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This repository contains the Solidity-based smart contracts library that facilitates Randamu's on-chain timelock encryption and decryption.

By leveraging this library, developers can implement time-based data unlocking mechanisms securely in their smart contracts.

This library is designed with modularity and simplicity in mind, allowing developers to extend and integrate it into their existing projects easily.


  • Timelock Encryption: Encrypt data that can only be decrypted after a specified block number.
  • Decryption Callback: Implement custom logic that gets triggered when the decryption key is received, i.e., decryption of the Ciphertext.
  • Abstract Interface: Extend and implement the library to suit your specific needs.

Smart Contract Addresses

Contract Address Network
BlocklockSender Proxy 0xfF66908E1d7d23ff62791505b2eC120128918F44 Filecoin Calibration Testnet
BlocklockSender Implementation 0x02097463c21f21214499FAa538240029d2e4A220 Filecoin Calibration Testnet
DecryptionSender Proxy 0x9297Bb1d423ef7386C8b2e6B7BdE377977FBedd3 Filecoin Calibration Testnet
DecryptionSender Implementation 0xea9111e44D23029945f2E46b2bFf26b04D15bd6F Filecoin Calibration Testnet
SignatureSchemeAddressProvider 0xD2b5084E68230D609AEaAe5E4cF7df9ebDd6375A Filecoin Calibration Testnet
BlocklockSignatureScheme 0x62C9CF8Ff30177d8479eDaB017f38017bEbf10C2 Filecoin Calibration Testnet
MockBlocklockReceiver 0x6f637EcB3Eaf8bEd0fc597Dc54F477a33BBCA72B Filecoin Calibration Testnet

Using the Solidity Interfaces


Hardhat (npm)
$ npm install blocklock-solidity
$ forge install randa-mu/blocklock-solidity


To use this library in your project, import the required files into your contract and use the proxy contract address for BlocklockSender in the constructor as the blocklockContract parameter:

// Import the Types library for managing ciphertexts
import {TypesLib} from "blocklock-solidity/src/libraries/TypesLib.sol";
// Import the AbstractBlocklockReceiver for handling timelock decryption callbacks
import {AbstractBlocklockReceiver} from "blocklock-solidity/src/AbstractBlocklockReceiver.sol";

Example Usage

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import {TypesLib} from "blocklock-solidity/src/libraries/TypesLib.sol";
import {AbstractBlocklockReceiver} from "blocklock-solidity/src/AbstractBlocklockReceiver.sol";

contract MockBlocklockReceiver is AbstractBlocklockReceiver {
    uint256 public requestId;
    TypesLib.Ciphertext public encryptedValue;
    uint256 public plainTextValue;

    constructor(address blocklockContract) AbstractBlocklockReceiver(blocklockContract) {}

    function createTimelockRequest(uint256 decryptionBlockNumber, TypesLib.Ciphertext calldata encryptedData)
        returns (uint256)
        // Create timelock request
        requestId = blocklock.requestBlocklock(decryptionBlockNumber, encryptedData);
        // Store the Ciphertext
        encryptedValue = encryptedData;
        return requestId;

    function receiveBlocklock(uint256 requestID, bytes calldata decryptionKey)
        require(requestID == requestId, "Invalid request id");
        // Decrypt stored Ciphertext with the decryption key
        plainTextValue = abi.decode(blocklock.decrypt(encryptedValue, decryptionKey), (uint256));

How It Works

  • Encryption: Use the off-chain TypeScript library to generate the encrypted data (TypesLib.Ciphertext) with a threshold network public key. The following solidity types are supported by the TypeScript library - uint256, int256, address, string, bool, bytes32, bytes, uint256 array, address array, and struct.
  • Timelock Request: Call blocklock.requestBlocklock with the block number after which decryption is allowed and the encrypted data or Ciphertext.
  • Decryption: Once the specified block number is reached, a callback to your receiveBlocklock logic is triggered with the decryption key to unlock the data.


This library is licensed under the MIT License which can be accessed here.


Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug, have a feature request, or want to improve the code, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


Special thanks to the Filecoin Foundation for supporting the development of this library.