- Apache 2
- PHP 5.5 with SQLite3 support
- Sqlite 3.3+/MySQL
- Composer
- Elasticsearch 2.0+
Ubuntu Packages:
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php php-xml php7.0-mbstring php7.0-sqlite php7.0-curl sqlite3
Fedora Packages:
$ sudo dnf install httpd php php-posix php-pdo php-xml sqlite
$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
Here's a guide on setting up Exim.
This guide assumes you already have an Elasticsearch cluster ingesting data from Logstash. You can use that cluster for storing 411 alerts or set up a separate cluster entirely. For the latter, here's a guide on setting up Elasticsearch
Set up Apache:
Enable the mod_rewrite
and mod_headers
Apache modules.
Grab the newest release.
Set up Apache VHost:
411.conf is a sample vhost config you can use. Copy it into the appropriate directory and replace HOSTNAME
with the hostname of the box.
Enable the mod_rewrite
and mod_headers
Apache modules.
a2enmod rewrite
a2enmod headers
Move the 411 directory into /var/www
. You may have to fix permissions on the directory so that the database is writable by Apache.
Install dependencies:
$ composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
Create the database (sqlite):
$ sqlite3 data.db < db.sql
Create the database (mysql):
$ mysql
> create database fouroneone
> use fouroneone
> source ./db_mysql.sql
Rename config_example.php
to config.php
and make changes as necessary.
Run the db migration script:
$ bin/migration.php
Migrating from A.B.C to D.E.F
Migration complete!
Create a new 411 site:
# Run the bin/create_site.php script and answer the questions.
# Important: The hostname has to match what you've configured in the vhost. (Including the port, if it's nonstandard)
# If this is not possible, set the `FOURONEONEHOST` value in the vhost to the same value.
$ bin/create_site.php
Creating new site
Site name: FourOneOne
Hostname: demo.fouroneone.io
From email: alert@fouroneone.io
Default To email: admin@fouroneone.io
Site created! ID: 1
Note that 411 supports multiple sites under the same database! To create another site, just re-run create_site.php
Create a new user:
# Run the bin/create_user.php script and answer the questions.
$ bin/create_user.php
Creating new user
Username: admin
Real name: Admin
Password: 1
Email: admin@fouroneone.io
Admin (y/n): y
User created! ID: 1
Set up the cron:
# Add the following line into your crontab.
$ crontab -u USER -e
* * * * * /var/www/411/bin/cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1 && /var/www/411/bin/worker.php > /dev/null 2>&1
That's all! Next, check out the guide to get a Search set up.