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bbenezech edited this page Dec 26, 2011 · 20 revisions

You can include/exclude models totally. They won't appear in RailsAdmin at all.

Blacklist Approach

RailsAdmin.config do |config|
  config.excluded_models << "ClassName"

Whitelist Approach

By default, RailsAdmin automatically discovers all the models in the system and adds them to its list of models to be accessible through RailsAdmin. The excluded_models configuration above permits the blacklisting of individual model classes.

If you prefer a whitelist approach, then you can use the included_models configuration option instead:

RailsAdmin.config do |config|
  config.included_models = ["Class1", "Class2", "Class3"]

Only the models explicitly listed will be put under RailsAdmin access, and the auto-discovery of models is skipped.

The blacklist is effective on top of that, still, so that if you also have:

RailsAdmin.config do |config|
  config.excluded_models = ["Class1"]

then only Class2 and Class3 would be made available to RailsAdmin.

The whitelist approach may be useful if RailsAdmin is used only for a part of the application and you want to make sure that new models are not automatically added to RailsAdmin, e.g. because of security concerns.

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