- Bump fsnotify to v1.5.1 fixes issue #28, hpcloud/tail#90.
- PR #27: "Add timeout to tests"by @kokes++. Also timeout on FreeBSD.
- PR #29: "Use temp directory for tests, instead of relative" by @ches++.
- Documentation updates.
- Small linter cleanups.
- Added example in test.
- Document the usage of Cleanup when re-reading a file (thanks to @lesovsky) for issue #18.
- Add example directories with example and tests for issues.
- Fix of checksum problem because of forced tag. No changes to the code.
- Incorporated PR 162 by by Mohammed902: "Simplify non-Windows build tag".
- Incorporated PR 9 by mschneider82: "Added seekinfo to Tail".
- Incorporated PR 7: "Fix deadlock when stopping on non-empty file/buffer", fixes upstream issue 93.
- Incorporated changes of unmerged upstream PR 149 by mezzi: "added line num to Line struct".
- Incorporated changes of unmerged upstream PR 128 by jadekler: "Compile-able code in readme".
- Incorporated changes of unmerged upstream PR 130 by fgeller: "small change to comment wording".
- Incorporated changes of unmerged upstream PR 133 by sm3142: "removed spurious newlines from log messages".
- Incorporated changes of unmerged upstream PR 126 by Code-Hex: "Solved the problem for never return the last line if it's not followed by a newline".
- Incorporated changes of unmerged upstream PR 131 by StoicPerlman: "Remove deprecated os.SEEK consts". The changes bumped the minimal supported Go release to 1.9.
- migration to go modules.
- release of master branch of the dormant upstream, because it contains fixes and improvement no present in the tagged release.