QLI Farm Connect is a specific proxy to connect to the QLI platform. This allows anyone to operate its own entry point (API) for the QLI Client.
Farm Connect is in beta state and may run with errors.
- Account is needed
- Quick Test (not recommended)
- Docker Compose (recommended)
- Docker Environment Variables
- Farm Connect API
- When to use Farm Connect
- How to connect Clients to Farm Connect
To operate with Farm Connect, you need a valid account on the QLI Platform. You can register an account on https://pool.qubic.li. Farm Connect is compatible with standard pool and self hosted training. Currently it only works in solo mode.
If you want to see how it works the quick way, start the following command.
docker run --name qli-farm-connect -e FarmConnect__AccessToken=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6ImUxODc5YzQ3LTIwZjUtNDA5Yy05MThkLTRhYzgyNzFiYjYxMSIsIk1pbmluZyI6IiIsIm5iZiI6MTcyNTE5NzA5NSwiZXhwIjoxNzU2NzMzMDk1LCJpYXQiOjE3MjUxOTcwOTUsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcXViaWMubGkvIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9xdWJpYy5saS8ifQ.hBYWpMvvpj8N-t6r6iIdF5y8ayKxtSi0FEb689oOrbPiwBrs76MBvpva7mbOQslzuEFJ8jZSFHlD1QgR6P9YMcTh5fZndI24VBD8lEkNUQPP1wWAOwEUQy-Yk1VTRg7L654ksf0jE4Obj_CDTPyIkK2f5C817--zE7uyngF3-hMRf3Taqus_jR2qqxYSz2D2B2nEYbrRWMDGoMf1tDHq3kFWaFqOr72IjgqkIDV3hs880mhiKcdI0USv54UK-tBon5B_WFJivPr5uo-OUrbILlU24AgTeLYskf1ajIIFnCqJVrAbYxEiaZ0cH1Ey5k6aDfRveb9wqhSQbTMGZuTsOw -e FarmConnect__Name=test-container1 -v /root/data:/app/data qliplatform/farm-connect:latest
e.g. touch compose.yaml
Add the following content:
image: qliplatform/farm-connect:latest
restart: always
container_name: qli-farm-connect
- "80:8080" # opens port 80 for communication
# Optional to save local cache data outside of the container
# volumes:
# - /root/data:/app/data
FarmConnect__Name: "My Farm XY" # the name of your farm
FarmConnect__AccessToken: "ACCESSTOKEN" # your qli platform access token
FarmConnect__ApiPassword: "MySuperSecretPassword" # CHANGE! this to a secret password used to access the farm connect API
image: containrrr/watchtower
container_name: watchtower
command: --interval 300
The above compose.yaml
file will start Farm Connect and also add the Watchtower which will keep your Farm Connect always up to date. With --interval 300
every 5 minutes Watchtower will check for a new Farm Connect version and if there is one, update it automatically.
docker compose up -d
docker compose down
Latest Log Messages:
docker logs qli-farm-connect
Follow Log Messages:
docker logs -f qli-farm-connect`
# (Cancel with CTRL+C)
Param | Default | Description |
**FarmConnect_AccessToken | empty | Your QLI Platform AccessToken |
*FarmConnect__Name | QLI Farm Connect |
The Name of your Farm |
*FarmConnect_ApiPassword | random value | The password needed to access the Farm Connect API |
FarmConnect__DataFolder | data |
The Name of your Farm |
FarmConnect__TargetSeedBufferSize | 1 |
The max number of target Seeds that should be trained at the same time |
FarmConnect__PoolAddress | wps.qubic.li |
Main pool address |
*Recommended to set
The QLI Farm Connect offers an API to query current performance data.
To access the API, you need to provide for each request the defined password as an URL parameter.
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /status/RandomMiningSeed?pw=<APIPassword> |
Returns the current active mining seed |
GET | /status/LiveStat?pw=<APIPassword> |
Returns live stats of connected clients |
GET | /status/CalculatedStat?pw=<APIPassword> |
Returns calculated/verified stats of your account (e.g. found solutions) |
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /command/ReloadTargetSeeds?pw=<APIPassword> |
Let's Farm Connect refetch current target seeds |
Using Farm Connect can have a possitive effect for you when:
- When you want to connect >100 clients from same location
- When your internet bandwidth is limited
- When you do not want to use official QLI pool addresses
- When you want to do custom statitstics
- When you want to have custom monitoring of your clients
Assuming you run an own training farm with 100erds of clients and you have only one internet access. This could also harm your clients performance.
Farm Connect as proxy between the QLI API and your clients helps to reduce needed bandwith. Your clients will connect to Farm Connect instead of the official QLI API.
To connect your clients to Farm Connect, just change the baseUrl
, socketUrl
and/or poolAddress
to your own IP Address/Domain.
Sample Configuration for Clients with Version < 3.0
"socketUrl": "ws://YOURIPADDRRESS:YOURPORT/ws"
Sample Configuration for Clients with Version >= 3.0
// scheme
"poolAddress": "ws://YOURIPADDRESS:YOURPORT/"
// example with ip address and default port 80
"poolAddress": "ws://"
// example with ip address and custom port 3548
"poolAddress": "ws://"
// example with domain and default port 80
"poolAddress": "ws://myFarmConnect.com/ws"
// example with domain and custom port 3548
"poolAddress": "ws://myFarmConnect.com:3548/ws"
// example with domain and SSL proxy and default port 443
"poolAddress": "wss://myFarmConnect.com/ws"
// example with domain and SSL proxy and custom port 3548
"poolAddress": "wss://myFarmConnect.com:3548/ws"