=521, main='Rain', description='shower rain', icon='09d'), WeatherItem(id=211, main='Thunderstorm', description='thunderstorm', icon='11d')], base='stations', main=Main(temp=299.2, feels_like=305.28, temp_min=299.15, temp_max=299.26, pressure=1003, humidity=94, sea_level=None, grnd_level=None), visibility=6000, wind=Wind(speed=0.5, deg=270, gust=None), clouds=Clouds(all=75), dt=1609836846, sys=Sys(type=1, id=9490, message=None, country='AU', sunrise=1609789743, sunset=1609836896), timezone=36000, id=2172797, name='Cairns', cod=200)
- Current Weather Data based on zipcode and country code
>>> from pyweather import curweath
>>> curweath.by_zcode(110032, 'in')
WeatherData(coord=Coord(lon=77.29, lat=28.69), weather=[WeatherItem(id=701, main='Mist', description='mist', icon='50d')], base='stations', main=Main(temp=292.15, feels_like=293.41, temp_min=292.15, temp_max=292.15, pressure=1016, humidity=93, sea_level=None, grnd_level=None), visibility=1200, wind=Wind(speed=2.1, deg=30, gust=None), clouds=Clouds(all=75), dt=1609836721, sys=Sys(type=1, id=9165, message=None, country='IN', sunrise=1609811070, sunset=1609848450), timezone=19800, id=0, name='Babarpur (North East Delhi)', cod=200)
- Current Weather Data based on Longitude and Latitude
>>> from pyweather import curweath
>>> curweath.by_geoc(50,50)
WeatherData(coord=Coord(lon=50.0, lat=50.0), weather=[WeatherItem(id=804, main='Clouds', description='overcast clouds', icon='04d')], base='stations', main=Main(temp=262.97, feels_like=256.76, temp_min=262.97, temp_max=262.97, pressure=1042, humidity=93, sea_level=1042, grnd_level=1041), visibility=10000, wind=Wind(speed=4.4, deg=132, gust=None), clouds=Clouds(all=99), dt=1609836784, sys=Sys(type=None, id=None, message=None, country='KZ', sunrise=1609821467, sunset=1609851156), timezone=18000, id=607847, name='West Kazakhstan', cod=200)
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
CodewithRv - ravigoel.1997@gmail.com
Project Link: https://github.com/ravigoel08/py-open-weather