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spellux - Automatic text normalization for Luxembourgish

Spellux is a package made for the automatic correction of Luxembourgish texts. The package is written in Python 3 (3.6 or higher). The current build is a working development prototype, not a fully-fledged orthographic normalizer. The same holds true for correction accuracy: follow-up versions will bring an improved pretrained correction dictionary as well as additional algorithms for candidate evaluation. The resources in spellux are tailored to Luxembourgish, the architecture or code snippets, however, might still be useful for other small languages. So everyone feel free to test, contribute, modify.

In its current state, the package is a bit resource-heavy and not very fast, especially when you use it for larger chunks of text with a lot of words not yet recorded in the pretrained dictionary or lemma list. This will change with following releases and a better correction dictionary. For now, the package will be used mainly for testing, evaluation, and development, as it does return a number of wrong corrections. This is mainly due to the large amount of orthographic variation in Luxembourgish.

The current build produces some false positive corrections, i.e., for variants that match a lemma with a different meaning (e.g., Sproch 'saying' as a common spelling variant for Sprooch 'language'). It also produces some false negative corrections, i.e., wrong matches using the resource-based or string similarity matching modes (e.g., gefaalt 'folded' instead of gefält 'pleases' for gefaelt with Umlaut).

The package makes use of three pretrained correction resources:

  • Matching dictionary: A pretrained dictionary with variant-lemma pairs trained on the comment data from The dict is used for the first correction routine during processing. It can be updated with new word pairs and reset to retrain it on your own data.
  • Lemma list: A list of lemmas from The list is used for the second correction routine during processing.
  • Word embedding model: A word embedding model (Word2Vec) trained on the entire corpus data. It is used for candidate evaluation in the third correction routine (modes 'model' and 'combo').

All correction resources are work in progress and will be updated with following releases. The matching dict can be expanded and modified by setting the add_matches parameter when calling normalization method and then calling the update_resources() method at the end of the training session. It can also be reset if you want to retrain it based on your own data set.

The correction resources for the package stem from two major resources:

  • In the context of the STRIPS project at the University of Luxembourg (see, the RTL Media Group has provided us with all article and comment text data published on the website between 2008 and 2018 for the development of semantic annotation algorithms (e.g., sentiment). See for the news portal.
  • Michel Weimerskirch, author of the online correction tool, has provided us with a lemma list and variant-correction live data. See for the resources.


For now, you can download the repo to your hard disk. In Terminal, go to the top-level directory of the repo, then type:

pip install .

The package will be added to your local Python installation.

In order to prepare your system for working with spellux, run the following command to install all required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The following external packages are required for working with spellux:

  • gensim (>=3.8.0): processing of the word embedding model (Word2Vec)
  • jellyfish (>=0.7.2): fuzzy string matching including different algorithms
  • progressbar (>=2.5): progress visualization for text processing
  • spacy (>=2.2.2): NLP including language support for Luxembourgish
  • scikit-learn (>=0.22.1): machine learning package used for tf-idf matching


To correct text with spellux, use the following basic commands:

# Import the package
import spellux

# Define dictionary with exceptions to override existing matches between variant and lemma
# This step is not obligatory
excs = {'Wort':'Wuert'}

# Define the text to match
# Note: This can be a string or a list of string tokens
text = "Eche hun d'Wort heut den Muaren mussen leesen."

# Reset global correction statistics to zero
spellux.global_stats(text, reset=True)

# Call the function on a new instance
correct = spellux.normalize_text(text, exceptions=excs, mode='combo', sim_ratio=0.8,
          add_matches=True, stats=True, print_unknown=False, nrule=True, indexing=False,
          lemmatize=False, stopwords=False, output='string', progress=False)

# Print the result of the correction
"Ech hunn d'Wuert haut de Muere musse liesen."

# Save the updated matching dict, and a list of unknown words to a text file
spellux.update_resources(matchdict=True, unknown=False, reset_matchdict=False)

# Print global correction statistics after correction
# The report parameter triggers a print out report
spellux.global_stats(text, reset=False, report=True)

# Use lemmatize method outside the main correction routine
# Note: this method takes a list of tokens as input, not a string
tokens = ["Du", "hues", "Quatsch", "mat", "eise", "Sprooche", "gemaach", "."]

lemmas = spellux.lemmatize_text(tokens, sim_ratio=0.8)


["Du", "hunn", "Quatsch", "mat", "eis", "Sprooch", "maachen", "."]

Note: You can use the Jupyter notebook to test the package.

Arguments of the normalize_text() method

The corrector function takes a couple of arguments to specify the processing and output options.

spellux.normalize_text(text, exceptions={}, mode='safe', sim_ratio=0.8, add_matches=True,
                       stats=True, print_unknown=False, nrule=True, indexing=False,
                       lemmatize=False, stopwords=False, output="string", progress=False)

This is the only obligatory argument. It specifies the string or token list to process.


Default setting: { }

You can specify an exception dictionary (of type {variant:lemma}) to define specific variant-lemma pairs relevant to your data. Note: If you set the add_matches parameter to True, this option replaces the existing matches in the correction resources for the variants specified in the dict.


Default setting: 'safe'

Specify the correction mode for processing:

  • safe mode uses only the existing correction resources (lemma list, pretrained matching dict) for correction. This increases the number of variants not found but limits the number of correction errors.
  • model mode uses the word embedding model for candidate evaluation. The function returns the 10 nearest neighbors for a word and evaluates the most likely candidate using string similarity matching in jellyfish. This mode is very fast but sometimes does not return a candidate, especially for rare variants.
  • norvig mode uses the well-known spelling corrector written by Peter Norvig (see Here, words within max. 2 edits distance are evaluated by probability against a large text file (containing RTL article data). This method works best for typo detection. Also, it tends to be slow when processing long words.
  • tf-idf mode uses an ngram-based similarity matrix for candidate evaluation based on the TfidfVectorizer method in scikit-learn. Faster than norvig mode, and always returns a candidate – but sometimes weird ones.
  • combo mode determines correction candidates based on a combination of model, norvig, and td-idf. The three candidates are evaluated using string similarity matching in jellyfish. Given its composition of three correction processes plus evaluation, this is the slowest mode.

Note: There is an additional training mode that is only available internally for development and testing purposes. So don't bother activating it. Won't work.

sim_ratio=0.8 # floating number between 0 and 1

Default setting: 0.8

This setting specifies the similarity ratio for candidate correction to finetune correction – and reduce the number of clearly wrong candidates. During the evaluation of a candidate for the correction, the input string and the correction candidates are compared as for string similarity using the Jaro-Winkler method in jellyfish (see here for an explanation). If the similarity ratio lies below the defined threshold, the correction candidate is disregarded. This setting affects the correction modes 'model'/'norvig'/'tf-idf'/'combo'.


Default setting: True

This setting allows you add new matches found during processing to a temporary extension of the matching dict. Set this to False when experimenting with the different correction modes. Note: If you want to save the updated matching dict, call the update_resources() function at the end of a correction session.


Default setting: True

This setting allows you to print basic statistics for the correction task:

  • Number of words: The total number of words processed.
  • Number of new matches: The number of new variant-lemma matches found during text processing.
  • Corrected items: The number of items corrected during processing.
  • Items not found: The number of items for which no correction was found in the correction resources.

Default setting: False

Setting this parameter to True returns a list of the items not found during the correction process.


Default setting: True

Option to correct the so called 'n-rule', a characteristic of Luxembourgish orthography based on phonetic context. Words ending in -n or -nn only keep their ending before vowel and certain consonants (n, t, d, z, h) in the onset of the following word. See for details. For a full documentation of the rule (and its exceptions), see, point '6. D'n-Reegel'. Note: Right now, the package covers the basic rule and most exceptions, including remaining n-endings before punctuation. It does not correct exceptions for personal and geographic names.


Default setting: False

Parameter to activate text output indexing for testing and development. The current version uses the following indices:

  • '0': No candidate found during processing [item unchanged]
  • '1': Item found in the matching dict [item unchanged/corrected]
  • '2': item found in the lemma list [item unchanged/corrected]
  • '3': candidate correction based on the chosen correction mode [item corrected]

Default setting: False

Parameter to reduce word forms to the lemma. This process is based on a lemma-inflection form dictionary and only works for words in the variant list at the moment. Note: This parameter does not interact well with the n-rule correction activated. But then again, why would you combine those two anyways?


Default setting: False

Parameter to remove frequent function words from the text, for example, when preparing texts for the training of word embedding models.

output="string", "list", "json"

Default setting: "string"

With this option, you can write the output of the correction process different formats. The following formats are available:

  • 'string': The text is returned as a string.
  • 'list': The text is returned as a list of tokens.
  • 'json': The text ist returned as list of dictionaries that includes the original form of the word, the corrected form of the word, the word index to restore text shape, the correction index (if indexing is set to True).

Default setting: False

This option enables a progress bar for the correction process. This can be useful for larger portions of text. Note: If you use the function in a for loop, e.g., as part of a workflow that corrects multiple small instances of text, set this option to False to avoid an ever-restarting progress bar.

Arguments of the lemmatize_text() method

The lemmatizer takes two arguments for reducing word forms to their lemma

spellux.lemmatize_text(text, sim_ratio=0.8)

This is the only obligatory argument. It specifies the input to process. Note: The input text has to be a list of tokens, not a string.

sim_ratio=0.8 # Floating number between 0 and 1

Default setting: 0.8

As for the correction routine, this setting specifies the similarity ratio for candidate correction to finetune lemmatization – and reduce the number of wrong candidates.

Arguments of the update_resources() method

The update function takes three arguments to specify the resources to update.

spellux.update_resources(matchdict=True, unknown=False, reset_matchdict=False)

Default setting: True

Option to update the matching dictionary with new items (pairs of {variant:lemma}) found during text processing. This includes the exception dictionary if defined.


Default setting: False

Option to save the list of words not found during the correction process to a text file in your working directory.


Default setting: False

Option to reset the matching dictionary. This can be useful if you notice a lot of correction mistakes and want to retrain the dict on other/better data or resources.

Arguments of the global_stats() method

The global stats method takes one obligatory argument, the corpus to be counted, and two conditional arguments: the reset parameter to reset the counters to zero and the report parameter that triggers a print out report of the stats.

spellux.global_stats(corpus, reset=False, stopwords=False, report=False)

Pass the variable that holds your corpus here to compute global correction stats.


Default setting: False

Option to reset global statistics. Use this parameter at the beginning of a correction session/loop to reset the counters.


Default setting: False

Set this to True to report the number of stop words removed from the text during correction and adjust the number of words total accordingly.


Default setting: False

If set to True, the method returns a print version of the correction statistics. If set to False, the method returns a list of tuples.

State of affairs & roadmap

Right now, the correction routine produces too many false positive and false negative corrections. Some of these can hardly be avoided using automatic word correction, i.e., due to the large amount of spelling variation in Luxembourgish and the high number of homographs this produces when checking against the lemma list. The correction resources and algorithms for candidate corrections need to be tested in detail and improved to reduce the number of false negative corrections.

Another way of improving matching accuracy and candidate evaluation could be the integration of a POS and word-context (trigrams) look-up during correction. Since tokenization in spellux is done with spaCy, POS information should be easy to implement for the tokens to be corrected. Plus, the lemma list from does hold POS information. Both resources use slightly different POS annotation systems, though. These need to be harmonized to implement this resource.

I also want to try and replace the word embedding model with a character-based representation of spelling variants using the char2vec approach (see

Reference paper

For a detailed description of logic behind the spellux package and a first application see the following reference paper:

Purschke, Christoph (2020): Attitudes towards multilingualism in Luxembourg. A comparative analysis of online news comments and crowdsourced questionnaire data. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 3:536086. doi:

Package info

published='first published in March 2020; last updated (0.1.4) in August 2020'
description='Automatic text normalization for Luxembourgish',
author='Christoph Purschke',