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167 lines (140 loc) · 5.9 KB

File metadata and controls

167 lines (140 loc) · 5.9 KB
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ToastNotifications v2

Toast notifications for WPF


Example code

Notification position

Using PositionProvider option you can specify the place where notifications should appear.

There are three built-in position providers:

  • WindowPositionProvider - notifications are tracking position of specified window.
  • PrimaryScreenPositionProvider - notifications appears always on main screen in specified position.
  • ControlPositionProvider - notifications are tracking position of specified UI control.

Options like "corner", "offsetX", "offsetY" are used to set distance beetween notifications area and specified corner of Window/Screen/Control.

// WindowPositionProvider
Notifier notifier = new Notifier(cfg =>
    cfg.PositionProvider = new WindowPositionProvider(
        parentWindow: Application.Current.MainWindow,
        corner: Corner.TopRight,
        offsetX: 10,  
        offsetY: 10);
    /* * */

// PrimaryScreenPositionProvider
Notifier notifier = new Notifier(cfg =>
    cfg.PositionProvider = new PrimaryScreenPositionProvider(
        corner: Corner.BottomRight,
        offsetX: 10,  
        offsetY: 10);
    /* * */

// PrimaryScreenPositionProvider
Notifier notifier = new Notifier(cfg =>
    MainWindow mainWindow = Application.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow;
    FrameworkElement trackingElement = mainWindow?.TrackingElement;

    cfg.PositionProvider = new ControlPositionProvider(
        parentWindow: mainWindow,
        trackingElement: trackingElement,
        corner: Corner.BottomLeft,
        offsetX: 10,  
        offsetY: 10);
    /* * */

Notification lifetime

Using LifetimeSupervisor option you can specify when notifications will disappear.

There are two built-in lifetime supervisors:

  • CountBasedLifetimeSupervisor - notifications will disappear only when number of notifications on screen will be will be more than MaximumNotificationCount
  • TimeAndCountBasedLifetimeSupervisor - notifications will disappear when the number of notifications on screen will be more than MaximumNotificationCount or the notification will be on screen longer than specified amount of time

If you need unlimited number of notifications on screen use CountBasedLifetimeSupervisor with MaximumNotificationCount.UnlimitedNotifications() option

// CountBasedLifetimeSupervisor
Notifier notifier = new Notifier(cfg =>
    cfg.LifetimeSupervisor = new CountBasedLifetimeSupervisor(maximumNotificationCount: MaximumNotificationCount.UnlimitedNotifications());
    /* * */

// TimeAndCountBasedLifetimeSupervisor
Notifier notifier = new Notifier(cfg =>
    cfg.LifetimeSupervisor = new TimeAndCountBasedLifetimeSupervisor(
        notificationLifetime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),
        maximumNotificationCount: MaximumNotificationCount.FromCount(5));
    /* * */


Set the dispatcher used by library

Notifier notifier = new Notifier(cfg =>
    cfg.Dispatcher = Application.Current.Dispatcher;
    /* * */

Notifier DisplayOptions

Notifier notifier = new Notifier(cfg =>
    cfg.DisplayOptions.TopMost = true; // set the option to show notifications over other windows
    cfg.DisplayOptions.Width = 250; // set the notifications width
    /* * */

Notifier clear messages

There is an option to remove notifications by theirs messages

Notifier notifier = new Notifier(cfg =>
    /* * */

notifier.ClearMessages(new ClearAll()); // removes all notifications
notifier.ClearMessages(new ClearByMessage()); // removes only messages with message specified message text
notifier.ClearMessages(new ClearByTag()); // removes all notifications with specified tag
notifier.ClearMessages(new ClearFirst()); // removes first notification
notifier.ClearMessages(new ClearLast()); // removes last notification

Message options

using ToastNotifications.Messages.Core;
/* * */
var options =  new MessageOptions{
    FontSize = 30, // set notification font size
    ShowCloseButton = false, // set the option to show or hide notification close button
    Tag = "Any object or value which might matter in callbacks",
    FreezeOnMouseEnter = true, // set the option to prevent notification dissapear automatically if user move cursor on it
    NotificationClickAction = n => // set the callback for notification click event
        n.Close(); // call Close method to remove notification
    CloseClickAction = n => {
        var opts = obj.DisplayPart.GetOptions();
        _vm.ShowInformation($"Notification close clicked, Tag: {opts.Tag}");
/* * */
notifier.ShowError(message, options);

Notifier keyboard event handler

By default notifier blocks every key input in notification to avoid interruptions and other problems. In cases when you need text inputs in custom notifications, you have to specify KeyboardEventHandler which will decide if keyboard event should be blocked or pass through.

Notifier notifier = new Notifier(cfg =>
    /* * */
	cfg.KeyboardEventHandler = new DelegatedInputEventHandler(args => { args.Handled = true/false; });
	 /* * */
	cfg.KeyboardEventHandler = new AllowedSourcesInputEventHandler(new []{ typeof(CustomInputDisplayPart) });